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ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE. Practical College English Course (III). Cover. 实用英语. 上海交通大学出版社. 美心英语. Unit 1. Contents. Focus 1 Section 1 :Text: A Detective Story Background Information Warm Up Vocabulary Intensive Reading
ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE Practical College English Course (III) Cover 实用英语 上海交通大学出版社 美心英语
Unit 1 Contents Focus 1Section 1 :Text: A Detective Story Background Information Warm Up Vocabulary Intensive Reading Exercises: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII Section 2: Listening and Speaking 美心英语
Focus 1 Section I Background information Focus1 Section 1 Some Basic Facts about Detective Story Background Information The detective story, the tale featuring a mystery and/or the commission of a crime, emphasizes the search for a solution. The detective story is distinguished from other forms of fiction by the fact that it is a puzzle. Although a crime usually has been committed, the reader’s attention is directed to the baffling circumstances surrounding the crime rather than to the event itself. The tale’s climax is the solution of the puzzle, and what concerns readers most is the logical process in which the investigator follows a series of clues to this solution. Very often the detective solves the mystery by means of deductive reasoning from facts known both to the character and the reader. The first true detective stories were written in the 1840s by American author Edgar Allan Poe. Among Poe’s large output are five short narratives in which he originated almost every significant principle used by detective story writers for more than a century afterward. Detective stories as a popular form of literature began to flourish after the establishment of regular, paid police forces and their accompanying detective departments. In the late 1880s English author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created the greatest of all fictional detectives, Sherlock Holmes. 上海交通大学出版社 美心英语
Focus 1 Section I Warm up Focus1 Section 1 Warm Up • Do you like reading detective novels? Why or why not? • What are the names of your favorite detective films or TV series? Why do you like them? • Can you name some famous detectives? What are they famous for? 上海交通大学出版社 美心英语
Detective TV series 妙警贼探
Arthur Conan Doyle(22 May 1859 – 7 July 1930) was a Scottish physician and writer, most noted for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, which are generally considered a major innovation in the field of crime fiction. His most famous works: A Study in Scarlet《血字的研究》 The Hound of the Baskervilles 《巴斯克维尔的猎犬 》 The sign of four《四个签名 》
Agatha Christie (1890-1976) Very prolific (多产的) British author of mystery novels and short stories, creator of Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective, and Miss Jane Marple. Christie wrote more than 70 detective novels under the surname of her first husband, Colonel Archibald Christie. She also published a series of romances and a children's book. Her most famous works: 《东方快车谋杀案》Murder on the Orient Express 《尼罗河上的惨案》 Death on the Nile 《无人生还》/《十个印第安小人》/《孤岛奇案》 And Then There Were None / Ten Little Indians/Niggers
东野圭吾(ひがしの けいご),日本推理小说家。1985年 以第31届江户川乱步奖得奖作《放学后》出道。早期作品多 为精巧细致的本格推理,之后作风逐渐超越传统推理小说的 框架。代表作有《放学后》《秘密》《白夜行》《暗恋》 《信》《嫌疑人X的献身》。多部作品被搬上屏幕。
www.yx771.cn/dmyx/23248/?iframe Let’s play a game to test whether you have any detective ability.
Listen to the text and then answer the questions. • How many people were involved in the story? Mr. James, Ms. Jane Webb, Inspector Coderre. 2. What’s the relationship between Mr. James and Ms. Jane Webb? Mr. James was Ms. Jane Webb’s boss and neighbour. 3. Who is the murderer? Ms. Jane Webb. 4. How did Inspector Coderre know Ms. Webb did it? From her words.
Read the text and then answer the other two questions. • Where did the conversation between the Inspector and Ms. Webb take place? In the kitchen where Ms. Webb saw everything. 2. What did Ms. Webb say betrayed herself? In Para. 6:the light came on in Mr. James’ study. In Para. 13: I opened the door, switched on the light.
