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Climb to New Heights with…. Recreation Management Software Solution. POWERFUL FLEXIBLE RELIABLE Simply the “BEST”. Features Include… Program Registrations (Desktop & On-Line) Facility Reservations and Rentals League Scheduling and Team Building Membership Passes or Finger Scanning
Climb to New Heights with… Recreation Management Software Solution
Features Include… Program Registrations (Desktop & On-Line) Facility Reservations and Rentals League Scheduling and Team Building Membership Passes or Finger Scanning Demographic Based Emails and Mailings Demographic Based Participation Counts Voice Message Broadcast Service
Would you like to… Group Customers by Family? Setup Address Information One Time? Identify Parents and Siblings Immediately? Register an Entire Family at Once? Offer Multiple Children Discounts?
Head of Household Family Members
Would you like to… Create Mass Mailing Labels or Mass Emails Using Certain Demographic Information? Municipality Zip Code / City Birth Date / Age Gender Grade School
Use the “Categories” and “Sub-Categories” Feature And Organize RECPRO Just Like Your Brochure!
Assign Course Fees for Resident Non-Resident Accept Partial Payments (Deposits) for Trips Higher Priced Programs Setup Discounts for Seniors Staff Members Multiple Children Financial Assistance
Setup Enrollment Numbers for Minimum Maximum RECPRO will calculate Current Enrollment Roster Spots Available Waiting List Count and… Potential Revenue for Min, Max & Spots Available Actual Revenue for Current Enrollment
Potential & Actual Revenue (based on Resident Fee) Enrollment Counts
Setup Registration Parameters Age Range Grade Range Male, Female or Co-Ed Do you need to organize your activities by Program Manager? RECPRO Can Do It! When you need to Cancel a Course… Do you want it to be simple? RECPRO Can Help!
All Registration Parameters can be setup EASILY and QUICKLY! Assign a Program Manager Canceling Courses is very SIMPLE!
EASILY Setup Session Dates & Locations and Book Your Event RECPRO can handle all scheduling and booking scenarios Multiple Dates Multiple Start / End Times Multiple Facilities and Rooms NO Double Bookings Easily Resolve Conflicts
Different Times. Multiple Days. Different Locations
If Practices & Games are Different Days, Times and Locations, RECPRO can handle it!!
Course Roster Tab… Identify Participants Obtain Contact Information Recognize Outstanding Balances Find Participants without Signed Waiver Issue Refunds Transfer Participants to a Different Course
Roster Tab Page in Your Course Setup Screen Participant Contact Info & Possible Balance. Issue Refunds or Transfer Participants to a Different Activity
RECPRO will help you Quickly Identify Revenue Generated Refunds Issued Expenses Posted Profit / Loss
Revenue Generated Refunds Issued Expenses Posted Profit or Loss
Course Waiting List… Identify Participants Waiting Add Participants to the List Remove Participants from the List Add Participants to the Active Roster
Waiting List Tab Page in Your Course Setup Screen Add to List, Remove from List & Add to Active Roster.
RECPRO has a “Quick Print” Feature for… Course Listing / Catalog Course Start and End Dates Course Roster Roster Address Labels / Name Tags Course Profit / Loss Course Waiting List / Future Reference List Instructor Confirmation Letters Instructor Labels
Our Lookups Contain a UNIQUE Grouping Function! Easily Find Course Data and Group By: Category Category & Sub-Category Begin Date Year & Season Also, Quickly Identify Enrollment Numbers Using the Lookup!
Setting up a New Season has NEVER been EASIER! The RECPRO “Copy Full Semester” Feature allows you to… Setup a New Season Using a Previous Season Identify Each Activity’s Participation Level Identify Each Activity’s Profit / Loss
Here we are setting up Summer 2007 by using Summer 2006 Information. EASILY Identify the Courses that performed well and the Courses that didn’t!
When setting up your Facilities… Assign Categories Enter Address & Phone Info Identify Hours of Operation
Assign Category Enter Address & Contact Info Setup Hours of Operation
When setting up your Rooms within the Facility… Assign Categories Set Room Capacity Enter Setup & Cleanup Minutes Identify “Rentable” Rooms Setup Hours of Operation
Assign Category & Capacity and enter Setup & Cleanup Minutes Identify “Rentable” rooms and then setup Fees & Security Deposit
Using our UNIQUE Grouping Function… EASILY Search “Facilities” by Categories like… Dance / Music Studios Golf Courses Health / Fitness Clubs Parks Schools EASILY Search “Rooms” by Categories like… Athletic Fields Auditoriums Classrooms Gymnasiums Pools
Renting Facilities through RECPRO is EASY! Select Desired Facility / Room Select Applicable Fees (Room, Equipment or Personnel) Setup Recurring Dates & Times Confirm Fees, Dates and Times and Book the Reservation Print Rental Contract Create and Print Rental Invoice
Renting Facilities is EASY! First, Select Desired Facility/Room and then Select all Applicable Fees.
Quickly Setup Dates & Times for the Rental by using the Recurring Dates option. Once Dates & Times are set, you then Create the Reservation and Post it to the Calendar.
Once the Reservation has been Created, you can Print the Contract or Create the Bill
Use the Facility & Room Filters to only view certain Facilities and Rooms.
When “Grouping By” Resource, the calendar sections off by Resource.
Would you like to… Sell Memberships? Sell Visit Passes? Issue Park Passes? Utilize Biometric Finger Scanning? Our Membership Module will accommodate your needs!