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NCPTS Foundation

NCPTS Foundation. Logging In. Open Browser NCPTS is compatible with Internet Explorer Turn off pop up blocker to ensure dialog boxes and confirmation screens display correctly. Logging In. Logging into NCPTS Each user will have a unique username and password

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NCPTS Foundation

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  1. NCPTS Foundation
  2. Logging In Open Browser NCPTS is compatible with Internet Explorer Turn off pop up blocker to ensure dialog boxes and confirmation screens display correctly
  3. Logging In Logging into NCPTS Each user will have a unique username and password A system admin will configure each username and associate it with specific rights in roles related to your job duties and supervisory roles
  4. System Navigation Navigate to a Specific Module by… Clicking the Module title on the Main Menu Page Selecting the Module title from the NCPTS Main Menu (available on all screen in NCPTS) County Logo Displays Here OR
  5. System Navigation Breadcrumbs Use these navigation links to go back to a previous screen Do NOT use your browser’s back button Hyperlinks Use these navigation links to see a more detailed view of a particular item Hyperlinks will display in underlined blue text
  6. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Log into NCPTS Enter Property Tax Assessment Module from Main Menu Page Enter Property Tax Assessment Module from NCPTS Main Menu
  7. SystemNavigation Windows Scroll Bar Sometimes the information or data entry fields in NCPTS take up more space than is visible on your monitor Use the scroll bar on the right hand side of the application window to view additional information Scroll the bar up or down to display additional information
  8. System Navigation Logging out Always use the Logout menu option to exit the application For security purposes, do NOT use the Close (X) button in the top right of the browser window. You can also use the Hotkey combination Ctrl + Shift + O to logout of the system
  9. NCPTS Key Terms
  10. Search For Abstracts Abstracts can be searched by multiple criteria from the Advanced Abstract Search screen by selecting Abstract Search from the Abstract Menu. Search not working? Try clearing all search fields with New Search.
  11. Quick Search For Abstracts If the Abstract Number and Tax Year are known, abstracts can be located using the Quick Search bar. Enter Abstract Number Here
  12. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Search for Abstract using Abstract Search Tab Open Abstract by Clicking Abstract # Hyperlink Return to Search Screen by using Navigation Breadcrumbs Search for Abstract using the Quick Search bar
  13. Search Tabs Once inside the Assessments module you can conduct other types of searches. For example by selecting the owner search tab you can identify owners in the system based on search criteria.
  14. Workflow Queue Views The workflow queues for the Assessment module are divided into three views: Basket View: Abstracts assigned to the user Group View: Abstracts of all users Managers View: Supervisors keep track of the assigned abstracts and their processing
  15. Workflow Queue Navigation Workflow queues can be accessed from the Workflow menu bar If a Workflow queue contains different views, select your desired view to see records within that queue Here we are selecting the Basket View for the IPP Queue
  16. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Enter IPP Queue in Basket View Enter IPP Queue in Group View Filter IPP Queue by Status Filter IPP Queue by Assigned User Reassign Record to another User
  17. Save or Submit to Save Changes In order to save work you have started, you will need to click the save button or submit button (depending on the screen you are on) to prevent you from losing your changes.
  18. NCPTS Abstracts
  19. NCPTSAbstract An abstract has three main components: Ownership Situs Property An abstract can only have one owner/group of owners for all properties listed. Most abstracts are generated automatically from batch processes, but they can also be created manually.
  20. Abstract Types NCPTS DEFAULTS
  21. Anatomy of an NCPTS Abstract Abstract Menu Abstract Header Section Tab Body
  22. NCPTS Abstract: Header Abstract # Action Buttons Owner Tabs In the Abstract Header, you will find: Owner Name Abstract Number Section Tabs for each specific area of an abstract Buttons and links that allow for actions
  23. NCPTS Abstract: Section Tabs Tabs separate information into specific sections. Each Section Tab presents a specific type of information Abstract Info: General details of the abstract Property: All attached properties and their details Adjustment: List of adjustments and their details Change History: A detailed list of all changes to the abstract Notes: Notes and documents associated with the abstract
  24. Abstract Service Cart If you would like to easily access an abstract for later review, you can save it to your abstract service cart. Simply click the Add to Service Cart button from Abstract Search Results Screen or within the Abstract
  25. Abstract Service Cart You can access the Abstract Service Cart from the Workflow menu
  26. NCPTS Abstracts Abstract Info Tab
  27. Abstract Info Tab Description is automatically generated based on properties attached. Can be set manually too. The Abstract Info Tab contains overall information on the abstract including owner name(s), Situs address, tax district(s), and the total assessed value used in tax calculations.
