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The divine woman. Harinam Medellin. B.A. Paramadvaiti Swami. God has a femine and a masculine aspect. Let us find out about these two aspects and the importance they have to understand the divine woman. I am an aspiring servant of my spiritual master Srila Prabhupada.
The divine woman Harinam Medellin B.A. Paramadvaiti Swami
God has a femine and a masculine aspect. • Let us find out about these two aspects and the importance they have to understand the divine woman. • I am an aspiring servant of my spiritual master Srila Prabhupada. • In the service which he gave to me I served many women and established many Visnu Priya Ashramas under their leadership and with the support of spiritually minded men. Swami B.A. Paramadvaiti Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Women are the mothers of all. • The original divine mercy is there in the divine mother, the mother of all. • Even the supreme Lord is conquered by the love of his eternal consort Srimati Radharani. • She is the fountain of all feminine shaktis and even of the smallest little girl. • She is the shelter for all women as well as for all man. Therefore she is called Svarupa Shakti and Ashraya Vigraha. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Radharani - the origin of all we know • She is the universal mother also known in her expansions as Mahalaksmi the goddess of fortune, Sarasvati, the goddess of learning, Durga Devi , the master of matter, Bhumi devi mother earth and a host of other expansions. • She guards the souls either at the feet of her lord or in the field of material sensations according to their desire. • That means we all are totally depending on her mercy. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
As Durga Devi she is in charge of DEVI Dham, the material world • She is supreme authority here and the Wife of Lord Siva. With her tridents she administers Adi-atmic Sufferings from the own body. Adi-bhaudic Sufferings from other living beings and-Adi Daivic Sufferings from higher forces to those who comit sins in this world. • As Mahakali she is showing her destructing potency and is worshipped by those who want to enjoy temporary things. • Offending any woman brings you surely in trouble with her, and Laksmi withdraws her blessings. • Those who want her real mercy surrender to her Lord. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Motherhood is a divine potency • God gives us life through our mother. • Her noble feelings capture the entire world and even Lord Krishna is captured by the love of his mother Yasoda Mayi. • That is why man should respect every woman like his own mother except his own wife Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Look how perverted the relationship with woman has become. • Women are easily abandoned even with children. • The young beautiful body of a woman is the symbol of enjoyment alone in advertisement. • Abortion is advertised as a tool for women to reach equality. • Child prostitution is rampant. • Women have to fight in court to get basic protection. • Women are tortured to fit into a female picture produced by fashion and industry interest to make them undergo anything from plastic surgery, wearing torturous shoes to causing harm to their body with cancer causing pills and implants. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Would you want you daughter to be subjected to all this? • Man often projects on women what he would not allow anyone to do with his own daughter. • Hypocrites of our modern world. • Man, who abuse women, what to speak of children will loose all the benfits of this human form of life. • Giving protection, respect and kindness to women is not an option, it is the only sacred duty a man has besides Selfrealization. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Why do we allow that situation? • Because we have forgotten the divine position of all women and the laws which govern mistreatment of them. • Because we have forgotten that neither man or woman are these material bodies. • Because we have succumbed to the insatiable lust within us to become traitors of our own ideals and our own family. • Because we forget that through the Law of Karma we will be held responsible for all our misdeeds. • Because we think that enjoyment of the senses is the only real goal of life. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
What is the root cause of the problem? • Both man an women today suffer the syndrome of the masculine vanity. • They want to enjoy and not be enjoyed. • They want to control and not to be controlled. • They want to be proprietor and not to be owned. • But only Krishna is the rightful enjoyer, owner and controller of all creation. • We can only cure us from the diseased condition of male vanity if we serve the Supreme Lord and his Divine consort Srimati Radharani. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
When women are not properly protected unwanted progeny will be the result. • As beautiful and mystical as it is to bring a child to this world, if father and mother do not welcome the child in a happy marriage there are bound to be big problems and reactions for all involved. • A society which does not try to protect women, marriage and children is bound to degrade more and more. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Even though it is little known today, actually it is a higher taste to… • Preserve once virginity only for the marriage partner. • To lovingly serve the husband and children in Krishna's service. • To maintain the beauty and peace at home rather than fighting about everything and looking for happiness outside of the home. • To spend time in spiritual practice rather then charging the senses with television , gossip and envy or jealousy. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
But that consciousness is not easily reached! • It is therefore good to get the company of spiritual women. • It is necessary to develop goodness, spiritual knowledge, maturity and compassion • It is the duty of parents and society to provide women at all ages with that type of education and values. • Visnu Priya Ashramas are perfect for that. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Visnu Priya Ashramas focus on.. • A life of Yoga and meditation. • A life of happiness through the higher taste. • Forming future leaders of home and ashramas. • Promoting devotional arts of all kinds. • Training both mothers, wives as well as renunciates according to the persons propensity and circumstances. • Devotional service, deity worship and preaching to help others. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Therefore do never forget • That women must be protected adequately. • That they should not be put into anxieties. • That you may also take birth as a woman or man respectively. • That the family unit must be protected so that all small children have a nice parent couple who cares for them. • That only in a responsible marriage sex-life has the blessing of God. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
