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Gene Jury

Gene Jury. Genetic Modification. Cell. DNA. Nucleus. Chromosomes. Living thing! Wee baldy sheep. size gene (wee). DNA. Genes. Coat gene (baldy). size gene. size gene. Coat gene. Coat gene. I have big woolly sheep and wee baldy sheep,

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Gene Jury

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gene Jury Genetic Modification

  2. Cell DNA Nucleus Chromosomes Living thing! Wee baldy sheep

  3. size gene (wee) DNA Genes Coatgene (baldy)

  4. size gene size gene Coatgene Coatgene

  5. I have big woolly sheep and wee baldy sheep, but I want BIG BALDY sheep! How can I get them?

  6. I know! I’ll cross the two types together.

  7. X X Now we just need to breed from the big baldies to make a flock

  8. X X

  9. “baldy” gene “wonky” gene Linkage

  10. How could we get rid of the wonky gene?

  11. Wee baldy BIG baldy! “wonky” gene “wee” gene “baldy” gene Big woolly “big” gene “baldy” gene

  12. How is it done? Genetic modification (GM) Changing the genes of a living thing, often by adding genes from another living thing.

  13. This is a video of microinjection of a sheep pronucleus. The Sheep egg has been fertilized and is about to divide for the first time. The microinjection needle is delivering genetically modified DNA to the nucleus. If successful, this GM DNA will be incorporated into the nucleus DNA and will appear in every cell that divides afterwards, eventually resulting in a GM sheep.

  14. GM can be used to combine genes from different organisms without breeding

  15. What do you think? When is GM ok? If you cannot see the diamond nine image file on this page, you can find it on the Gene Jury website (GM diamond nine page).

  16. GM: Changing Genes

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