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Purpose On the basis of data on: 109 concluded FP7 calls for proposals published in 2007 and 2008

This report provides updated statistics on proposal subscription, selection outcomes, success rates, and grant agreements for the concluded FP7 calls for proposals published in 2007-2008. It includes data on eligible proposals, applicants, retained funding, successful applicants, EC funding, signed grant agreements, grant holders, EC contribution, and more.

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Purpose On the basis of data on: 109 concluded FP7 calls for proposals published in 2007 and 2008

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  1. FP7 Subscription, Performance, Implementationduring the first two years of operation2007-2008Alexandros ARABATZISRTD A.6.02alexandros.arabatzis@ec.europa.eu

  2. Purpose On the basis of data on: • 109 concluded FP7 calls for proposals published in 2007 and 2008 to present updated: • Statistics on proposal subscription and selection outcome • Success rates • Statistics on grant agreements

  3. Population -Proposals 109 concluded FP7 calls for proposals published in 2007-8 (on E-CORDA since 25 February 2009) • 33.616 eligible proposals • 170.048 applicants • EUR 56,7 billion 5.477 retained for funding 16% 34.438 successful applicants 20% EUR 10,0 billion of EC funding 18%

  4. Population –Signed Grants (on E-CORDA since 25 February 2009) • 3.551 signed FP7 grant agreements • 21.497 grant holders • EUR 6,7 billion of requested EC contribution

  5. FP7 Success rates (excl. IDEAS) Same as 2007; • 22% successful proposals • 22% successful applicants • 21% EC funding requested by successful applicants

  6. MCA: sharp drop in success rates of successful applicants Euratom, Capacities and PEOPLE still with highest success rates Global FP7 (excl. ERC) success rates of 22% and 21% Still, 1 in 3 MC proposals is successful

  7. FP7 Funding Schemes ERC, CP and MCA continue to be the most popular FP7 funding schemes MCA outnumber all other funding schemes among mainlisted proposals… ..followed by the Collaborative Projects

  8. FP7 Funding Schemes

  9. FP7 Funding Schemes Collaborative Projects continue to be the FP7’s main RTD platform

  10. FP7 grants vs FP6 contracts: Slightly less partners BUT with larger budget Impact of evaluation and negotiations EUR 400.000 less per proposal initially requested EC funding EUR 400.000 less per proposal initially requested EC funding EUR 20.000 less per applicant EUR 20.000 less per applicant

  11. FP7 grant holders’ type of activity/legal status Classification • Public bodies • Non-Profit • HES • REC (including HES) • Enterprise (public or private) Is the available data on grant holders validated?

  12. FP7 applicants’ type of activity/legal status Drop in HES budget share from 40% to 34%

  13. FP7 applicants’ type of activity/legal status HES continue to prevail HES in FP7 signed grants: 39% participations, 43% EC funding HES in FP6: 31% participations, 37% EC funding 40% 38% 40% 34%

  14. FP7 applicants’ type of activity/legal status HES & REC more than 60% HES & REC in FP6: 64% participations, 68% EC funding 60% 61% 63% 62%

  15. FP7 applicants’ type of activity/legal status Applicants’ success rates

  16. FP7 applicants’ type of activity/legal status The public (excl. HES) and the private commercial sectors are the top performers Drop n REC success rates

  17. Business Enterprise Sector in FP7 signed grants Continued strong presence, similar to FP5 and FP6

  18. Strong SME Participation in FP7 signed grants • At last, data on SME grant holders (in signed grants) is validated and reliable, • They indicate a strong SME participation on FP7: • 15,5 of participations • 12,6% budget share • Under FP6(estimated): • 16% of total FP6 participation • 11% of total EC funding

  19. Even stronger SME Participation in the Cooperation sp. programme

  20. FP7 country performance FP7 success rates (applicants) FP7 success rates (EC funding)

  21. FP6 success rates (applicants) FP7 success rates (applicants)

  22. FP7 Subscription, Performance, Implementation2007-8will be available on the Europa site at:http://ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm?pg=reports Thank you for your attention

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