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Space Cadets

Sixth Grade Unit 4 Week 4. Space Cadets. Tyanna Bischoff, Hawthorne . aliens. ore. Words to Know. barge. refrain. hospitable. universal. molten. version. Aliens Barge Hospitable Molten Ore Refrain Universal version. version. A special form or variant of something. Aliens

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Space Cadets

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sixth Grade Unit 4 Week 4 Space Cadets Tyanna Bischoff, Hawthorne

  2. aliens ore Words to Know barge refrain hospitable universal molten version

  3. Aliens Barge Hospitable Molten Ore Refrain Universal version version A special form or variant of something

  4. Aliens Barge Hospitable Molten Ore Refrain Universal version refrain To keep yourself from doing something

  5. Aliens Barge Hospitable Molten Ore Refrain Universal version molten Made liquid by heat; melted

  6. Aliens Barge Hospitable Molten Ore Refrain Universal version barge large, strongly-built boat or ship for carrying freight or waste

  7. Aliens Barge Hospitable Molten Ore Refrain Universal version aliens Imaginary creatures from outer space

  8. Aliens Barge Hospitable Molten Ore Refrain Universal version hospitable Friendly; receptive

  9. AliensBargeHospitableMoltenOreRefrainUniversalversion ore Rock containing enough of a metal or metals to make mining profitable

  10. universal AliensBargeHospitableMoltenOreRefrainUniversalversion Existing everywhere, for all purposes

  11. Which means the same thing as the underlined word? There is evidence for volcanic type activity suggesting a once molten core. solid liquid

  12. Which means the same thing as the underlined word? In the movies, people will travel to the ends of the galaxy to meet all sorts of aliens. creatures people

  13. Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Aliens are not always hospitable to the visiting humans. mean friendly

  14. Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Sometimes it seems as if the creatures can not refrain from war and crime. Hold back engage

  15. Which means the same thing as the underlined word? A barge loaded with valuable cargo may be stolen by space pirates and then returned to its owners by the good forces. ship truck

  16. Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The Hollywood version of life in outer space is like life at home with special effects! Variant movie

  17. You’ve got it!

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