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Traveling Westward

Traveling Westward. Traveling Westward. Introduction Traveling West Why move westward How? Conclusion. Bellwork. Why would someone want to move into the newly acquired western territories. Westward Expansion. Who? How? Why?. Who. Commercial Farmers Plantation Farmers

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Traveling Westward

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Traveling Westward

  2. Traveling Westward • Introduction • Traveling West • Why move westward • How? • Conclusion

  3. Bellwork • Why would someone want to move into the newly acquired western territories.

  4. Westward Expansion • Who? • How? • Why?

  5. Who • Commercial Farmers • Plantation Farmers • Native Americans • Empresario • Mormons • 49ers

  6. How? • Routes: • Roads • Waterways • Canal • Wagon • Rail Road • Steamboat • Train

  7. How - Road

  8. How - Train

  9. How - Canal

  10. How - Trails • Travel Via Sea • Ships would travel around the tip of South America to West Coast • Land routes • Between 1840-1860 approx. 300,000 made the journey • California = 200,000 • Oregon = 53,000 • Utah = 30,000 • Length of trip 4-6 months • Cost of Transportation • $400 for wagon and gear • Death rate of journey 5%

  11. How - Trail

  12. Dangers of the Trail: The Donner Party April, 1846 – April, 1847

  13. Donner Party Margaret Patrick John Breen Breen Breen • Of the 83 members of the Donner Party, only 45 survived to get to California! James Reed & Wife

  14. Check Up! • List the major routes people are taking to travel westward.

  15. Why Westward? • Religion • Mormons

  16. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church) • Foundation • Joseph Smith • Published Book of Mormon in 1830 • Eventually settled with many followers in Illinois

  17. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church) • Foundation • Joseph Smith • Published Book of Mormon in 1830 • Eventually settled with many followers in Illinois • In 1844 Smith was jailed and then murdered by a mob

  18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church) • New leader • Brigham Young • Goal: Freedom from religious persecution • Migration to Utah began in 1847 • By 1848 5,000 settlers had migrated to Utah • Utah became a state in 1896

  19. Why Westward? • Religion • Mormons • Free Land

  20. Donation Land Claim Act1850 • Free land in Oregon Country • White, male citizens over 18 could receive 320 acres of land • Married couples 640 acres • Land had to be occupied for four years and improved • 2.5 million acres were given out to 7,000 people

  21. The Oregon Trail – Albert Bierstadt, 1869

  22. The Oregon Trail – Game

  23. Why Westward? • Religion • Mormons • Free Land • Gold

  24. California Gold Rush • 1848 – Gold discovered outside of Sacramento • Population explosion • 1848 – 14,000 • 1852 – 225,000

  25. California Gold Rush • Prospectors initially worked alone • 49ers could earn $50 day • Two months wages in a northern factory • 95% of prospectors were male • Prospectors came from all over the World • Mid-1850s = 20% of prospectors were from China

  26. Check Up! • How did manifest destiny change the United States?

  27. Match the corresponding who, where and why

  28. Links • Brigham Young • Gold Rush • Oregon Trail • Oregon Trail (National Park Service)

  29. Source • http://college.cengage.com/history/lecturepoints/index.html

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