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Diffusion of Innovations in Relation to Precision Agriculture. By: Mark E. Frieouf. Recognition of a Problem or Need. Problem Over applying of chemical (fertilizer, herbicides, etc.) .95 million metric tons annually leached into Mississippi River Need
Diffusion of Innovations in Relation to Precision Agriculture By: Mark E. Frieouf
Recognition of a Problem or Need • Problem • Over applying of chemical (fertilizer, herbicides, etc.) • .95 million metric tons annually leached into Mississippi River • Need • A way of producing more food for a growing population with the same amount of farm land • World population expected to be 9 billion in 2050
Development • Development of an innovation is the process of putting a new idea in a form that is expected to meet the needs of an audience of potential adopters. • Key Developers & Researchers of Precision Technology • Oklahoma State University • Purdue University • Ohio State University • University of Missouri • Penn State University
Commercialization • Commercialization is the production, manufacturing, packaging, marketing, and distribution of a product that embodies an innovation. • Companies • John Deere(GreenStar) • Trimble(Ez Steer) • NTech (GreenSeeker)
Adoption of Innovations • Perceived Attributes of an Innovation • Relative Advantage • Compatibility • Complexity • Trialability • Observability
Relative Advantage • Relative advantage is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as being better than the idea it supersedes. • Related Examples • Is AutoSteer and automatic row shutoff more efficient than planting with only markers? • Is variable rate N application better than uniform application of the whole field? • Also…. • Is the adoption of the innovation economically feasible ? • Are there any incentives for adopting?
Compatibility • Compatibilityis the degree to which an innovation is perceived as consistent with the existing values, past experiences, and needs of potential adopters. • Related Examples • Do I have the equipment that I need to be able to use this new technology? • Does this new technology relate to the kind of farming I practice and want to continue to practice? • Am I willing to spend the money it will take to acquire everything I need to be able to use this technology?
Complexity(negatively related to its adoption) • Complexity is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as relatively difficult to understand and use. • Related Examples • Do I have the knowledge and skills to be able to operate the new systems? • How long is it going to take me to learn the new system? • Also…. • Are there means of learning how to use the product such as seminars, informational videos, etc…
Trialability • Trialability is the degree to which an innovation may be experimented with on a limited basis. • Related Examples • Am I able to experiment with this technology , before I purchase it. • Could I maybe go to someone who has incorporated the new technology within there operation and experiment with it there. Also…. • Trialability is more relevant to early adopters because they have no precedent available to follow.
Observability • Observability is the degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others. • Related Examples • Can I see the technology at work? ( Yield, N efficiency, more profit, etc..) Are other farmers experiencing obvious benefits after adopting this technology?
Adopter Categories Innovators- Interested in new ideas. Usually have control of substantial financial resources. Early adopters- Usually locals who are respected for their previous success and feel like they must make judicious innovation decisions to maintain a central position in the communication network of a system. Early Majority- Adopt just before the average member of a system. They interact frequently with their peers but are not leaders of their social system. Late Majority- Usually skeptical. Adopt new ideas just after the average member of a system. May be a result of economic necessity or the result of increasing peer pressures. Laggards- Traditional. The last in a social system to adopt an innovation. Almost isolated in their social networks. The point of reference for the laggards is in the past. Tend to be suspicious of innovations , decisions are primarily made by what has happened in the past.
Consequences • Consequences of Adoption • Financial Problems related to the initial investment of purchasing new precision systems. • Consequences of Rejection -- Over usage of chemical and seed which in turn result in less profit. -- Environmental Issues due to over use of chemical.