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Labor Donated

NYC Folksinger and Producer of the “Until You Come Home: Songs for Veterans and Their Kin” CD George Mann Saturday, February 27 @ 8 PM IVAW House 707 Ingraham St. NW in Washington, DC

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Labor Donated

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NYC Folksinger and Producer of the “Until You Come Home: Songs for Veterans and Their Kin” CD George Mann Saturday, February 27 @ 8 PM IVAW House 707 Ingraham St. NW in Washington, DC Suggested Admission $5-10, all welcome regardless! More info: (240) 328-2394 George Mann has been a union organizer, toured and played for all good causes for many years and produced the “Hail to the Thief!” anti-Bush CD compilation series. He also recorded and sang for 12 years with Julius Margolin, a longtime labor activist who died last August at 93. George sings the classic songs from the last century of social activism and his own songs are powerful and funny observations on the state of the nation. Yet he also writes songs of hope, healing, struggle and triumph… He is coming to Washington, DC to celebrate the new CD compilation “Until You Come Home,” a collection of songs for veterans that features folks like Tom Paxton, Holly Near, Utah Phillips, John Gorka, David Rovics and many more. Join with Iraq Veterans for Peace for this special event! On the Web: www.untilyoucomehome.com www.georgemann.org Online Purchase: http://shop.georgeandjulius.com Doors open at 7 PM for reception & snacks Sponsored by Iraq Veterans Against the War Labor Donated

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