  28. Abstract Info Tab Sub-sections The Abstract Info Tab is further divided into more specific sub-sections with information as well as editable fields. Owners Situs Address Abstract Business Info Leased Property Listing Counties Contact Agents Tax Relief Assessment Fees Owners Situs Address Abstract Contact Agents Tax Relief Assessment Fees For IND/REI/PUB Abstracts For BUS Abstracts
  29. Ownership in NCPTS A required attribute of an abstract Found on the Abstract Info Tab Includes owner(s), their ID’s, and their mailing address. Owner ID Hyperlink to Owner/Taxpayer Module Owner Name Click hyperlink to Add or Select New Name. Mailing Address Click hyperlink to Add or Select New Address. Owner Order Information Required
  30. Ownership: Information Fields The following information is displayed in the Owner’s tab: Owner ID: A system assigned unique identifier ID Number: A user assigned ID with type indicated by a prefix (e.g. ‘S’ = ‘SSN’) Owner Name Mailing Address Owner ID hyperlink opens Owner/Taxpayer module for advanced owner editing and creation.
  31. Ownership: Information Fields (cont.) The following information is displayed in the Owner’s tab: Ownership Type Owner Order (Primary, Secondary) Ownership % ( out of 100) Group Number (if more than one owner) Send Mail Indicator (Yes/No) Relief Eligibility (Yes/No)
  32. Owner Maintenance Ownership information can be maintained directly on the abstract. Pre-existing owners added or New owners created Basic editable fields for attached owners Editable fields
  33. Situs Address in NCPTS Second defining attribute & a required component of an abstract Defines the physical location of the property listed Determines taxing jurisdiction and therefore tax rates for the abstract record
  34. NCPTS Situs Address - Key Terms Situs Address = Physical location at which property is located Situs Repository = The list in NCPTS of all of the valid physical (situs) addresses for your jurisdiction Master Address Table (MAT) = Where situs addresses are created and maintained for your county (Ex: AddressOne) PIN # = Used as a geo-reference to represent the physical point in the center of a situs address in LR CAMA Used in NCPTS to easily match and associate a situs address with the appropriate taxing district(s)
  35. Three Main Situs Address Components City, State, Zip & County Street Information (#, prefix, name, type, suffix) Taxing Jurisdiction
  36. Detailed vs. Generic Situs Address NCPTS requires for situs data to be entered on an abstract as either a Detailed Address or Generic Address: Detailed Address: Validated and matched against the Situs Repository Generic Address: A non-validated, user provided address Detailed Address vs. Generic Address
  37. Detailed vs. Generic Situs Address (cont.) When Generic Addresses are used in an abstract, the address is stored solely on the abstract record, not in the Situs Repository Always attempt to use a validated Detailed Address before using a Generic Address
  38. ValidateAddress Button Used to validate a Detailed Address used on an abstract record, mainly when creating a new abstract Works by searching the Situs Repository to locate and match the address entered Populates the tax district(s) automatically for validated Detailed Addresses If the address cannot be validated, the system gives an error message Validate Address Button
  39. Validate Address Error Message
  40. Validate Situs Address When creating a new abstract, if you enter only the Street Name and click the Validate Address button, the system will display a pop-up window with a full list of valid situs addresses from the Situs Repository to choose from that match the street name entered
  41. CopyAddress Button Used to quickly move all details of a Generic Address to the Detailed Address fields When clicked, this feature both copies and validates the address at the same time If the copied address cannot be validated, the system gives an error message Copy Address Button
  42. Map it Button The Map it button is connected to MapMetrics and is installed with LRC (optional) When clicked, a new window will open automatically to a map view of the parcel in MapMetrics The Map it button can also be found on the Situs Address Summary screen and the Assessment Search Results screen Map It Button
  43. Situs Address: Additional Info Tax districts populate automatically for a validated Detailed Address by matching the PIN # of the address with its physical location in LRC Does not populate automatically with a Generic Address Entered manually for Generic Addresses Tax District Field