Exercise I.2 Match the questions or statements in the left column with the correct choices according to the text. Focus 1 Section I Exercise I.2 Focus1 Section 1 D absent-minded C
Focus 1 Section I Vocabulary Focus1 Section 1 Vocabulary Please go over the key words and expressions of the text before reading 上海交通大学出版社 美心英语
accompany:vt. to go somewhere with someone 陪伴,陪同;伴随;为……伴奏 e.g. 1)May we accompany you on your walk? 我们陪你一起散步好吗? 2) 闪电通常伴随雷鸣。 Lightning usually accompanies thunder. accompany, company, companion
Company:v.& [U.C] n.陪伴;公司 A man is known by the company (n.) he keeps. [谚]从其交友知其为人。 May fair winds company (v.) your safe return. 愿和风伴你平安归来。 Companion: [c] n.伙伴; 朋友, 志趣相投的人 a faithful companion 忠实伴侣 A friend is a loving companion at all times. 朋友是永久的知心伴侣。
Vital:a. extremely important and necessary for sth. to succeed or exist 生命的, 重要的, 充满活力的, 生死攸关的, 致命的 Perseverance is vital to success. 不屈不挠是成功之本。 同义词:important, fundamental, significant
witness:1) n. [C] someone who sees sth. happen and can describe it to other people e.g. One witness claimed to have seen the gun. 2) v. “to see sth. happen because you are there when it happens e.g. Police have appealed for(呼吁)anyone who witnessed the accident to contact them.
法庭英语 法庭,审判,法官, 被告,原告,目击证人 嫌疑犯,罪犯 court 法庭 trial 审判 judge 法官 defendant; the accused被告 accuser 原告 witness 目击证人 suspect 嫌疑犯 criminal 罪犯
absolutely:adv. used to emphasize that sth. Is completely true 绝对地,完全地;极其 e.g. He is absolutely wrong. absolute:adj. total and complete 绝对的,完全的 e.g.他是个十足的骗子。 He is an absolute cheat. 权力导致腐败,绝对权力绝对导致腐败。 Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
account:1) n. [C] a written or spoken description of sth. That has happened叙述,说明;账户 e.g. The accounts are perfectly in order. 账目井井有条。 2) v. to give an explanation of 说明 e.g. She couldn’t account for her mistake. 她无法解释自己的错误。 accountant:n. [C] someone whose job is to keep and check financial accounts 会计师,会计 CPA: certified public accountant 注册会计师 Phrases: on account of, take sth. into account
on account of:because of 因为,由于 e.g.因为天气不好,野餐被取消了。 The picnic was cancelled on account of bad weather. take sth. into account:to allow or plan for a certain possibility of 把……考虑进去 e.g. We must take his age into account. Happiness takes no account of time. ——Jack London 幸福年华似流水。 ——杰克·伦敦
secure:1)vt. To cause to be safe or firmly attached 紧闭;使安全,保卫 e.g. He secured the doors and windows. 他紧闭门窗。 She has secured a good job. 她已获得一份好的工作。 2) adj. free from danger or risk 安全的,牢固的,可靠的 Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life.----Lev Tolstoy 理想是指路明灯.没有理想,就没有坚定的方向; 没有方向,就没有生活。----列夫.托尔斯泰 • security n. a sense of security 安全感 public security 公安
circumstance:n. [C] a condition that accompanies or influences some event or activity 环境,条件,情况;[常pl.] 境遇,状况 e.g. 1) I know I can trust him in any circumstances. 我知道我在任何情况下都能信任他。 2) Under no circumstances can you do that. 你无论如何都不能那样做。 Under the circumstances: 在这种情况下,既然如此
motive:n. [C] the reason that makes someone do something 动机,目的 e.g. The police believe the motive for this murder was jealousy. 警察认为这次谋杀是由忌妒引起的。 What makes life dreary is the want of motive. 没有了目的,生活便郁闷无光。 motivation n.
conform:vi./vt. to be in agreement with, to comply with (generally accepted rules, standards, etc.) (to)与……一致,符合 e.g. What they have done conforms to the interests of the people. 他们所做的符合人民的利益。 One should conform oneself to the new customs. 每个人都要使自己适应新风俗。
Focus 1 Section I Intensive Reading-Para1 Focus1 Section 1 A Detective Story 1 At 11:22 p.m. on January 7, 1999, Ms. Jane Webb called the Toronto police to report a suicide. At 11:34 a police car pulled upin front of her house, a small bungalow on a very quiet street, and two policemen got out of the car. Ms. Webb was waiting for them at the door, dressed in a warm coat to protect her against the cold. She pointed to the house next door, on her right, and accompanied the policemen to the front door of this house. 上海交通大学出版社 美心英语
Questions About Para. 1 (1) When did Ms. Jane Webb call the Toronto police? She called the Toronto police at 11:22 p.m. on January 7, 1999. (2) Where did Ms. Jane Webb live? She lived in a small bungalow on a very quiet street.
