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Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics. A presentation by Jeremiah Graber jsgraber@purdue.edu Purdue University 10/05/07. I would like to thank Prof. Jones, Prof Kruczenski , Zolton Gresce , Steven Giddins and others. Black Hole Factories:
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics A presentation by Jeremiah Graber jsgraber@purdue.edu Purdue University 10/05/07 I would like to thank Prof. Jones, Prof Kruczenski, ZoltonGresce, Steven Giddins and others
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics INTRODUCTION Questions to be Asked: • How would a black hole form? • What conditions must be met? • Black hole signatures • Implications to physics
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE FORMATION Terminology: • Schwarzschild Radius • Event Horizon • Plank Mass • Hawking Radiation • LHC • Extra Dimensions
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE FORMATION • How One Would Form: • Collision with b < rs, • b is impact parameter, rs is event horizon radius • rs depends on mass • Regardless of subsequent collisions, this forms an Event Horizon
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE FORMATION • Why the LHC is Needed: • Overcoming coulomb repulsion • High velocity, relativistic mass effect
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics HIERARCY PROBLEM • Gravitational Constant is much smaller than others • Many theories explain disparity • Black hole theory depends on two • Large extra dimensions • Highly warped extra dimensions • Why?
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics FORMATION CONDITIONS Why Extra Dimensions? • Black hole formation requires scattering energy ~ Plank Mass • Plank mass is inversely proportional to coupling constant • Appears to be 1019 GeV • If “extra” dimensions exist, than Gravitational Coupling Constant might be much larger • Coupling constant only small in 4-space • Rest spread out in other “y” dimensions • Predicted Fundamental Plank Mass(M4) ~ Mw • Predicts Plank Mass ~ 1 TeV • Energy scale of LHC
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics FORMATION CONDITIONS Why Large or Warped? What I promise to be the worst equation of the presentation, metric of a warped geometry:
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics FORMATION CONDITIONS Why Large or Warped? • For ds2 to be large either: • The area of the “extra” dimensions must be large • The warp factor must be large • ds2 is directly proportional to the M4 Plank Mass
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics FORMATION CONDITIONS Why Large or Warped? • “A” is warp factor of space • “m” is the “extra” dimensions. D – m = 4
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics FORMATION CONDITIONS Summary of Conditions: • Collide Masses closer than rs • rs is dependant on mass • Relativistic Mass • Plank Mass must be ~ 1 TeV • Require D = 10 • Highly warped “extra” space (A > 3) • Large volume of “extra” dimensions (fm6 for D = 10) • LHC could produce 1 10 GeV black hole/ sec
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES How Does a Black Hole Radiate? • Consider an electron/positron pair created near event horizon: • Created due to zero point energy • Normally nearly instantly annihilated • One particle escapes, the other sucked into black hole. • To conserve energy, “sucked in” particle must have negative energy • Outside observer sees this as radiating particles.
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES How Much Does a Black Hole Radiate? • Black holes radiate proportionally to their temperature • Average energy related to thermal energy • Temperature is inversely proportional to mass • Black holes only contain particles with Compton wavelength < rs • Large black holes can contain almost all particles • Smaller black holes must radiate many away • Large black holes consume more than they radiate • Why small black holes collapse so quickly
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES • Overview of Decay • Balding Phase • Settles into “hairless spinning” black hole • 25% of energy lost • Schwarzschild Phase • Releases “Hawking Radiation” • Looses 75% of energy • Plank Size • Unsure of what happens here • Continues to radiate, thus disappears very quickly
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES • Balding Phase • “Hairless” when most information about the original star is lost • All that is left is Mass, Angular Momentum and Charge. • This happens to all black holes • Very quick in micro-black holes • Less than 8% of black hole’s lifetime
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES • Schwarzschild Phase • Phase with distinct, spectacular signatures • Giddings model: majority of radiation released in our 3-brane • Large signature, 10 GeV of energy released ~ 1 picosecond
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES Theoretical Signatures
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES • 1 black hole/ sec creates undeniable signature • No prediction of exact particles • Possible it is random • Roughly spherically symmetrical • 80 – 95% of radiated energy visible • Observe in atmosphere
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics CONCLUSIONS Would Producing Black Holes Be Dangerous? • Newspaper reports, Discovery Channel specials have sparked protests about turning on the LHC • The black hole would radiate away in 0.000000000001 seconds. • Cosmic radiation strikes Earth with energy 5x of LHC
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics CONCLUSIONS Implications of Lab Produced Black Holes • Evidence for “extra” dimensions • Without “extra” dimensions collider requires 1016 TeV • Predicts D ≥ 10 for ~ 1 TeV black holes • Short distance physics would basically end • Use high energy to probe short distances • Is there a length shorter than the Plank length? • Likely not answered • rs is larger than Plank length