That women must be protected adequately. • Today woman are send out in Bikinis to fetch a partner in the body competition. This gives full encouragement to abuse and cheating. • In today's world it can be fairly estimated that in about 80% of the woman's life she is not well protected by any male. • Only responsible fathers and good husbands fit the bill of protecting their female family members. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
But what about the rest of the women and the rest of the life of those whose protectors died? • What about the children without a father? • The women without a husband, the widows, the orphans, the children after divorce etc. • What about the single mothers? • What about those who do not want to marry? • Man have proven to be disqualified to protect any woman except their daughter, mother, wife and even there man often fails. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Visnu Priya Ashramas- A true solution for spiritual women. • Women protecting women with the support of spiritual man and the principles of a Brahminic community really opens a new horizon in the education and for the shelter of women in this world • The Vrinda family has already opened such Ashramas in many locations around the world. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
If women learn to keep Radharani and Krishna in the center of their life, they can become first class mothers and great wives of good devotees. • Visnu Priya Ashramas teach women and give them shelter in the service of their spiritual master. • When they like to get married and a suitable good devotee likes to marry them they can form their family and keep the Bhakti spirit alive. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
But Radharani is also eager to take you to her Lord • Therefore she comes to us as the mother of devotion - Bhakti devi. • She comes to us as the personification of faith - Sraddha devi. • She comes to us in the form of the holy mantra - Gayatri devi. • She is so important that Lord Krishna always has her name spelled out before his. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
And in this way Krishna worships her, his eternal consort. • Sri Sri Radha Krishna • Sri Sri Laksmi Narayana • Sri Sri Sita Rama • Sri Sri Laksmi Narashingha. • Sri Sri Radha Govindaji • Sri Sri Radha Vrajesvara Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Srimati Radharani with Gopinath and Mahaprabhu in Quito Ecuador Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Visnu Priya Ashram Retreats • Spend your vacation or weekend in an Ashram. • Find yourself and peace. Ashram in Banos Ecuador Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Visnu Priya Ashram -A place for women to grow in peace. Real Surrender is to God Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Visnu priya Ashramas are for all women. • If you live happily with your family you should still help the local Visnu Priya ashram and feel yourself as an external member and supporter. • Where else your daughters will get some good association in their youth? • Where else the divine interest of women is conceived and protected? • Where else old women can go to have a dignified existence? • Where else the principles of Dharma will be protected? Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Visnu Priya Ashramas need your help if you are a spiritual man. • You can provide them with donations. • You can help them with other types of support. • You can send your wife and daughters to take courses there. • You can sponsor events or family members who enter there under the normal ashram conditions. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
If you still doubt the divine origin of women consider some examples • Mother Ganges purifies the entire universe • Mother Yamuna has the supreme Lord Krishna bathing in her. • Visnupriya is the eternal companion of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu but for the sake of the fallen soul started this ashram together with Sacimata. • Mahaprabhu accepted that a devotional woman even stepped on him. • Gopis, Queen Kunti, the wifes of the Brahmanas and the many Vaisnavi Acaryas are Gurus of all. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
If you still think that you can afford to be irresponsible and lusty. • Do not forget Puranjana, who took birth as a woman in his next life. • Do not forget Saubhari Muni, who lost his Yoga powers due to his lust. • Do not forget Visvamitra who fell to the enchantment of female beauty. • Do not forget the Slokas of Lord Krishna regarding Lust in his wonderful Gita. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
The Vedas have given statements warning us from the nature of women and others which glorify them. • This is common. The vedas teach us to be humble. There is always a verse which can humble either man or woman, Brahmin or Sudra and there is the other slokas telling us to highly respect the respective sex or social position. • To make sure you never mistreat women remember the divine origin of them and rather have a reverential attitude. • Women need no rights if they are worshipped. (B.R.Sridhar Maharaj) Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Society which teaches man and women to compete with each other is a society of dangerous fools. • Just like in the Olympic games women and man are not to compete with each other . • They should be taught from childhood to complement each other rather then to let each other down. • Consumer society wants us to think different and has initiated the destruction of the smallest unit of human society. The family. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Visnu Priya Ashram Lima Peru Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Visnu Priya Ashram Santiago ChileNueva Navadvipa - PresidentKrishna Mayee devi dasi Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Todays little girls could protect tomorrows Dharma Visnu Priya Ashramas Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Little girls of the Visnupriya Ashram Medellin dance on Harinam ART and CULTURE through spiritual education Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Visnu Priya Ashramas a hope for Vaisnava children • People today have very little time to guide children in their spiritual understanding. • Learning Vedic stories, dance, children retreats, Sunday school, art education- Visnu Priya ashramas try to provide a variety of projects for our children. • Vaisnavis have proven to be the most trustworthy in education and care of children. • Parents need this help and must sponsor the children programs of the Ashramas. Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Senior Women can renounce the world and just open Visnu Priya Ashramas or travel to visit them. • Yasoda devi • Founder of the Visnu Priya Ashram in Calama Chile Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Close to the Aconcaqua Chile -Visnu Priya Ashram-Drama Equality only exists on the level of the soul
The Goal Love Krishna and be a humble servant Equality only exists on the level of the soul
Visnu Priya AshramasFind out more at Visnu Priya Ashramas @ Vrindavan.org • Santiago- Chile III • ColombiaVII Cali, • Santa Marta, Bogota. • Lima Peru II • India Vrindavan • Austria Vienna • Ecuador II • Germany I • Hungary II • Argentina II • Spain, Madrid • Mexico, DF- See you soon Equality only exists on the level of the soul