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LNF. Higgs physics at a linear e+e- collider. E. Accomando INFN and Università di Torino. LNF. theory and experiment for the same goal. Higgs search. the collaboration will continue. LNF. After the Higgs discovery at the LHC. we first celebrate then.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LNF Higgs physics at a linear e+e- collider E. Accomando INFN and Università di Torino

  2. LNF theory and experiment for the same goal Higgs search the collaboration will continue...

  3. LNF After the Higgs discovery at the LHC we first celebrate then we want to see more and with higher precisionWe want tetermin The Higgs mass Higgs Coupling to fermions, bosons and itself Spin and CP quantum numbers Higgs potential What theory behind?

  4. LNF LHC and LC interplay • LHC has the highest Higgs mass reach • many more channels open but not clean • discovery of heavy Higgses • LC strenght is in precision measurements • typical accuracy from per mil to percent level • quantum level effects • indirect discovery of NP beyond LC energies • deciphering the dynamics responsible for EWSB Nice complementarity between the two machines

  5. LNF Higgs mass measurement e+e- ZH WWqq ee vvH ? e+e- Below threshold?

  6. LNF Higgs couplings H ff Ecm=350 GeV L=500 fb-1 ee HZ LHC@300 fb-1D=10-30 %

  7. LNF Top Yukawa coupling QCD and EW corrections KNLO = 0.9 = -EW Full LO in bbbblvqq B-tag is crucial KNLO = 1.5

  8. LNF Top Yukawa coupling a very sensitive probe of possible new physics combined

  9. LNF Higgs self-couplings a way to discriminate models beyond the SM e+e- ZHH e+e- vvHH

  10. LNF Spin and CP quantum numbers From energy dependence of the Higgs production rate at threshold e+e- HZ Mh=120 GeV

  11. LNF SUSY Higgs 5 scalars: h, H, A, H+, H- • Several possible scenarios: • all five Higgses within reach at the LHC and LC • only at the LHC • just one visible Higgs The LHC/LC interplay reveals crucial to test the underlying theory and recover the parameter space

  12. LNF Measuring the Higgs sector scenario I: all Higgses at the LHC and LC High accuracy on tanb from LHC+LC

  13. LNF Measuring the Higgs sector scenario II: heavy Higgses only at the LHC Very sensitive consistency test of the MSSM

  14. LNF Measuring the Higgs sector scenario III: only the light Higgs at the LHC Th vs exp: Indirect bounds on MA

  15. LNF Monte Carlo EG for Higgs physics e+e- --> HZ, Hnn --> 4f From a low- mass Higgs CompHEP[Boos et al.] Excalibur[Berends et al.] Grc4f[Fujimoto et al.] WPHACT[E.A., Ballestrero] H-->2f e+e- --> HZ, Hnn --> 6f To an intermediate Higgs HiggsPV[Montagna, et al.] SIXPHACT[E.A., Ballestrero, Pizzio] LUCIFER, SHERPA, MADEVENT, O’Mega Whizard H-->WW,ZZ-->4f

  16. LNF Conclusions • Strong LHC/LC interplay to measure and understand • Higgs properties • EWSB dynamics • and reveal the underlying theory Great improvement from simultaneous running

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