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North Carolina Teacher Corp NC Professional Teaching Standards and Evaluation Process Tara C. Patterson, MSA. What do you already know?. 1. Training. Educators may use the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System without training. True False. 2. Orientation.

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  1. North Carolina Teacher CorpNC Professional Teaching Standards and Evaluation ProcessTara C. Patterson, MSA

  2. What do you already know?

  3. 1. Training Educators may use the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System without training. • True • False

  4. 2. Orientation Within ____ weeks of a teacher’s first day of work, orientation on the N.C. Educator Evaluation System (NCEES) must be provided. A. One C. Three B. Two D. Four

  5. 3. Self Assessment Teachers should complete a self-assessment: • Every year C. Within the online tool • By themselves D. All of the Above

  6. 4. Pre- Observation Conference Pre-Observation conferences are required: • Before the first formal observation • Before all observations • Only with beginning teachers • Only if it is the teacher’s renewal year

  7. 5. Observations Formal observations must be: • Completed by March 1st • At least 20 minutes in length • At least 45 minutes in length or class period • Scheduled in advance with the beginning teacher

  8. 6. Post Observation Conference Post-observation conferences must be held: • Within 10 school days of the observation • After each formal observation • All of the above

  9. 7. Summary Rating Form The summary ratings must be an average of the notations on a teacher’s rubric from throughout the year. • True • False

  10. 8. The PDP Which resources contribute to the development of the PDP: • completed self assessment • school data • district initiatives D. All of the above

  11. 9. Probationary Teachers If a teacher is completing their third year, they must receive ratings of _______ or higher to be issued a SP2 license. • Developing • Proficient • Accomplished

  12. Teacher Evaluation Process

  13. STEP 1: Training and Orientation Before Week 3 of School Year Component 2: Orientation Within two weeks of teacher’s first day, the principal will provide: A. The Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers; B. Teacher Evaluation Policy ID Number: TCP-C-004 C. A schedule for completing evaluation process. Component 1: Training Before participating in the evaluation process, all teachers, principals and peer evaluators must complete training on the evaluation process.

  14. Before First Formal Observation STEP 2: Self-Assessment, Goal Setting and Pre-Conference Component 3: Teacher Self-Assessment Using the Rubric , the teacher shall rate their performance and reflect on his or her performance throughout the year. Component 4: Pre-Observation Conference Before the first formal observation, the principal meets with the teacher to discuss: self- assessment, professional growth plan a written description of the lesson(s) to be observed. Goal: To prepare principal for the observation.

  15. Within the 1st nine weeks Component 5: Observations A. Formal observation: 45 min. or entire class period B. Probationary Teachers: 3 formal by principal and 1 formal by peer C. Career Status Teachers: Evaluated annually. During the renewal year: 3 total- 1 must be formal Observations shall be noted using the Rubric. STEP 3: Observation Cycle (Administrative and Peer) STEP 3: Observation Cycle (Administrative and Peer) Component 6: Post-Observation Conference The principal shall conduct a post-observation conference no later than ten school days after each formal observation. Discuss and Document strengths and weaknesses on the Rubric

  16. Before the End of the School Year Component 8: PD Plans Individual Growth Plans-“Proficient” or better Monitored Growth Plans-At least 1 “Developing” Directed Growth Plans-“not Demonstrated” or “Developing” rating for 2 sequential yrs. STEP 4: Summary Evaluation and Goal Setting Component 7: Summary Evaluation Conference and Scoring the Teacher Summary Rating Form- A. Give rating for each Element in Rubric B. Comment on “Not Demonstrated” C. overall rating of each Standard D. Provide teacher with opportunity to add comments to the Summary Rating Form E. Review completed Teacher Summary Rating Form with teacher and F. Secure the teacher’s signature on the Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities and Teacher Summary Rating Form.

  17. Ratings for Standards1-5

  18. NC Professional Teaching Standards

  19. Setting SMART Goals • Review the goal-setting process. • Reflect on the standards. • Choose one standard and write a personal goal for growth. • Optional: Turn to a partner and share your goal to receive helpful feedback.

  20. SMART Goals Specific and Strategic Measurable Attainable and achievable Results-oriented Time-bound

  21. SMART Research “Feelings of success in the workplace occur to the extent that people see that they are able to grow and meet job challenges by pursuing and attaining goals that are important and meaningful.” Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2006). New Directions in Goal Setting Theory. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15(5), 265-268.

  22. Specific and Strategic • Goals are clearly stated, long-term and aligned with data.

  23. Measurable • Results can be determined with quantitative or qualitative measures.

  24. Attainable & Achievable • The result can be reached, even if it is a stretch goal. • The goal is worthy of educator commitment of time and effort.

  25. Results-oriented • Goals are data driven. • Benchmarks are established for monitoring progress through the year. • High expectations are set for teacher and student growth.

  26. Realistic • Constraints on time, people, materials and other resources have been identified. • There is belief this goal is important and can be accomplished.

  27. Time Bound • Benchmark and completion dates set a sense of urgency and establish momentum • Each person involved is accountable for working towards the goal.

  28. SMART GOALSExamples By spring 2013, the number of office referrals from my class will decrease from 65- 30 during the third quarter as measured by SWIS data.

  29. SMART GOALSExamples By Spring, 2013, I will effectively differentiate instruction in at least 90% of lessons as evidenced by lesson plans, observations, and increased student growth (Standard 6).

  30. SMART Goals Worksheet

  31. Goal Setting Example To: increase the math achievement of fifth graders so that the percentage of students who score at or above Level III will increase from 75% to 85% by June 2013 as measured by EOG mathematics data.

  32. Time To Write Your Own Goal • Choose one standard and write a personal goal for growth. • Optional: Turn to a partner and share your goal to receive helpful feedback.

  33. Post-Assessment Time

  34. 1. Training Educators may use the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System without training. • True • False

  35. 2. Orientation Within ____ weeks of a teacher’s first day of work, orientation on the N.C. Educator Evaluation System (NCEES) must be provided. A. One C. Three B. Two D. Four

  36. 3. Self Assessment Teachers should complete a self-assessment: • Every year C. Within the online tool • By themselves D. All of the Above

  37. 4. Pre- Observation Conference Pre-Observation conferences are required: • Before the first formal observation • Before all observations • Only with beginning teachers • Only if it is the teacher’s renewal year

  38. 5. Observations Formal observations must be: • Completed by March 1st • At least 20 minutes in length • At least 45 minutes in length or class period • Scheduled in advance with the beginning teacher

  39. 6. Post Observation Conference Post-observation conferences must be held: • Within 10 school days of the observation • After each formal observation • All of the above

  40. 7. Summary Rating Form The summary ratings must be an average of the notations on a teacher’s rubric from throughout the year. • True • False

  41. 8. The PDP Which resources contribute to the development of the PDP: • completed self assessment • school data • district initiatives D. All of the above

  42. 9. Probationary Teachers If a teacher is completing their third year, they must receive ratings of _______ or higher to be issued a SP2 license. • Developing • Proficient • Accomplished

  43. Questions??

  44. Contact Information Tara Patterson, MSA tara.patterson@dpi.nc.gov

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