一则侦探故事 • 1999年1月7日晚上11点22分,简•韦布女士拨通了多伦多警署的电话,报告了一起自杀案件。11点34分,一辆警车停在了韦布女士的房子——一幢地处僻静街道的小平房前面,车上下来了两名警察。外面很冷,韦布女士穿着暖和的外套在门口等着他们。她指向右边隔壁的房子,并随警察向那房子的前门走去。
pull up: tostop the vehicle that you are driving (使)停下 e.g. He pulled up his car at the entrance. pull off: 1) 脱去 e.g. She pulled off her raincoat before entering the room. 2) 胜利完成 e.g. I'm sure you will pull off the competition.
pull down: 1)毁坏, 拆毁 e.g. They pulled down my old house and built five new ones. 2)使虚弱; 拖垮 e.g. A really bad cold pulls you down and leaves you feeling very miserable. pull a long face: 拉长脸(显出不喜欢或不高兴的样子) e.g. I don't know what's the matter with her, but she's been pulling a long face for two days. Pull down
Intensive Reading-Para2 Focus1 Section 1 2 To the policemen’s surprise, the door was partly open. They entered the house and Ms. Webb directed the policemen to the study, which was down the corridor, on the right. The door of the study was also open, and they could see a man’s body on the floor near the desk. They realized immediately that he was dead. There was a small round hole in his forehead, just above his right eye, and a gun lay on the floor next to his right hand. 上海交通大学出版社 美心英语
Question About Para. 2 (3) Why were the policemen surprised when they arrived? Because the front door of Mr. James’ house was partly open.
corridor: n. [C] a long, narrow passage in a building or a train, with doors that open into rooms on either side 走廊,长廊,通道 e.g. She hurried down the corridor. aisle: 过道, 通道
Intensive Reading-Para 3-4 Focus1 Section 1 3 The policemen looked around but did not touch anything. They then left the room and told Ms. Webb to follow them outside. One of the policemen told her that she was a vital witness and asked her to stay in the house until someone came to interview her. He then called the homicide division and gave them the address. 4 Inspector Coderre and a team of experts arrived fifteen minutes later to investigate the matter. The investigation began at once and Inspector Coderre checked every room in the house before he was satisfied. Question About Para. 3 (4) Why did the policeman tell Ms. Webb to stay in her house? Because she was a vital witness and was to be interviewed by the police.
警察四处察看,但没有碰任何东西,随后他们离开房间,并让韦布女士随他们一起到了外面。其中一位警察告诉她说,她是本案非常重要的目击证人,并要求她待在家里等有人来向她了解情况。然后他打电话到凶杀科,告诉了他们地址。警察四处察看,但没有碰任何东西,随后他们离开房间,并让韦布女士随他们一起到了外面。其中一位警察告诉她说,她是本案非常重要的目击证人,并要求她待在家里等有人来向她了解情况。然后他打电话到凶杀科,告诉了他们地址。 • 15分钟后,科德尔探长与一组专家到达案发现场调查此案。侦查马上就展开了,科德尔探长仔细地检查了每一个房间,直到满意为止。
Intensive Reading-Para5-6 Focus1 Section 1 5 It was almost 2:00 a.m. when he finally rang the doorbell at Ms. Webb’s home and asked to speak to her. She offered him a cup of coffee, which he gratefully accepted. He sat down at the kitchen table and while the coffee was brewing, she told him what had happened. 6 “I was sitting in this very room, drinking a cup of cocoa like I do every night before I go to bed. Suddenly, the light came onin Mr. James’ study and through the window I saw him enter the room and walk over to his desk. Look! You can see the study from here and you can see everything that is happening inside.”
Questions About Para. 5 (5) When did Inspector Coderre ring the doorbell at Ms. Webb’s home? It was almost 2:00 a.m. when he rang her doorbell. (6) What did Ms. Webb offer to Inspector Coderre? She offered him a cup of coffee. (7) Where did Inspector Coderre talk to Ms. Webb? He talked to Ms. Webb in her kitchen.
