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体现融合的竞争优势 实现融合的多种思路

体现融合的竞争优势 实现融合的多种思路. 殷玉萍 (Juni Yan) 甲骨文全球通信事业部北亚区总经理. 提纲. 融合的概念及趋势 实现融合的多种思路 案例分 享(马来西亚电信、 DNA ). 融合的概念及趋势. 融合不只是业务捆绑销售 (Multi-Play Bundles)…. 还包括 … 融合的新业务及新业务模式 帐户 架构融合、 资费创新 融合 预付、后付的融合, 混合资费 客户、帐户架构的融合 多网融合、 NT 和 IT 融合 跨屏、跨网融合 (N-screens) ICT 融合业务 Telco-enterprise mash-up

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体现融合的竞争优势 实现融合的多种思路

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  1. 体现融合的竞争优势实现融合的多种思路 殷玉萍 (Juni Yan)甲骨文全球通信事业部北亚区总经理

  2. 提纲 • 融合的概念及趋势 • 实现融合的多种思路 • 案例分享(马来西亚电信、DNA)

  3. 融合的概念及趋势

  4. 融合不只是业务捆绑销售 (Multi-Play Bundles)… • 还包括…融合的新业务及新业务模式 • 帐户架构融合、资费创新融合 • 预付、后付的融合,混合资费 • 客户、帐户架构的融合 • 多网融合、NT 和 IT 融合 • 跨屏、跨网融合 (N-screens) • ICT 融合业务 • Telco-enterprise mash-up • M2M / Telematics,等等 • 更多种类的合作伙伴及更新上下游生态环境 不只是…融合的业务捆绑销售

  5. 预付后付融合及混合资费 ! 举例:Dynamic Data Usage Control and Real-Time Booster $500 $450 ! ! 400 0 MB $400 350 ! 203 MB remaining 300 0 MB $300 Fair usage limit reached! Your speed is being limited for the remainder of the month. ! 150 MB Normal Lane Speed 50 375 MB 200 40 512 MB remaining Fast Lane Speed 30 750 MB Additional 100 MB of fast lane speed for $1 Purchase 20 Additional 250 MB of fastlane speed for $2 920 MB remaining Son Games Purchase Fast Lane Speed Wife Data Family Plan Total $ Daughter Music

  6. 创新的客户及帐户架构融合 Prepaid / Postpaid Convergence Within & X-Subscribers / Accounts Prepaid / Postpaid Convergence Within & X Mass and Corporate Prepaid / Postpaid Convergence Within & X Social Network Groups Data Auto Top-Up by Dad’s Account ABC inc Engineering Expo Site Employee Sales & Marketing Test Support APAC Site Mom Dad Son Daughter Employee 3 Employee 1 Employee 1 Employee 2 Corporate Sharing of Voice Employee 2 Group Sharing Voice Minutes Voice Voice Voice Voice Employee 3 Employee 4 Employee 7 Corporate Sharing of Data Employee 4 Employee 5 Employee 8 IDD(prepaid) Data Data Personal Subscription of VAS (prepaid) Employee 5 Multi-SIMs Employee 9 Employee 6 Data (handset) • Subscribe multiple offerings by different social network groups • Any payment methods (pre / postpaid) Employee 6 Employee 10 Data (tablet) Data (tablet) • Charge Sharing Groups • Charge Sharing Rules Employee 11 Multiple Innovative Groupings, Hierarchies and Offerings! Dynamic Changes of Groupings, Hierarchies and Offerings!

  7. 跨屏、跨网融合 (N-screens Convergence) • 通信、内容、增值业务的融合 =》实现创新的用户体验

  8. NT 和 IT 融合 – ICT及多种云服务

  9. Network Network Network IT IT IT NT 和 IT 融合 – 能力开放的多种业务模式 Open Collaborative Model Business Wholesale Model Operator Branded Model Web2.0 ISP Web2.0 ISP MVNO, OLO, 3rd party ecosistem TI ecosystem Messaging, Presence, Billing, Location, …. Messaging, Presence, Billing, Location, …. Messaging, Presence, Billing, Location, CC, … Telecom Italia Telecom Italia Telecom Italia Telco functionalities are exposed to third parties. They are used under specific commercial agreements. Telco capabilities are integrated in 3rd party ecosystems to exploit their viral distribution in existing dev communities. New ecosystems creation for Telco-based User Generated Services through SDK and mash-up environment.