  44. Multiple Tax Districts Multiple tax districts for a given situs address occur for the following reasons: Special Districts Parcels located at a situs address that contains special districts for police, fire, schools, or other special purposes, are assessed a tax rate on the property in addition to the base tax rate for their tax district and will contain multiple tax districts Spanning Multiple Districts Occurring only for real property, if a parcel spans multiple tax districts, NCPTS supports assigning a percentage attribute for each tax district if the property is less than 100% in a given tax district
  45. Situs Address: Additional Info (cont.) Percent Field The system assumes the percentage to be 100% for each tax district, but can assign different percentages if necessary
  46. Situs Address: Additional Info (cont.) Address ID: Migrated from the County MAT and used as a unique identifier of the address record Address Start Date: Effective start date of the situs address Address End Date: Effective end date of the situs address Ordinance Number: Only displayed for annexed situs addresses Transaction Date: Date the situs address was uploaded into NCPTS
  47. BUS Abstract Only Sub-sections Business abstracts will have additional information under the Abstract subsection of the Abstract Info Tab. Maintains general business information. Maintains counties with listed property. Maintains leased properties in their possession.
  48. Contact Sub-section An additional contact for a property can be maintained on an abstract. Enter contact information from the Abstract Info Tab.
  49. Agent Sub-section Agents (Attorney, CPA, etc.) that represent an owner may be assigned to an abstract. Search for an Agent or Create a new Agent
  50. NCPTS Abstracts Property Tab
  51. Property Tab Property List Property Details The Property Info Tab includes the majority of fields that you might update when working with abstract records.
  52. Property List Basics Click to move properties to different abstract. Click to add new properties. Click on the Magnifying glass icon to show Property details Highlighted Row indicates which Property details are being displayed. Property Details will differ depending on the property type.
  53. Property Details Examples Unregister Vehicle Property Details will differ depending on the property type. Manufactured Home
  54. NCPTS Abstracts Adjustments, ChangeHistory, and Notes tabs
  55. Adjustments Tab The Adjustments Tab includes a list of all adjustments that are associated with an abstract. (See Adjustments) Includes: Adjustment # User names and Dates Status: Pending; Approved or Rejected by Supervisor Old and New Values for the adjustment Adjustment Type/Reason
  56. Change History Tab The Change History tab shows each change made to the abstract. Includes: Date/time of change User ID or person who committed the change Field name that was changed Old and new value
  57. Notes Tab The Notes tab includes any notes added to the abstract and any documents associated with the abstract. Any correspondence generated for the abstract will be listed here as well.
  58. NCPTS Abstracts Abstract Correspondence
  59. Upload/Scan Document to an Abstract Documents can be attached to an abstract like a note.
  60. Printing Correspondence Correspondence and Letters may be generated at any time for printing and/or download. Now: Print on local printer Download: Download as file Overnight: Queued for overnight printing Different letters & correspondence options are available.
  61. Creating Abstracts
  62. Abstract Creation Separate abstracts are created for each tax year New abstracts can be created manually or automatically depending on the type of properties Batch processes (watercraft data, previous year roll over, vehicle data and nightly merge real property data) have abstracts automatically generated.
  63. Creating an Abstract As needed, abstracts can be created manually for all property types.
  64. Adding Owner(s) By Search New owners may be created directly and attached to an abstract. Once an owner is created, certain details can only be edited through the Owner/Taxpayer module. Pre-existing owners may be searched and attached to an abstract. By Creating an Owner
  65. Validate Situs Address Create Abstract Validate Address
  66. Adding Properties Adding properties is the same for all Abstract Types. However, the type of property that can be added is determined by the abstract type (see Abstract Types)
  67. Adding Properties (cont.)
  68. Adding Summary Properties When specific property attributes are not known, a summary abstract can be created with minimal information. Minimal details Summary Properties are designated by an “S” icon.
