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ILIAS/N5: The GW antenna network. Raffaele Flaminio EGO and LAPP/CNRS. Summary History GWA Objectives & Contents - Management - Budget - Goals of this meeting. GW net: Some history. Several attempt to get funds from the EU in the 90’s failed In 2002 EU launched FP6
ILIAS/N5:The GW antenna network Raffaele Flaminio EGO and LAPP/CNRS • Summary • History • GWA Objectives & Contents • - Management • - Budget • - Goals of this meeting
GW net: Some history • Several attempt to get funds from the EU in the 90’s failed • In 2002 EU launched FP6 • ApPEC launched a coordinated action in the European astroparticle physics community to prepare a proposal for an I3 called ILIAS (Integrated Large Infrastructures for Astroparticle Science) to be submitted to the EU • Long process started • proposal preparation: 9/2002 – 3/2003- proposal submission: March 2003- partly approved in August 2003 (GW contents approved)- negotiations: fall 2003/spring 2004- projects start: April 1st 2004 • GWA Budget: 550 kEuros / ~ 200 scientists ….. Why do it ? • A) GW experimental community enters the EU world • B) Do some coordinated work all together
GW net: Main objectives • Increase the level of European coordination in the field • Enhance the performance of existing detectors • Prepare the future of this discipline in Europe • Provide a link between the various experimental projects and theoretical groups • Encourage the researchers mobility • Open existing facilities to more people from more countries • Help the structuring an European GW research community • Ease the collaboration with related field such as Gamma-ray and Neutrino astronomy • Develop coordinated collaborations with non-European communities (USA, Japan, Australia)
GW net: Proposed activities • Develop the exchange of information among teams on items such as: • Commissioning and operation of existing detectors • Joint operation and data analysis • R&D for detectors upgrade and future projects • Three working groups proposed : • WG1: Detectors commissioning and characterization • WG2: Joint operation of detectors and network data analysis • WG3: An European strategy for future detectors • Beside working group activities: • Have bi-annual meetings involving the responsibles of the main projects and research poles • Organize an annual general meeting
GW net: Objectives and Deliverables • WG1 “Commissioning and operation of existing detectors” • - Speed-up the VIRGO/GEO commissioning by means of a deeper collaboration • - Provide inputs for establishing priorities in the short term improvement of existing detectors • - Common characterization methodologies • - Regular reports describing and comparing detectors performances • WG2 “Joint operation of detectors and network data analysis” • Support joint observations among GW detectors and with gamma, neutrino and optical telescopes • Support the development of a network data analysis pipeline • - Data analysis pipeline to perform joint analysis of data produced by a network of GW detectors • First astrophysical results deduced from joint observations • WG3 “An European strategy for future detectors” • Determine objectives attainable trough short-term improvements • Draft a plan for an European network of GW detectors at the 2010 horizon • - Short term plan after 18 months • Long term plan: ‘White book’ defining the GW community strategic objectives over 10 years period
GW net: Management structure • Each working group typically consists of at least 10 experts • One chairperson and co-chairperson per working group (task leaders) • One executive board • ensuring the coordination of the whole network formed by representative from main GW projects + working group conveners (~ 10 persons) • One institution in charge of the budget administration (EGO)
Executive board • Set-up at the beginning of the project: • * ILIAS-GWA coordinator: K. Danzmann (AEI Hannover) • * Virgo representatives: R.Flaminio (CNRS LAPP), M.Punturo (INFN Perugia) • * GEO representatives: B.Willke (AEI Hannover), S.Rowan (University of Glasgow) • * Resonant antennas representatives: M.Cerdonio (INFN Padova), E.Coccia (INFN Roma) • * LISA representative: S.Vitale (University of Trento) • * Invited members: • o EGO director: F.Menzinger • o JRA3 Representative: G.Cagnoli (University of Glasgow) • o Leaders of the three working groups (see below) • o N6 Representative: ? • Problem: attempts to establish a contact with the theoretical network have failed so far. • Main outcome of the first EB meeting (Cascina, May 11th, 2004): • - working group members and chairmen (two/group) established • - call for the annual general meeting in November (attached to the Virgo week in Orsay) • - discussion on priorities (WG1) • - decision to allow members of WG1 to access technical data of the all the antenna • - good news: British and German groups asking support to participate to the upgrade of Virgo
Goals of this meeting • Main goal: review working groups activity • - problems ? • - how to improve ? • - need to reinforce the working groups ? • Discuss mid-term report preparation • Discuss the dissemination of on-going activities: web site(s) • Next general meeting