  10. M2M / Telematics

  11. 更新上下游生态环境的业务支撑 Upstream Downstream Service Provider Direct Channel Consumer Wholesale Providers Partner Settlement • A new ecosystem created as a result of the evolving new business models and services (e.g. Hosting Services, MVNEs, M2M, ICT, Telco-Enterprise Mash-ups, etc.) in the communications industry. • Need to support different types of partners and settlement / sponsorship plans in a fast time-to-market manner. • Need to manage the cash flow stream from customers to partners. AP / CP MVNO / Reseller Corporate Advertisers Roaming / Interconnect

  12. 实现融合的多种思路

  13. 实现融合的关键需求 不只是…融合的业务捆绑销售 关键需求 • 还包括…融合的新业务及新业务模式 • 帐户架构融合、资费创新融合 • 预付、后付的融合,混合资费 • 客户、帐户架构的融合 • 多网融合、NT 和 IT 融合 • 跨屏、跨网融合 (N-screens) • ICT 融合业务 • Telco-enterprise mash-up • M2M / Telematics,等等 • 更多种类的合作伙伴及更新上下游生态环境 Agility • 灵活支撑? Time to Market • 快速支撑? Cost Effectiveness • 有效支撑?

  14. 现有系统状况带来的挑战 主要的挑战: • 无法有效支撑跨业务捆绑 / 融合、新业务、新业务模式 • 无法有效支撑增值业务在各种网络重用 • 功能重叠 • 如改造现有系统,以支撑跨业务捆绑 / 融合、新业务、新业务模式,如业务需求改变=》需更改所有系统! Stove Pipe System Landscape 无法有效实现 Agility, Time to Market, Cost Effectiveness! Corporate Mobile Others FixedLine BB / MOD

  15. 实现融合的多种思路 Option 1: End-to-End Greenfield Stove Pipe System Landscape End-to-End Integrated Greenfield Platform Option 2: Functional Transformation OM Transformation Billing Transformation etc… Corporate Mobile Others FixedLine BB / MOD Option 3: Add-On Convergent Layers Existing Stove Pipe Systems OE for New Services / Bundles Convergent OM & Dynamic Order Orchestration Convergent Real-Time Rating Convergent Open API Platform

  16. 案例分享- 马来西亚电信- DNA

  17. 马来西亚电信的高速宽带及下一代转型项目 • 2009年和政府签订协议 • FTTH & VDSL 全国覆盖 • 2012年需向130万幢大厦提供接入 Hi-speed Broadband (HSBB) Network Transformation 网络转型 • NGIP 核心网的建设 • PSTN => NGN / IMS • 客户体验及流程优化 • NG IP 及内容服务 • 无线及quad-play 捆绑业务扩展 Business Transformation 业务转型 18

  18. 1 1 4 3 2 4 3 2 PC • Basic voice Notebook (Wi-Fi) • No rental • Unlimited fixed calls • Free DECT TV • IPTV PG • Additional 8Mbps for IPTV • Content-on-demand • Linear/interactive TV channels Phone • WiFi Hotspots STB BTU • Free access to WiFi hotspots in Malaysia 目标在马来西亚推出首个triple-play套餐(Unifi) • High-speed internet • 5/10/20Mbps Internet speed • Wireline/Wireless access in the home

