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"China's need for financial sector reform and development, and the implications for Hong Kong"

"China's need for financial sector reform and development, and the implications for Hong Kong".

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"China's need for financial sector reform and development, and the implications for Hong Kong"

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  1. "China's need for financial sector reform and development, and the implications for Hong Kong"

  2. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, … it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, … we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way …” Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two CitiesEnglish novelist (1812 - 1870)

  3. 广西1.5万亿投资真相 本文网址: http://www.21cbh.com/HTML/2010-8-19/2MMDAwMDE5Mjg2Mw.html

  4. 中国不应追求“死亡GDP” 本文网址: http://www.21cbh.com/HTML/2010-8-19/2NMDAwMDE5Mjg2Ng.html?source=hp&position=top10

  5. China : Investment as % of GDP, 1952-2008 Source : CEIC

  6. China : Loan/GDP Ratio 1978-2009 Source : CEIC

  7. “China banks told to account for loans” Financial Times article, 10 Aug 2010: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/89d37160-a4a0-11df-8c9f-00144feabdc0.html

  8. M2 Supply(1999-2010.06) Source : CEIC

  9. China and USA – GDP & M2 Source : CEIC

  10. Non-financial debts by country, 2008 Source: McKinsey, Economist

  11. Non-Performing-Loans of China's banking system, 2003-2009 Source : China Banking Regulatory Commission

  12. 中國的銀行改革(1) “… 截至2009年年末,五家大型銀行資本充足率為11.25%,資產利潤率達到1.11%,資本利潤率達到19.58%,成本收入比達到37.02%;不良貸款率為1.75%;不良貸款撥備覆蓋率為144.89%,其中四家上市大型銀行平均撥備覆蓋率為163.41%。七項指標均達到甚至超過國際一流銀行水平。…” 劉明康, «財經»雜誌,2010年7月19日

  13. 中國的銀行改革(2) “… 目前,工商銀行、建設銀行、中國銀行都已經穩居全球市值大銀行前十名。這些銀行要真正從‘最大’轉変成‘最強’的銀行,還需要做好四個方面的功課:一是不斷完善公司治理。… 二是提升風險管理能力。 … 三是加強信息系統建設。 … 四是增強持續創新能力。 …” 劉明康, «財經»雜誌,2010年7月19日

  14. 中國的銀行改革(3) “… 銀行還有漫長的道路,這里面有理念、觀念、機制、文化的轉変。銀行要自覺接受市場的監督,所以信息披露的體系、法律的責任,以及對這些責任的追究很重要。這方面需要有很多制度、機制的建設。…” 劉明康, «財經»雜誌,2010年7月19日

  15. 中國的銀行改革(4) “… 還有,銀行要有資本的內生機制,能夠不斷地補充資本金,就要向管理要成本的下降,向管理要透明度,向管理要新的文化和理念,向管理要風險防范的體系。 …” 劉明康, «財經»雜誌,2010年7月19日

  16. China : Loans to non-bank customers (HSBC – 64%) (Standard Chartered – 47%) Source : PBOC

  17. Foreign Exchange Reserves by Country Source : Wikipedia

  18. 唐双宁:光大银行“出海”首站选香港 21世纪经济报道: http://www.21cbh.com/HTML/2010-8-18/2MMDAwMDE5MjY2Mg.html http://www.21cbh.com/HTML/2010-8-19/3MMDAwMDE5Mjg3Mg.html

  19. Direct financing vs. incremental bank loans in China Notes: In this figure, direct financing does not include funds raised from enterprise bonds, short-term commercial papers or funds raised from overseas capital market by Chinese companies. Source: CSRC

  20. Ratio of outstanding corporate bonds to GDP Notes: China’s data is as of the end of 2007, and the data for other countries is as of the end of 2006. Source: CSRC

  21. “國泰君安國際”招股章程 業務策略 (p.97) : http://www.gtja.com.hk/2010/0630/17759.html

  22. Stock Market Capitalization, 1994-2010.07 Source : CEIC

  23. Hong Kong : RMB Deposits Source : HKMA

  24. Thank you

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