  69. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Create an Individual Personal Property Abstract Add Summary Property Delete Property from Abstract Move Property from One Abstract to Another Create a Business Personal Property Abstract
  70. Copying an Abstract Abstracts can be copied to avoid manually rekeying the same data.
  71. Additional Abstracts In the event that properties are added to an abstract after it has been billed, an additional abstract must be created. Considered a separate entity from the original abstract Will have the same primary identification number as the original. Listing Type: 000# (0001, 0003 etc.)
  72. Creating AdditionalAbstracts
  73. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Copy Abstract Create Additional Abstract
  74. Multi-situsAbstracts A leasing company may have multiple leased properties at various locations within a county. Each of these locations will have its own situs address linked back to the same abstract primary identification number as the original “parent” abstract Multi-Situs Abstracts (parent and children) have a special “M” Abstract flag
  75. Multi-situsChild Abstracts Children inherit all their detail from parent except the tax jurisdiction and property value applicable for them. Listing Type: 0#00 (0200,0300, etc.) Hyperlink to Parent Abstract
  76. Creating Multi-Situs Abstracts
  77. Knowledge Check
  78. NCPTS Foundation Game Questions What internet browsers should you use to open NCPTS? Internet Explorer Use these navigation links to return to a previous screen instead of your browser’s back button Breadcrumbs To view all records assigned to you in a particular queue, you should access the queue in ____________ View Basket
  79. Anatomy of an Abstract Game Questions 4. If you would like to easily access an abstract for later reivew, you can save it to your _________ __________ ___________? Abstract Service Cart Owner and Situs Address information are found on the ________ ________ tab of an Abstract? Abstract Info
  80. Anatomy of an Abstract Game Questions 6. A ________ Address is one that is Validated and matched against the Situs Repository, while a _________ Address is a non-validated, user provided address Detailed, Generic 7. If you want to see who made a change to an abstract you should go to the ________ ________ tab. Change History
  81. Creating Abstracts Game Questions 8. In the event that properties are added to an abstract after it has been billed, an __________ abstract must be created. Additional 9. When specific property attributes are not known, a __________ property can be created with minimal information Summary
  82. Abstract Maintenance
  83. Abstract MaintenanceOverview
  84. Abstract Maintenance Owner Maintenance
  85. Removing Owner(s) There must be one Primary owner for every abstract. Removed owners will remain in the system, but will no longer be attached to the abstract. Click the X to remove the owner from the abstract.
  86. Changing Owner Name and Address Owner name and mailing address may be edited with basic details by clicking on their hyperlinks. Remember to submit the Abstract to save changes.
  87. Owner/Taxpayer Module Edit details for pre-existing owners Create owners without abstracts Displays Associated Abstracts for the owner Be sure to Submit and save any changes on your abstract before clicking on the Owner ID hyperlink.
  88. Assigning Employer to Owner New Owner Assigning an employer to a pre-existing owner must be done through the Owner/Taxpayer module by clicking on the Owner ID hyperlink. Assigning an Employer to a new owner can be done from the Maintain Ownership screen during owner creation. Pre-existing Owner
  89. Assigning Bank to Owner New Owner Assigning a bank to a pre-existing owner must be done through the Owner/Taxpayer module by clicking on the Owner ID hyperlink. Assigning a bank to a new owner can be done from the Maintain Ownership screen during owner creation. Pre-existing Owner
  90. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Change Owner on an Abstract Change Owner Name on an Abstract Change Mailing Address on an Abstract Add Employer to an Owner Add Bank to an Owner
  91. Abstract Maintenance Abstract Notes
  92. Adding Notes to an Abstract You can add a note to an abstract at any time, regardless of the abstract’s status. Class is the required field for a Note. Type any message here or select a predefined message
  93. Temporary or Permanent Notes? A note may be temporary or permanent. This status determines whether the note will be carried forward during end of year rollover processes.
  94. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Add Note to an Abstract Edit a Note on an Abstract
  95. Abstract Maintenance Voiding Abstracts
  96. Voiding an Abstract Abstracts can be manually voided by setting a void effective date (same for properties). Setting Void Eff Date automatically voids all properties on the abstract. If all properties are voided on an abstract, it will be voided as well.