  19. 现有系统状况复杂分散,无法支撑转型目标! Online Billing & Rev Mgmt Assurance Inquiry, Complaints, Fault Sales & Marketing Order Capture, Fulfillment & Provisioning Inventory TMOnline LMS CASS-Tel NBS-Tel SLG NIS eQuest CCPM SFA iCare-FDAS ICAMS CCPM TMNet Portal BMS MCMB LCB CMS FAAMS MIPS MIPS TMBilly SMART iCare-SEMS CASS-MSOS iCare MCAMS InfoVista PSTN SysCare SOP forms NBS WAMS NBS Coins TMCH CCMS Portal BRAINS SCUBA CCPM MIPS eODM PSTN NTAPS PSTN SNMS SAMS NBS Telex NBS IPLC CABS CRMKB Cards WebStars ASAS MCMB Mediation PSTN CAMS Remedy Enterprise NBS ICAMS NBS Maypac INTACT MCMB ICOMS CIS SOP CG SOP ETRAS WebStars CASS-CDIS WBS WSBS WS-GBIL GEMS CCMS DCPS CARES SOP DPTS iCare- Analytics FAMES RIBS MBS New Mediation WS-RWO GB CARES WAMS SOP TMDW NPCS PRMBS MCMB CyberPrint CPC SAMS iCheck • 各种业务系统独力分散 • 现有系统老化、过多客户化程序、紧耦合点对点集成 • 改造老系统VS新建系统:更加复杂、风险更高、时间更长

  20. 订单 > 开通 > 激活 > 计费,过去均是人工流程 IP-VPN Order-to-Bill DSL Order-to-Bill 21

  21. 新建BSS-OSS-SDP端到端解决方案 • 采用Oracle端到端解决方案 • 预集成解决方案大幅度减少风险、复杂性、实施时间 • 有效平衡新建系统和利旧现有系统 22

  22. 系统建设、迁移、割接的思路 • Greenfield approach – 加快实施速度,减少对现有系统的依赖性 • Out-of-the-box approach – 减少客户化/二次开发,简化实施和将来系统升级 • Multi-release program– 约6个月为一阶段,必须配合业务发展及体现业务效益 • End-to-end delivery – 以端到端业务流程主导解决方案设计及系统集成 • Focus on HSBB products as well as high-growth existing IP products e.g. Metro Ethernet, IP-VPN – 以支撑新业务和高增长业务为先 23

  23. 多分段并行实施,化繁为简,准时上线! Analyze & Design R1 Build & Systems Test SIT UAT HSBB R1 Commercial Launch FUT R1 RFS R1.5 Analyze & Design Build & Systems Test SIT R1.5 RFS (25 April 2010) UAT R2 Analyze & Design Build & Systems Test SIT R2 RFS (28 Jun 2010) UAT R2.1 Analyze /Design Build & Systems Test SIT UAT R2.1 RFS (30 Aug 2010) R3 Analyze & Design Build & Systems Test SIT R3 RFS (31 Dec 2010) UAT CPE Configuration System Service Assurance 24

  24. DNA - 芬兰最大的移动运营商,并提供移动及固网业务。

  25. 经历多次的合并收购,发展成强大的运营商! 18 M&As in 12 years: from pure mobile operator to convergent player

  26. 推动“融合”的主要因素 • B2C 及 B2B 为分散的事业部 • 各自的业务目标、组织架构、业务流程、产品等 • 推动转型的主要因素:agility, efficiency and time-to-market • DNA B2C 及 B2B 事业部对融合的看法 • 松耦合的业务捆绑,营销的捆绑套餐 • 第三方合作伙伴成为业务组成的重要一个部分 • SaaS, Cloud • Service integration

  27. DNA As-Is BSS架构 - 系统分散独力

  28. DNA To-Be BSS架构 - Centralized OM Layer

  29. 实现“融合”的过渡性架构 • 采用Oracle解决方案: • Oracle OSM 及 Oracle SOA =》Centralized OM Layer • 下一步:MDM • 渐进式建立融合能力 • 按业务需求,定义渐进式的系统改造和项目阶段 • No big-bang projects • To-Be 架构采用过渡性方式(不是迁移性方式)以实现融合 • 系统 / 数据迁移将由ROI或现有系统平台end-of-life推动

  30. Q & A

  31. The preceding is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle's products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

  32. Graphic Section Divider

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