1. Heat Related Emergencies Heat Stroke
Heat Exhaustion
Heat Cramps
2. Extremely hot skin usually dry, but may be wet
Red skin
High body temperature (106*)
Altered mental status
If responsive, maybe confused and/or agitated
3. 1. Check ABC
2. Move to cool place
3. Remove clothing down to underwear
4. Slightly elevate head
4. Seek medical attention
5. Cool victim be careful
4. Cooling method based on humidity
If humidity less than 75%, use water and fan
5. Continue cooling after victims mental status improves danger of hypothermia.
Use rubbing alcohol sponging or baths can be absorbed into blood and vapors can ignite.
Give aspirin or acetaminophen
6. Other Heat Illnesses Heat syncope fainting
Heat edema ankles & feet swell from heat
7. Profuse sweating
Flu-like symptoms (headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dizzy)
Rapid pulse
8. 1. Move to a cool place
2. Give cool liquids
3. Raise victims legs 8 to 12 inches
4. Remove excess clothing
5. Sponge and fan victim
6. If no improvement in 30 minutes, seek medical attention
9. 1. Rest in a cool place
2. Give lightly salted or electrolyte drink
3. Stretch cramped muscle
10. How important is water?
Average adult requires 2 quarts a day
Thirst not a good indicator
Rule of 3s