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Why Olive Oil is Better for Cardiovascular Health

Lately, everyone has been raving aboutolive oil's health benefits. And why not? With exceptional positive impact on your health, from head to toe, olive oil surely deserves all the attention and praise.

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Why Olive Oil is Better for Cardiovascular Health

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  1. Why Olive Oil is Better for Cardiovascular Health Lately, everyone has been raving about olive oil's health benefits. And why not? With exceptional impact on your health, from head to toe, olive oil surely deserves all the attention praise. Let us learn more about this oil and how it improves your health, especially your heart’s health. Read on. positive and What is Olive Oil Virgin Olive Oil Olive oil is a staple of the Mediterranean region. Derived from olives, it can either be cold- pressed or refined. The cold-pressed versions of this oil are known as extra virgin and virgin oils which are considered to be the purest and the most superior in quality. This oil has a strong flavour and a distinct greenish-golden colour with a slightly bitter and nuttier taste. The best olive oil use of these versions is in the form of dips, toppings and light sautéing only. You cannot use them for cooking food as heating them can burn them and make them lose their nutrients. Pomace Olive Oil Pomace oil is the more stable olive oil which is obtained through the chemical extraction of oil from the olive flesh, leftover from the first press. This, though considered to be of lower grade, is still fairly equal in nutrition to its virgin counterparts. As it has a higher smoking point, you can easily use pomace oil for cooking your food.

  2. The best part of this oil is that it retains all of the olive oil for cooking benefits even when heated to high temperatures. This makes it ideal for cooking methods like shallow or deep frying, roasting and baking. Moreover, as pomace oil doesn’t have any flavour of its own, it is perfect for Indian dishes too. Olive Oil Health Benefits for Heart Owing to the tons of health benefits of olive oil for the entire body, it has more advantages over other cooking oils. Starting from your brain to your gut and even skin and hair, all greatly benefit from the use of this wonderful oil. But your cardiovascular system reaps the most benefits from this humble Mediterranean oil. Let us learn all about it. Keeps Arteries Healthy As olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, about 75% to 80%, which makes it cholesterol free and therefore a boon for arteries. It helps to lower the level of LDL or bad cholesterol and increases HDL or good cholesterol. This prevents its deposition inside the arterial walls and decreases the chance of hypertension. Olive oil also improves the integrity of the arterial lining. Prevents Blood Cholesterol from Oxidation Since olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants, it doesn’t allow the cholesterol present in the blood to oxidise. This prevents it from forming insoluble lumps that can lead to dangerous heart conditions like atherosclerosis. Fights Inflammation Another of olive oil's health benefits is that it has anti-inflammatory properties. The oleic acid present in this oil decreases the level of C-Reactive Protein or CRP which is a significant inflammatory marker. This further helps to protect the heart and the cardiovascular system as a whole from many diseases. Reduces Risk of Blood Clots Although blood clotting is a natural process and necessary to prevent excessive bleeding, unnecessary clotting or thickening of blood can be fatal too. Olive oil has anti-coagulating properties which keep blood optimally fluid and prevent unnecessary clots from forming.

  3. Another reason for clot formation is ‘aggregation’ which is the clumping together of blood platelet cells, leading to arterial blockage. Olive oil helps to reduce this phenomenon which greatly lessens the risk of cardiac arrest. How to Use Olive Oil Although olive oil is usually considered to be fancy and so reserved for special occasions or house guests, you can definitely use it in your everyday diet. You can use virgin and extra virgin olive oil to dress your salads by simply mixing the oil with some lemon juice and seasoning of your choice. You can also drizzle them over your roasted vegetables, pasta or rice or use them as dips by combining them with crushed garlic, herbs and seasoning and eating it with your choice of bread. However, you don’t have to do away with just these dishes every day. You can make use of pomace olive oil to cook all kinds of food in it. Reap the best of olive oil for cooking benefits by using it to shallow fry tikkis or make dry vegetable or seafood preparations. You can also make vegetable or chicken curries, fry pakoras or pooris, bake cakes and give an olive oil tadka to your dal and raitas for sumptuous Indian fare. In fact, you can make any kind of food or try any cuisine using pomace oil and enhance the flavour of any food by topping it up with a dash of virgin olive oils. Conclusion With so many olive oils use you can surely make it a part of your daily life and enjoy enhanced health and happiness.

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