  97. Unvoidingan Abstract Abstracts can be unvoided by removing a void effective date. Removing the Void Eff Date automatically unvoids all properties with same void date. If properties are left voided, you must manually unvoid them individually.
  98. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Void Abstract Un-Void Abstract
  99. Abstract Maintenance Flagging Abstracts
  100. Abstract Flags Alert users to a particular condition associated with the abstract. Some are maintained automatically and some are manually maintained. Flags are configurable. A flag icon ( ) shows up on the abstract to indicate a flagged status Hovering over the icon will reveal a tooltip that describes the flag
  101. Flagging an Abstract
  102. Now It’s Your Turn Exercise Flag an Abstract Add Contact to Abstract Add Agent to Abstract
  103. Abstract Maintenance Billing Options
  104. Billing Options Various billing options may be set for an abstract as applicable Fees can include: Vehicle fee, City, Fire, Police, Late List fee, Special, Solid waste fee and County. In any combination Affects tax amount during tax calculation
  105. Setting Billing Options By Default, ALL billing options are set.
  106. Preliminary Bills It is possible that a property owner would like to pay their property taxes early based on an estimate of the taxes that are due. To pay property taxes for which a bill has not yet been generated, you will need to create a Preliminary Bill
  107. Prepayment Workflow
  108. Preliminary Bills Once a Preliminary Bill has been created, it can be accessed by clicking on the Prelim Bill hyperlink on the abstract
  109. Searching for Preliminary Bills Once a Preliminary Bill has been created, you can also search for the bill from the Bill Search page
  110. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Edit Billing Options on an Abstract Create Preliminary Bill Search for Preliminary Bill from Bill Search page
  111. Processing Abstracts Workflow Queues
  112. Processing Abstracts in Workflow Queues A majority of abstracts will be processed automatically Remaining abstracts will populate the Workflow queues according to abstract status Organized to let users work on individual abstracts by clicking on their hyperlink
  113. Assessment WorkflowQueues Workflow queues can be thought of as electronic to-do lists. Records which need additional work will fall into a workflow queue based on the type of record and/or the type of work that needs to be done. The Assessments module includes the following Workflow Queues: Adjustment Refunds Pending Refund Queue Authorized Refund Queue Adjustments Pending Tax Relief Pending Queue Individual Personal Property Business Personal Property Property Value Multi Year Vehicle Queue Deferment
  114. Workflow Queue Navigation Once inside a workflow queue, you can filter the workflow queue to view records within a specific queue. We are currently in the IPP queue. If we select the radio button next to the Pre-list queue and click Refresh, we will only see records that are in a prelist status
  115. Workflow Queue Summary Statistics Once inside a workflow queue, you can quickly view the number of records within a queue that need to be worked. As records are worked and satisfy pre-determined criteria the number of items within that queue will decrease. The number in parentheses shows the number of records within a queue.
  116. Individual Personal Property Queue Contains all IPP abstracts in the county Will include IND abstracts and REI abstracts with at least one individual personal property attached Goal is to make all IND and REI abstracts with personal property have a status of RFB or Not Billable RFB – Ready for Bill Not Billable – All property listed is completely exempt or excluded from tax
  117. Business Personal Property Queue Contains all business personal property in county Will include BUS abstracts and REI abstracts with at least one business personal property attached Goal is to make all IND and REI abstracts with business personal property RFB or Not Billable
  118. Abstract Status Queues
  119. Business Personal Property Queue Possible New Business Listing Approved Rejected Determine if listing should be created by sending correspondence to business.
  120. Business Personal Property Queue New Business Queue This queue will be populated based on potential new business listings received from the Register of Deeds Goal is to review listing information to determine if an abstract should be created. If a listing is valid, the abstract should be approved If a listing is not valid, the abstract should be rejected
  121. Property Value Queue This workflow queue contains all personal property (individual and business) for which values have not been identified on the abstract Goal is to place a value on all personal property, so the abstract is removed from the queue.
