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Learn about differentiated curriculum, pedagogy, and support services for gifted students. Explore role of RTG in supporting teachers within a PLC setting. Discover resources and strategies for addressing diverse learning needs.
McKinley ES Gifted Services Overview Kevin Trainor Resource Teacher for the Gifted (RTG) McKinley Elementary School November 7, 2018
BEFORE WE START • On each table you will find index cards that can be used to jot down any questions during the presentation. • If I can’t address your question during the presentation, please include your name, your child’s name (if applicable), your contact information, and the best time for me to reach you.
MY BACKGROUND IN EDUCATION • B.A. & M. Ed. In Elem. Ed. (1998; 1999) • 6th Year Diploma in Professional Education - Gifted and Talented Education (2005) • National Board Certification (Middle Child-Generalist, 2008 and 2017) • Current Instructional Lead Teacher at McKinley • Member of McKinley’s Personalized Learning Design Team • 20 years in education - 14 years as a 4th/6th grade teacher; 6 years as RTG
OBJECTIVES • Outline the recommendations of the National Association of Gifted Children regarding differentiating curriculum and instruction. • Describe the role of the RTG within a Professional Learning Community (PLC). • Showcase the ways in which advanced content and critical/creative thinking strategiesare implemented at McKinley. * I am planning a session dedicated to the Gifted Referral and Identification Process that will be held once NNAT and CogAT Scores are mailed home.
access to curricular resources designed for gifted learners systematic and substantial professional development for all teachers needs of gifted learners differentiation in general flexible grouping approaches resource specialists who can support the classroom teacher in assessing gifted learner differences making adjustments to the curriculum implementing advanced curriculum and strategies THE NAGC recommends that every school provide:
Virginia Department of Education regulations state that each school district must develop a plan to identify and provide services to those students who have learning needs beyond the regular instructional program. https://www.apsva.us/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/2017-2022-Gifted-Services-Local-Plan.pdf Virginia Gifted Regulations APS Local Plan 2017 - 2021
Shared Responsibility for Daily Differentiation for Gifted Learners
PLC A FOCUS ON LEARNING Four Key Questions Focus Us on Learning #1 What is it we expect our students to learn? #2 How will we know when they have learned it? #3 How will we provide time and support when they don’t learn it? #4 How will we extend learning when they already know it or learn it quickly?
MY PRIMARY ROLE WITHIN THE PLC The primary role of the RTG is to increase teachers’ capacity to infuse gifted pedagogy into the regular classroom.
ADDITIONAL ROLES OF THE RTG • Support the implementation of curricular resources in order to differentiate content for gifted students • Promote and model procedures, strategies, and techniques to support gifted students • Support social/emotional needs of gifted learners • Work collaboratively with cluster teachers to plan and deliver instruction • Lead PD and/or share info about gifted education training • Advocate for underrepresented populations to include 2e, ESOL/HILT, children from poverty
RTGs as advocates for Historically Underrepresented Populations ■Twice Exceptional (2e) ■English Learners ■High Ability, Low Income Students ■Underachieving Students
RTGs within the Arlington Tiered System of Support ATSS is a system within collaborative learning teams (CLT) for meeting the needs of all students Uses data to identify students who are in need of remediation or extensions
Arlington Tiered System of Support (ATSS) ATSS helps each student reach success in academics, behavior and social emotional well-being through a system-wide framework that provides additional resources and supports. There are three tiers of instruction and support: Tier 1 (Core), Tier 2, and Tier 3.
ESOL/HILT Support • Similar to 2e with wrap around support • RTG works collaboratively with general education teacher and ESOL/HILT teacher to find and nurture students • Building Background Knowledge • Access to Grade Level Content • Opportunities for Critical & Creative Thinking
Differentiation in the Classroom Differentiated Instruction provides multiple approaches to content, process and product. Teachers can differentiate… • Content: what students learn • Examples: supplementary curriculum, extensions • Process: how students go about making sense of ideas and information • Examples: activity, opportunities to apply information or ideas • Product: how students demonstrate what they have learned • Examples: portfolio, exhibition, project, etc. Tomlinson, Carol. Fulfilling the Promise of the Differentiated Classroom. ASCD, 2003.
How grade levels might differentiate • K and Grade 1 LA – Guided Reading Groups • Grade 2 Science – Interest Surveys coupled with Design Challenges; Passion Projects • Grade 3 Language Arts – William and Mary Language Arts Units and Navigator Units • Grade 4 Math – Project M3: Factors, Multiples, and Leftovers • Grade 5 Social Studies - Project DBQ and Socratic Seminar
Collaborative Teaching at McK Collaborative Teaching may involve: • Whole group team teaching with classroom teacher • Small group teaching in classroom, coordinated and co-planned with classroom teacher • Co-planning with classroom teacher to support differentiation on days when gifted resource teacher is not in the classroom • Flexible grouping, which may be determined by • Needs of students and/or the classroom teacher • Difficulty of unit/topic • Levels of readiness, interest, or learning profile
CLASSROOM SUPPORT (K-1) • Collaboratively plan Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) lessons • Model and deliver CCT lessons • Build capacity for teachers to replicate similar lessons in the future • Provide resources to support the core subject areas within the curriculum. • Provide support for differentiating instruction
CLASSROOM SUPPORT(GRADES 2-5) • Collaborate with grade-level teams to plan and/or implement advanced content • Utilize collaborative teaching methods in cluster classrooms for math and language arts • Incorporate CCT skills to build capacity of teachers to replicate similar lessons in the future • Provide resources to support the core subject areas within the curriculum. • Provide general support for differentiating instruction
What does this look like at McK? • A quick way to see what gifted services “looks like” is to follow me on Twitter @McK_Trainor. Here’s a sample of some things we’ve done recently.
Planning with Teachers (focus on choice and voice)
Supporting Teacher Goals (adding rigor to math workshop)
William and Mary Literature Units Junior Great Books Jacob’s Ladder Reading Comprehension Program Schoolwide Enrichment Model-Reading (SEM-R) Framework Michael Clay Thompson’s Vocabulary Program Project M2 and Project M3 Best of the Continental Math League Hands-On Equations Project Clarion Science Units William and Mary Problem-Based Science Units William and Mary Social Studies Units History Alive! The DBQ Project Primary Source Documents (Library of Congress) Socratic Seminar Resources for Advanced Learners
PARENT RESOURCES • Virginia Association for the Gifted (VAG) http://www.vagifted.org • National Association for the Gifted (NAGC) http://nagc.org • Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) http://sengifted.org
Getting Connected: APS Gifted Services Sign up for @APSGifted Twitter; @McK_Trainor APS Gifted Services Website www.apsva.us/giftedservices Cheryl McCullough, Supervisor, Gifted Services at 703-228-6160 or cheryl.mccullough@apsva.us
CONTACT INFORMATION Kevin Trainor, Resource Teacher for the Gifted Email: kevin.trainor@apsva.us Phone: (703) 228-5280 Twitter: @McK_Trainor
QUESTIONS AND/OR EXIT CARDS • I’m happy to address any general questions about gifted services at McKinley at this time. • If you have questions specific to your child, please contact me to set up a follow-up meeting or phone call.