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Emergency Services Workshop. UK VoIP 999/112s John Medland – BT 999/112 Policy Manager. UK Emergency Service today. (222 Local Controls). Police 56%. BT or CW Operator Centres. Ambulance 35%. BT or CW Public Ntwk (PSTN). PSTN. Fire 8%. 999/112/ 18000. Other Networks.
Emergency Services Workshop UK VoIP 999/112s John Medland – BT 999/112 Policy Manager
UK Emergency Service today (222 Local Controls) Police 56% BT or CW Operator Centres Ambulance 35% BT or CW Public Ntwk (PSTN) PSTN Fire 8% 999/112/ 18000 Other Networks Coastguard<1% BT – 28m calls, 50% mobile, every call voice + location 999/112/18000
Handling VoIP 999/112 now • Reach Call Centres through PSTN/IP Gateways • Identified as VoIP • Registered address accessed through tel number • Name and address marked as needing confirmation • Verbal routing………. • Devices/CPE use PSTN/GSM for 999 if possible • Key issues for VoIP 112/999 : - provision of 112/999 access - registeredname and address data kept up to date(end-user->CP1->CP2 to PSTN and PSAP) • - 24 hour VSP contact point for PSAP use (tracing, alternative contacts)- lack of information to PSAP for nomadic users (definition of nomadic)- end user education- how to Automate Location provision………
NICC Task Group • The Network Interoperabilty Consultative Committee : NICC is a UK telecommunications industry committee which acts as an industry consensus group in which specifications and technical issues associated with network competition can be discussed. It also is a source of advice to the Director General of Telecommunications on the harmonisation of interconnection arrangements • Location Task Group : Routing 999/112 for VoIP to correct local EA with VoIP caller location information • Membership : ITSPA, ISPA, BT, C&W, Ericssons, Huawei, Andrew, ETSI, Gradwell, Magrathea, Thus, Truphone, IN UK, Virgin Media and Ofcom +…. • Approach :-- VSP, ISP and Access Provider(s) all different - Start with DSL and than tackle Cable, WiFI and GSM scenarios - Standards still developing (use wherever possible, eg IETF, ETSI) - Start with UK only (but need to allow for International dimension) - Don’t rely on user- Don’t rely on device (at least for next 2/3 years)
VoIP call VSP 1 Soft-Switch SBC1 1 SBC2 VSP 2 soft switch (Aggregation + interconnect ) a Log-on functions Source IP, VSP 1 ID and CLI information 2 Access LIS PIG y CLI + VSP1 id x PSTN—IP Gateway VPC b Internet service & access infrastructure providers d CLI + VSP1 id IAIC (BGP) 3 ISP LIS c 4 Emergency Handling Authority(EHA) Authority[PSAP] Request using CLI, VSP id.Response gives location Functional Architecture – work in progress
112 Call Network Attachment BTW BB Network Attachment IP Adrs -> Locn Req IP Adrs -> Locn Req Locn Req Locn Req BTR ISP & Other ISPs CLI + IP Address CLI->IP Adrs BTR 999 or C&W 999 112 Call +CLI + II digits Network Transit Providers 112 Call +CLI VoIP Registration 112 Call Voice Service Provider Layers involved User Copper loop BTOR / LLU DSLAM,BRAS, RADIUS,(LAC) ANP LNS, RADIUS ISP EHA/PSAP VSP
Implications Yes, automated routing and location provision is technically feasible (for ADSL case) but will imply :- • New requirements on all organisations (systems development) • Many more organisations involved to deliver 112 (not just traditional telcos but VSPs and ISPs) • New operational components : LIS and VPC • New interfaces for all organisations: based on international standards as far as possible (eg IETF HELD) • Increased co-op between PSAP and VSP, ISP and Access networks • Detailed document is now going through NICC review process …………………..
Challenges to adoption • ISPs storing and updating association of IP/Line ID/ location at an ISP LIS • LIS cascades to access providers and length of response times • ANPs storing and updating association of (IP)Line IDs/ location at ANP LIS • Challenging business cases (!) unless regulatory driven • Current regulatory responsibility unclear when several CPs and an ISP involved
Further Challenges • National solutions are being developed • National solutions will need to evolve to cover international IP roamers • Long transition periods with hybrid TDM/IP services • Multimedia calls : all organisations need clear 112 requirements driven by users (112Net?)
Next Steps • Next Steps :-- Finalise basic architecture and BB ADSL scenario detail - Continued work on other UK scenarios (Cable, LLU, Private networks)- International Scenarios - IP end-to-end (as NGN, PSAP +device capabilities become clear)
New Provide Backhaul & Aggregation Wholesaler Customer Openreach Emergency Services Centre ISP New Provide (Instn Adrs) New Provide (Instn Adrs) New Provide (Instn Adrs) SIDW-Instn Adrs Confirm (SIDOR) Confirm (SIDW) LIS PPP Login PPP Login Login OK + IP Adrs Login OK + IP Adrs IP->SIDW IP- SIDW LIS Locn Req (IP adrs) Locn Resp (Postal Adrs)
New Provide (case B) Customer Openreach Emergency Services Centre Backhaul & Aggregation Wholesaler ISP New Provide (Instn Adrs) New Provide (Instn Adrs) New Provide (Instn Adrs) Confirm (SiDOR) Confirm (SIDW) SIDOR->Instn Adrs LIS PPP Login PPP Login Login OK + IP Adrs Login OK + IP Adrs IP Adrs->SIDOR Locn Req (IP adrs) LIS Locn Req (IP adrs) LIS Relay Locn Resp (Postal Adrs) Locn Resp (Postal Adrs)
Current UK industry structure End User Telephone line & calls Broadband reseller Automated B2B systems & processes currently (just about) support this Retail CP Broadband; Calls Wholesale CP Services: CPS; broadband Infrastructure WLR SMPF / MPF Network (Access) Provider Eg Openreach