  122. Property Type Queues
  123. Multi Year Vehicle Queue This workflow queue contains all multi year vehicles. Goal Create a property abstract for the vehicle Abstract will fall into IPP or BPP queue in Prelist Status queue OR Attach the property to an existing abstract based on owner information
  124. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Create Abstract for Multi Year Vehicle Attach Multi Year Vehicle to Existing Abstract
  125. Deferment Queue Help to review and make a decision if a disqualifying event has occurred to Rollback the deferred taxes against the property. Batch processes will automatically track changes in abstract history as well as permits and certificates Once the deferred bill for the abstract is rolled back in full, abstract will not appear in the queue.
  126. Deferment Queue This workflow queue contains property abstracts whose deferment status may change Property may be eligible for Land/Historical deferment based on owner request Abstracts that contain property that may need a deferment removed based on change in status Goal is to review all abstracts in the deferment queue to ensure all property in the queue is properly assessed.
  127. Deferment Queue You can move a property abstract directly to the Deferment Queue by clicking the Add to Deferment Queue button
  128. Adjustment Refund Overview County Board Meeting and Approval. Refunds Reviewed Pending Refunds Authorized Refunds Approved Adjustments w/ Refund Sent to Finance
  129. Adjustments Pending Queue Once abstracts have been billed, any changes to the abstract are made through an adjustment. After an adjustment has been made on an abstract, the adjustment will fall into this queue for approval Approved Adjustment Rejected
  130. Adjustments Pending Queue Goal: Review all pending adjustments and either approve or reject them
  131. Adjustment Refund Queues Pending Refund Queue Contains pending refunds that are a result of an adjustment on the assessed value of a property after billing Goal is to review all pending adjustment refunds Pending refunds are removed from the queue once they are either approved or denied
  132. Adjustment Refund Queues Authorized Refund Queue Contains all approved adjustment refunds Purpose is to review authorized refunds for accuracy before they are sent to finance Sent to Finance Authorized Refunds Reviewed
  133. Tax Relief Pending Queue Contains all abstracts with tax relief/exclusion worksheets that have been submitted and are awaiting approval Goal: Review all abstracts in queue and either approve or reject them
  134. Situs Address Module
  135. The Situs Address Workflow Situs Addresses are created and maintained in your County’s MAT Situs Addresses are copied to LR CAMA and then imported to the NCPTS Situs Repository
  136. The Situs Address Load Process How situs addressing data is imported into NCPTS The Batch Management applicationis what allows users to import new situs data files in mass quantities straight from LRC into the system The batch process is entered by either the County IT department, or by Farragut
  137. The Situs Address Load Process (cont.) Updates can be entered nightly, weekly, or monthly depending on your county’s preference The more precise addresses are in the MAT, the more accurate the taxation process will be and the less work you will have in processing the Workflowqueues in NCPTS
  138. Generic Situs Codes
  139. Generic Situs Codes Generic Situs Codes are tax district combinations that help simplify the address listing process and reduce manual entry when creating a Generic Address in NCPTS These situs codes come from the information contained in your County’s legacy system and will be entered into NCPTS by Farragut during the migration process
  140. Generic Situs Codes Generic Situs Codes can be viewed, added, edited, and deleted in NCPTS The Maintain Generic Situs Code screen shows the valid list of all the tax districts and tax district combination codes for your county
  141. Maintain Generic Situs Code Screen Year For Field Cancel, Add, Edit, & Submit Code Buttons Click “X” to delete a situs code View Tax Districts Button
  142. Maintain Generic Situs Code Screen (cont.) Select a Situs Code and then click the View Tax Districts button to see the tax districts assigned to it Allows changes to the Description field Tax districts cannot be updated for the current year if they have been attached to an abstract and will receive error message
  143. View & Edit Situs Codes
  144. Now It’s Your Turn Exercise View & Update Situs Code Edit Situs Code Delete Situs Code
  145. Use Situs Codes Situs Codes are used when attaching a Generic Situs Address to an abstract record Click the Edit Tax District button to insert a Situs Code and its corresponding tax districts into the abstract Edit Tax District Button
