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Individual in schools

Individual in schools. 報告者: 彭若喬、黃郁婷、謝曉婷、 張俊賢、莊琇惠 指導老師:湯堯 老師. Need. Equity theory. Goal. Motivation. Self-efficacy. Need. Equity theory. Goal. Motivation. Self-efficacy. We need to create a need for our products. ─ Intel Chairman Andy Grove

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Individual in schools

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  1. Individual in schools 報告者: 彭若喬、黃郁婷、謝曉婷、 張俊賢、莊琇惠 指導老師:湯堯 老師

  2. Need Equity theory Goal Motivation Self-efficacy

  3. Need Equity theory Goal Motivation Self-efficacy

  4. We need to create a need for our products. ─Intel Chairman Andy Grove 影片http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KDuIPnJE6M

  5. Needs for autonomy • Self-determination is the desire to act independently, rather than to have external pressures and rewards determine our actions. • deCharms(1976,1983)used the metaphor of individuals as “origins” and “pawns” to capture the difference between people with self-determination and those with other-determination.

  6. Origins and pawns • Origins perceive of themselves as the origin or source of their intentions to act. • Pawns see themselves in a game controlled by others and powerless to determine their actions. • When people are pawns, play becomes obligations, and intrinstic motivation becomes extrinsic motivation.

  7. Reflections • What is the student’s role in school? • When teachers and administrators find themselves as pawns rather then origins, they will become…… • Decentralization • Marcuse(1988): one-dimonsional man real demand vs. false demand 沒有MSN的年代 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCwzQ-MqkYE 海尼根 異口同聲 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfKKvXX5HSk&feature=related

  8. Conclusion We need to create a need for our products. origins or pawns? Become a one-dimonsional man

  9. Need Equity theory Goal Motivation Self-efficacy

  10. Is your word equity ? Is the game fair? Why not? If the condition no change,the thinner team still be willing to continue the game?

  11. Equity theory Sumo Team’s Inputs Much Smaller (exercise shorter hours, not moving can stop the ball…) Other Teacher’s Much Smaller (shorter hours, few committees, teaching the best students, only one class preparation) Thinner Team’s Inputs Relatively Large (exercise long hour…) My inputs Relatively Large (long hours, extra committees, teaching the most, five different preparations) Thinner Team’s Outcomes Relatively Small (e.g., lose the game, often strike with force…) My Outcomes Relatively Small (e.g., minimum salary) Other Teacher’s Outputs Much Larger (bigger salary, nicer room, better schedule, more free periods) Sumo Team’s Outcomes Much Smaller (e.g., win the game, receive the reward…) Educational Administration p.180

  12. Actually find out the educational circles. Interview subject:What’s your opinion about the Tainan’s evaluate teacher’s performance? Is your school’s evaluate procedure reasonable? What’s the effect of you? Move 1 Move 2 To generalize from their action: 1、 they less effort on the job. 2、do their duty. 3、increase their ability and avoid trouble. To match the theory that Baron(1998) explains : 1、They try to increase their outcomes-they seek increased benefits such as a raise or other reward。 2、They try to leave-they quit and find another job. 3、They reduce their inputs.

  13. If you are the leadership of the school , what would you do? My opinion: --Take turns is not bad. --Make definite rules.( Just observe the rule, they can receive excellence.) --Encourage the atmosphere. ( forge the alliance),not pressure into working. --Make procedure public and transparent.

  14. The point of departure that evaluate teacher’s performance is fine, but lack fair procedure. To cause teacher’s beliefs imbalance, what’s the equity standards.

  15. Need Equity theory Goal Motivation Self-efficacy

  16. Goals 作文題目:X年後的自己/我的志願 題目:三十年後的我 在XX小學,作文老師在五年級的班上上作文課,指定一個作文題目「三十年後的我」。 班上的一位女生小美寫道:「今天的天氣不錯,我開著老公結婚週年送我的勞司萊斯,手指上戴著他剛買給我的三克拉大鑽戒,脖子上也掛著上個月生日才送我的紅寶石項鍊,帶著我的小孩到公園玩。 我們倘佯在花團錦簇的園區裡,到處都是人們羨慕的眼光。 突然,路上衝出一個渾身惡臭、滿臉污穢、無家可歸的老太太。 我仔細一瞧~天啊!她竟然是我小五的作文老師!」

  17. Imagine The Last Lecture. My Life/ My Goals. I want to be a teacher (music and geography). I want to be a public defender. I want to be a musician. I want to be a clergy. After three years, what will your life be? Just imagine it and write down your answer. I will give you 2 minutes to finish it, and you can share your opinions later.

  18. Goal-Setting Theory Locke and Latham(1990)propose that successful goal performance meet four conditions: First, goals must be specific. Second, goals must be challenging. Third, goals must be attainable. Finally, individuals must be committed to the goals.

  19. Goal-Setting Theory Locke and Latham(1990)use four goal mechanisms to explain the positive effect of goals on action: Increase attention. Effort expended. Increase persistence. Development of specific task strategies.

  20. Just Do It Intentions beget blessings, vows beget strengths.

  21. Need Equity theory Goal Motivation Self-efficacy

  22. Intrinsic & Extrinsic motivation

  23. “The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing.“ Blasie Pascal 每朝健康 Mazda(2007)

  24. The concept of the theory • Intrinsic motivation • Extrinsic motivation • Different • Mix

  25. Applied in education • Extrinsic motivation • Merit pay • Management by objective • Intrinsic motivation • Job- charcateristics model • Mix • Career-ladder program

  26. Reflection • Art • Complementary?! • The relation with the other theories ?! (ex. Motivator-Hygiene Theory)

  27. Need Equity theory Goal Motivation Self-efficacy

  28. Unless people believe they can product desired effects by their actions, they have little incentive to act. 《 Albert Bandura》

  29. Efficacy M=f (E × I × V)【expect theory】 Learned helplessness

  30. Teacher-Efficacy • my teacher-efficacy circle • Teaching Task • Teaching Competence Challenge

  31. When a teacher has no expectancy and efficacy… • No goals • Anxiety • Negative emotions • Bad teaching efficacy • Failing to interact with students Student will… • Have no motivation • Have lower learning efficacy • Anxiety http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W-hc2gBUmc

  32. How to improve teachers’ efficacy ? • Mastery experience • Modeling and vicarious experience • Verbal persuasion • Physiological state • To reduce the teachers work in isolation. • Teachers assume the role of learner. • Provide a rich and diverse learning opportunities. • Create a safe environment. • Learn a new meaning of teaching. • Rethink why to learn and how to learn. It’s important to make strong teacher-efficacy in the beginning of their careers .

  33. Thank you for listening.

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