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ENGULF (verb) To surround or enclose completely LINK: “The Gulf of Mexico ENGULFS many deserted islands.”. “Hurrican e Katrina completely ENGULFED New Orleans in a surge of wind and water.”. 2. RIVET (noun/ verb) Something that fastens two parts together; also to hold the attention of
ENGULF (verb) To surround or enclose completely LINK: “The Gulf of Mexico ENGULFS many deserted islands.” “Hurricane Katrina completely ENGULFED New Orleans in a surge of wind and water.”
2. RIVET (noun/verb) Something that fastens two parts together; also to hold the attention of LINK: “The audience was RIVETED to the RIVETER.” “The kids are always RIVETED to the television on Saturday mornings.”
3. ABOMINATE (verb) To hate something with an extreme hatred or loathing LINK: “I ABOMINATE bombs.” “Cousin Rachel ABOMINATED her relatives when they came to visit her and tracked mud on the white carpet.”
4. RUDIMENTARY (adj) Basic, crude, undeveloped; fundamental principles LINK: “RUDE children in elementary school are often RUDIMENTARY.” “The eating utensils and tools of early cave dwellers were very RUDIMENTARY.”
5. ABRIDGE (verb) To shorten; to condense; to diminish LINK: “An ABRIDGED BRIDGE” “An ABRIDGED dictionary or thesaurus is one that has been shortened.”
6. ENTOMB (verb) To place in or as if in a tomb, or a grave LINK: “Ahmed, you have ENTOMBED us in the burial ROOM.” “Egyptian kings were ENTOMBED in special burial rooms.”
7. LAUDABLE (adj) Worthy or deserving of praise LINK: “A LAUDABLE performance that was APPLAUDABLE” “Savannah’s teacher told her she thought it most LAUDABLE that she wanted to become a doctor.”
DECREE (noun) An order having the full force of law LINK: “The governor DECREED that all prisoners be SET FREE” “The City Council issued a DECREE that all dogs must be on a leash.”
9. GAMIN (noun) A neglected boy left to run about in the streets LINK: “A JAMMIN’ GAMIN” “In India, everywhere the tour bus stopped there would be a gang of GAMINS begging for money.”
10. DEBASE (verb) To lower in quality, character or value LINK: “Big Bertha easily DEBASED the BASE.” “Violent crime in America DEBASES our country.”