  146. Use Situs Codes (cont.)
  147. Now It’s Your Turn Exercise 3 Use a Generic Address & Situs Code Copy Address Button
  148. Search Situs Address
  149. Search Situs Address You may enter a complete address, portion of an address, or other search criteria in the provided text fields Clicking the Go button will take you to the Situs Address Summary screen
  150. Search Situs Address (cont.) If no match is found for the specified search criteria, you will receive this error message
  151. Situs Address Summary Screen Matches and displays the full list of valid situs addresses that the search criteria specified
  152. Situs Address: Additional Fields NCPTS ID: System assigned, unique identifier of the NCPTS record (Hyperlink) Parcel #: The land identifier from LRC, to which the address is attached Street ID: System assigned, unique identifier of the street record Click NCPTS ID hyperlink to make edits to a situs address Edit Address Screen
  153. Edit Situs Address
  154. Edit Address Screen Minor situs addressing information can be edited on the Edit Address screen Saved changes are reflected in the abstract record The Edit Address screen does not permit changes to the physical address
  155. Edit Address Screen (cont.) Click the Edit button to make the hiddenState appear and make changes hiddenState Fields that contain an asterisk cannot be edited
  156. Edit Situs Address Error Message If you try to make changes to the physical address or an edit that is not valid, you will receive this error message
  157. Search & Edit Situs Address Search Edit
  158. Now It’s Your Turn Exercise 4 Search Situs Address: Using Street Name Only Edit Situs Address
  159. Assessment
  160. Introduction: Assessment Workflow Billing and Collections
  161. Abstract Statuses
  162. Make Abstracts “Ready for Billing” Primary goal to prepare properties for billing and collections. This overall goal can be simplified as making abstracts “Ready for Billing” (RFB)
  163. Making Abstracts RFB/Not RFB Once an abstract has been properly updated, making it RFB is as simple as clicking the Make RFB button The Make RFB button will change to Make Not RFB. Click it to make the abstract Not RFB.
  164. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Manually Make Abstract RFB Manually Make Abstract Not RFB
  165. Annual Listing
  166. Annual Listing Process Generally occurs along the November through March time frame. Broadly, this is the phase in which properties are identified Once the process begins, abstracts are given a initial abstract status of “Pre-listing.”
  167. NCPTS Annual Listing Workflow Pre-list Mailed Received Imaged Not Billable/RFB
  168. Watercraft Data Watercraft data is provided by Vessels, Inc. and uploaded into NCPTS via a batch process. Abstracts should be automatically generated during the upload batch job and be ready for pre-listing.
  169. Rolling over Previous Year Abstracts NCPTS has a tool called the End of Year Batch (EOY) process, also called End of Year Rollover. It carries forward any valid current year abstracts and lookup information(valuation tables, schedules, etc.) to the next year. The next year is set up as the current assessment year. This process should can be considered a part of the overall Pre-Listing process
  170. Data not carried forward by EOY Abstracts that already exist in the next year Prior year abstracts Voided abstracts Unbilled abstracts Blank abstracts Abstracts without properties Temporary notes Abstracts with all billing options deselected Construction in Progress Values
  171. Notable events in EOY Process Multiple abstracts with the same abstract base numbers are consolidated into one for the next year. Final tax rates for the current year are set as the estimated tax rates for the next year. All existing Bankruptcy information is forwarded to the next year. Tax relief is forwarded to the next year if no change in ownership occurs. Permanent value overrides on properties are carried forward.
  172. Registrars All the registrars (Manufactured Home Parks, Marinas, Airports) are sent a list of properties on their property as per the previous year’s data. This list, called a Registrar Report, is sent out after the End of YearProcessing is done. REGISTRAR
  173. Registrars The registrars (Manufactured Home Parks, Marinas, Airports) are then required to modify and return the registrar report received by them from the County. The user then updates the information in the system. REGISTRAR Registrar Modifies and returns Tax Office Updates
  174. Maintaining Registrars Registrars may be maintained through NCPTS Print Registrar Reports View/Edit Registrar Details View/Edit Notes Add/Remove Registrars Track Report Received Dates Click Registrar ID hyperlinks to edit their details. Click Print Icon for Registrar Reports
  175. Pre-listing A pre-list batch job creates a Listing Extract file to send to vendors for bulk printing and mailing to taxpayers 3rd Party Vendor Taxpayer NCPTS Listing Extract Verifies and Returns Prints and Mails to Taxpayer
  176. Listing Extracts A fixed format test file that facilitates outsourced printing. Includes barcode information with abstract number information 1D Linear Barcode Source – Field#1+ Field#11+ Field#421+ Field#422 ] Maximum Character - 22 Font – Code128 Size – 9*9 mm pixel – 300*300 Show Barcode Text – YES Barcode on Pre-Listing Form
  177. Sample Pre-listing Form Abstract Number Barcode Property Listings
  178. Received Listings Listings are considered Received when they have been edited/signed and returned from the taxpayer, but not yet imaged. County updates listing receive date and marks the abstract status as Received.