本句中的saw是感官动词,其宾语him后面有两个不带to 的不定式短语(enter the room以及walk over to his desk)充当并列的宾语补足语。 注意:在被动语态中,感官动词或使役动词后的不定式必须保留to。 e.g. (1) She was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed. (2) Her son was made to clean up his room.
come on: (light or machine) to start working(灯或机器等)打开,开动 e.g. A dog started barking and lights came on in the house. come on:开始(……起来),来到;跟着来;进步,进展,成长;(问题、案件等)被提出来;(演员)出台;(戏剧等)上演;(表示劝说、激励、不耐烦)来吧!快!得啦! e.g. What program comes on next? 接下来是什么节目?
very: adj. 意为“being exactly the same one, not any other 正是的,恰好的,同一的”。 e.g. (1) He is the very man the police are looking for. (2) This is the very book Prof. Wang asked us to read.
like用作从属连词,相当于as,意为“像……,如……”,引导方式状语从句。like用作从属连词,相当于as,意为“像……,如……”,引导方式状语从句。 e.g. (1) Don’t think you can learn grammatical rules like you learn the multiplication tables. (2) She can’t cook like her mother does.
将近凌晨2点时,他按响了韦布女士家的门铃,要求和她谈谈。韦布女士请他喝杯咖啡,他感激地接受了。他在厨房的桌子边坐了下来。韦布女士一边煮咖啡,一边告诉他发生的一切。将近凌晨2点时,他按响了韦布女士家的门铃,要求和她谈谈。韦布女士请他喝杯咖啡,他感激地接受了。他在厨房的桌子边坐了下来。韦布女士一边煮咖啡,一边告诉他发生的一切。 • “当时我就坐在这间厨房里喝热可可饮料,像每个晚上睡前所做的那样。突然,詹姆斯先生书房里的灯亮了,透过窗户,我看到他进了书房,走向书桌。瞧,从这儿您可以看到那个书房,里面发生的一切都可以看到。”
Intensive Reading-Para 7-8 Focus1 Section 1 7 Inspector Coderre stared out of the kitchen window and realized that she was absolutely right. The study was well lit and he could see his colleagues move around inside as they continued their investigation. 8 Ms. Webb continued with her story. “I saw Mr. James open a drawer of the desk and take out a gun. I was so shocked I didn’t react at first. As I looked, I saw him point the gun at his head and pull the trigger.” 科德尔探长从厨房的窗子往外望,发现她说的完全正确。那书房灯火通明,他能看到他的同事们在里面四处走动,继续调查着。 韦布女士接着说:“我看见詹姆斯先生拉开书桌的抽屉,拿出了一支手枪。我吓了一跳,一下都没有反应过来。就在那时,我看到他用手枪对准自己的头,扣动了扳机。”
I was so shocked I didn’t react at first. 本句可以理解为在shocked后面省略了连接词that,so…that…(如此……以至于……)引导结果状语从句。 e.g. (1) She was so angry (that) she couldn’t speak. (2) The food my mother cooks is so delicious I always eat more than I should.
Intensive Reading-Para 9-11 Focus1 Section 1 9 She was obviously upset but she continued her account of the terrible event. “As you can imagine, I was in shock, but I realized that I had to do something, although I knew deep down that it was too late.” 10 “So what did you do?” the inspector posed the question. 11 “I ran over to his house for an inspection. I checked the front door. It was locked. I tried the back door. It too was locked. I went around the house and checked all the windows. They were all secured with locks. So I took a stone and broke a basement window and climbed in. It was stupid under the circumstances, but I didn’t want to break any of the big windows.” Question About Para. 11 (8) How did Ms. Webb enter Mr. James’ house according to her account? She took a stone and broke a basement window and climbed in. 美心英语
upset: 1) a. unhappy and worried because sth. unpleasant or disappointing has happened难过,不高兴,失望 e.g. She was still upset about the argument she’d had with Harry. 注意:upset作形容词时不能用作前置定语。 2) v. to make a plan, situation, etc. go wrong 打乱,扰乱;使……心烦意乱;使(身体、肠胃等)不适;打翻,推翻”。 e.g. The ecological balance of the area was upset.
韦布女士显然很难过,但她还是接着讲述这件可怕的事情。“你能想象,当时我完全懵了,但是我还是意识到我必须得做点什么,虽然我心里很清楚,已经太迟了。”韦布女士显然很难过,但她还是接着讲述这件可怕的事情。“你能想象,当时我完全懵了,但是我还是意识到我必须得做点什么,虽然我心里很清楚,已经太迟了。” • “那么,你做了什么呢?”探长问。 • “我跑到他家想进去看看。我试了前门,门是锁着的,转到后门,门也锁着。我在屋外转了一圈试了所有的窗户,发现所有的窗户都锁严了。于是我拿起一块石头,砸碎了地下室的窗户爬了进去。我知道这种情况下这样做很愚蠢,但是我不想打破那些大窗户。”