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Education in the Slovak Republic. A Brief Global Overview. ( http://www.minedu.sk ). The primary education. (according to International Standard Classification of Education – ISCED 1) is provided by the first stage of primary school (Grades 1-4 )
Education in the Slovak Republic A Brief Global Overview
The primary education (according to International StandardClassification of Education – ISCED 1) is provided by the first stage of primary school (Grades 1-4) the beginning of systematic education Lower secondary education (ISCED 2) is provided by the second stage of primary school (Grades 5-9). The acquisition of the lower secondary education enables the pupils to continue in education that provides for secondary education (ISCED 3)
Secondary general and vocational/technical education (ISCED 4, ISCED – 5) are carried out in secondary schools represented by • G y m n a s i a • S e c o n d a r y v o c a t i o n a l s c h o o l s • S e c o n d a r y t e c h n i c a l s c h o o l s Other important aspects of primary and secondary education Secondary vocational schoolsprepare the students for execution of worker´s trades and vocational activities corresponding to the appropriate trades. The study is completed by a final examination. In secondary vocational school the students may be also provided training for execution of some demanding worker´s trades and some technical-economic activities of operational nature. This study is completed by the secondary school-leaving examination. An inseparable part of education in secondary schools is practical teaching. It provides for combination of education and training with practice, consistent adoption of the appropriate knowledge, skills, and acquisition of the skills use the knowledge in practice. Practical classes are carried out in several types of establishments.
Non-state education– is composed of privateand church schools.These schools appeared at the beginning of the nineties of the last century upon the end of the totalitarian regime, which did no allowed schools of this kind. At the present, the non-state schools make up 7% of the total number of schools in the Slovak school system. Teaching religious education is allowed in the State and non-State schools while it is allowed to choose an alternative with ethics, except for the church schools. Special schools – education of the disabled children and youth – care for the children with physical and mental disorders in Slovakia has achieved a very good level. At present there is a network of schools in which the pupils are provided education according to the kind of handicap – pupils with mental, hearing, sight or physical defect, ill and weakened, pupils with disturbed communication ability, pupils with autism, developmental disorders.
Tertiary education University In December 2004, 27 higher education institutions operated in the Slovak Republic: 20 public universities, 3 state universities and 4 private higher education institutions of no- university type. Higher education is based on study programs in three levels. Each study program is carried out in a field of study. The first level study programs are bachelor (Bc.) study programs. The standard duration is minimum of three years. The second level study program are master, engineering or PhD study programs. Graduates are awarded with an academic title of Master - Mgr., Ing., , Ing. Arch.; MUDr., MDDr. ( doctor of Dentistry Medicine), MVDr. ( Doctor of Veterinary Medicine). The third level study program are PhD study programs.
Education of Adults • Second chance education (elementary education) • Continuing education (general) e.g. languages, communication technologies, management, marketing, accounting etc. • Further vocational education – is focused on expansion and deepening if previously gained education. (http://www.minedu.sk)