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NIS - BIOLOGY. Lecture 1 The Nature of Science and the Scientific Method Ozgur Unal. The Nature of Science. Science is a process that uses observation and investigation to gain knowledge about the events in nature . Science : What does come to your mind ?.
NIS - BIOLOGY Lecture 1 TheNature of ScienceandtheScientificMethod OzgurUnal
TheNature of Science • Science is a processthatusesobservationandinvestigationtogainknowledgeabouttheevents in nature. Science: Whatdoescometoyourmind? • Observation:Act of gatheringinformation • Inferences:Drawingconclusionsfromobservations • Investigation:Includesobserving, experimenting, modelling
TheScientificMethod ScientificMethod
TheScientificMethod Hypothesis: An educatedguess Experiment: A wayto test hypothesis Collect data Analyze data Drawconclusions Serendipity? • Experimentsincludevariables: • Dependentvariables • Independentvariables • Constants
TheScientificMethod Question: Howdoesthethickness of theseedcoataffectthegermination rate of theseeds? Hypothesis? • Ifthethickness of thecoating is smaller, theseedsgerminatefaster. • Design an experimenttotestyourhypothesis: • A seedwithscratchedcoat • A seedwith a hole in thecoat (nicked) • A seedwith an unscratchedcoat
TheScientificMethod Coatingthickness Germination rate Temperature, amount of sunlight, wateretc. Identifyvariables: Independentvariable: Dependentvariable: Constant: • Control: Theseedwith normal coatingis usedtocomparethegrowthrates.
TheScientificMethod Performtheexperiment, collectandrecordyour data: • Drawconclusions: ?? • Shareyourresults: Communicate
TheScientificMethod Astronomy vs Astrology Whichone is a science? Why?