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MENGAMBIL HIKMAH DARI SIMBOL MATEMATIKA .     . Kita hidup dalam dunia yang penuh SIMBOL. Apakah kita mengenal SIMBOL? Apakah kita memahami SIMBOL? Apakah kita mematuhi SIMBOL?. Beberapa SIMBOL. Tidak mengenal?. Tidak memahami ?. Tidak mematuhi ?. PARKIR RODA EMPAT. vs.

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Presentation Transcript


  2. Kita hidup dalam dunia yang penuh SIMBOL • ApakahkitamengenalSIMBOL? • Apakahkitamemahami SIMBOL? • Apakahkitamematuhi SIMBOL?

  3. Beberapa SIMBOL

  4. Tidak mengenal? Tidakmemahami? Tidakmematuhi?


  6. vs

  7. Simbol untuk keluar masuk rumah

  8. Tidak mematuhi SIMBOL

  9. Satu SIMBOL, sejuta MAKNA Terimakasih Memanggil Menyapa Pamit Ijin Mau Mendahului Mencobabunyi Senang Mintaminggir Menyuruhberangkat Memarahi Cariperhatian Tiittt


  11. BILANGAN BULAT Kanan: Positif Kiri: Negatif

  12. BILANGAN REAL Kanan: Positif Kiri: Negatif

  13. KOORDINAT KARTESIUS Kanan: Positif Atas: Positif Kiri: Negatif Bawah: Negatif

  14. ?

  15. Al-Qur'an: QS 56: 8-9 8. Yaitu golongan kanan. Alangkah mulianya golongan kanan itu. 9. Dan golongankiri. Alangkahsengsaranyagolongankiriitu. QS 90:18-19 18. Mereka (orang-orang yang berimandansalingberpesanitu) adalahgolongankanan. 19. Dan orang-orang yang kafirkepadaayat-ayatKami, merekaituadalahgolongankiri. QS 74:39-40 39. kecualigolongankanan, 40. berada di dalam syurga, mereka tanya menanya,

  16. QS Adz-Dzariyat (51) 21. dan (juga) padadirimusendiri. Makaapakahkamutidakmemperhatikan?

  17. Tangan KIRI dan KANAN 81 18

  18. Sisi Matematik 81 + 18 = 99 81 = 9 x 9 18 = 9 + 9 APA 99?

  19. 99 Asma’ulhusna 81 Al-Muntaqim 18 Al-Fattah

  20. PosisiSedekap 1881 19 x 99

  21. 19 ruastulang (57 = 19 x 3) ruastulang?

  22. OtakAtikMatukMatematik 19 1 + 9 = 10 1 + 0 = 1 1 ------->

  23.  = 5 + 30 + 30 + 1 = 66  = 4 + 8 + 1 + 6 = 19

  24. Di atasnyaada19 (malaikatpenjaga). Dan tidakKamijadikanpenjaganerakaitumelainkandarimalaikat, dantidaklahkamimenjadikanjumlahmerekaitu (yakni19) melainkancobaanbagiorang-orangkafir, supayaorang-orang yang diberi Al-Kitabmenjadiyakindansupayaorang yang berimanbertambahimannya, dansupayaorang-orang yang diberi Al-Kitabdanorang-orang yang berimantidakragu-ragu, dansupayaorang-orang yang didalamhatinyaadapenyakitdanorang-orangkafir (mengatakan): “Apa yang dikehendaki Allah denganini (bilangan19) sebagaiperumpamaan?…”. (QS 74:30-31) Rahasiabilangan 19 dalam Al-Qur’an ditemukantahun1974 M

  25. Brain wave rhythms have been grouped into four major categories: alpha, beta, theta delta. Alpha was the first brainwave frequency discovered, and it is alpha that is presently causing such a stir. The patterns (rhythms) caused by the brain's electrical activity are measured in cycles per second (CPS). It is generally agreed that x > 14 : beta waves; 14 > x > 7 : alpha waves; 7 > x > 4 : theta waves; 4 > x : delta waves.

  26. Delta appears only during the deepest levels of sleep, in coma or while a person is under anesthesia. Theta are present most frequently while a person is deeply relaxed or daydreaming. Although theta is normally associated with sleeping, it will suddenly appear during periods of insight or inspiration and during deep healing meditation. Beta frequency is associated with alert, rational, analytical behavior and concentrated problem solving. It is also accepted that the beta level is a stress state. It has been discovered that negative feelings such as guilt, bitterness, jealousy, fear, etc. are not found at the lower brain wave frequencies, but only at beta.

  27. The Alpha-Theta StateIn both the East and West there are traditions of meditation and prayer that effectively stimulate alpha-theta wave production. Many who reported feeling a sense of separation from the material universe, loss of personal identity and sense of union showed the greatest increases in alpha and theta activity. Being in the alpha level benefits the physical body as well because when a person is in the alpha state, the renewing and self-healing process is accelerated.

  28. 1 9 Alpha Theta MeditasiKundalini Meditasi Chakra

  29. 1 9 Alpha Theta ShalatKhusyu’

  30. 1881 19 x 99

  31. 24434 = 19 x 1286 17 17

  32. 1 + 7 + 9 + 2 = 19


  34. Ayo SHALAT KHUSYU’ …!!!

  35. 

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