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Facility Management Servises Offered by DCT Facility Management

Our facilities consultants are industry experts and practitioners who will work alongside you to deliver outstanding FM to your organisation.For more details, Please visit at http://dctfacilities.co.uk/

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Facility Management Servises Offered by DCT Facility Management

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  1. We work with you to help implement the ideas and recommendations we make that you like and wish to use. We make sure the theory actually works. We guarantee results, if you don’t see deliverables genuinely working, you don’t pay us. We are here for the long term. We put our fees at risk. We do not believe any other FM consultancy offers this.

  2. Our Services Soft Services includes catering, cleaning, waste management, security, reception, switchboard, reprographics and numerous other non-engineering related disciplines. Hard Services encompasses the engineering related disciplines including heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC), lifts, electrical distribution, water systems, drainage, emergency lighting DCT Facilities Management has an enviable track record of helping organizations of all sizes turn their FM operations around

  3. Our solutions are always tailored to individual needs, whatever the sector or size of the organization. We allow the client to get on with the daily business of running the company, whilst we concentrate on streamlining, maximizing and delivering Facilities Management operations. DCT Facilities Management have a wealth of industry experts and practitioners to work alongside you to deliver outstanding FM to your organization.

  4. Our Address Canada House 272 Field End Road Eastcote Middx HA4 9NA 020 3284 8830

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