  179. Image/Scan Listings An abstract # barcode printed on the listing form is scanned. Different listing flags are automatically applied depending on received by dates and configurations. Abstract Number
  180. Image/Scan Listings (cont.) Unchanged listings can be scanned with the option of making the listing RFB Changed listings are scanned without making it RFB. It will have a status of “Imaged” An Imaged abstract status will automatically change to “Not Ready For Billing” when the user begins to edit and update the information.
  181. Image/Scan Listings (cont.) Update listing received date/extension/listing flags/late listing on scanned listings. Option to scan and make RFB
  182. Abstract Listing In a listed state when all properties are in a listed state The listed states are indicated by the presence of a listing flag Only be listed when all properties are valued Unlisted by setting the listing flag as none.
  183. Listing Flags Don’t confuse Listing Flags with Abstract Flags!
  184. Listing Flags Automatically default the listing flag to “On Time” or “Late” based on the listing receive date and the listing end date. The listing flags can be applied one by one manually to each personal property listed or applied to all properties at once by setting the abstract’s listing flag. Properties with different listing flags will result in a “Mixed” flag for the abstract.
  185. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Change Listing Flag Print Correspondence Download Correspondence
  186. Processing Returned Listings This process involves updating the data about properties based on the returned listing statement from the taxpayer. The process is the same with any received listing, such as blank listing forms submitted independently by taxpayers
  187. Processing Returned Listings User may process the listings as described by the Abstract Maintenance slides Once the abstracts are properly processed, their status is “Ready For Billing” If the abstracts are for some reason, unable to be billed their status is marked “Not Billable”
  188. Knowledge Check
  189. Situs Address Module Game Questions ________ ________ ________ are tax district combinations that help simplify the address listing process and reduce manual entry when creating a Generic Address in NCPTS. Generic Situs Codes NCPTS ID is a.) System assigned, unique identifier of the NCPTS record b.) Land identifier from LRC to which the address is attached c.) System assigned, unique identifier of the street record A.) 3.) True or False. You can edit fields with an asterisk beside them in the Add/Edit Address screen in the Situs Address Module. False
  190. Assessment Game Questions 4. Primary goal is to prepare properties for billing and collections by making abstracts _______. RFB 5. True or False. Construction in Progress abstracts are carried forward by EOY rollover. False 6. This Listing flag means the listing was received on or before the listing end date. On Time 7. If all properties on an abstract are completely exempt or excluded from taxes, the abstract will be marked ______ _____. Not billable
  191. Discoveries
  192. Discovery An unlisted property is identified by the county through various means The owner is notified and the property is subsequently listed by: Adding the property to an existing abstract Creating an Additional Abstract Creating a new abstract
  193. Multi-Year Discovery May apply to multiple years with appropriate penalties applied Up to 5 years prior, with each successive back year incurring a cumulative 10% penalty for up to a maximum of 60% 4 Years prior Current Year
  194. Adding Discovery Properties to Abstract Add property on an existing abstract and set the Listing Flag as Discovered. Set Listing Flag Manually to Discovered
  195. Creating Discovery Abstract Choose to Copy Discovered or Existing Properties Set Year For Range for Multi-Year Discovery
  196. Discovery Notices Can print a consolidated Discovery Notice for all discovery years by selecting Discovery Notice while printing correspondence (see Printing Correspondence) When printed, NCPTS will maintain a record of the correspondence on the Notes screen If the taxpayer does not respond within 30 days, (configurable) then the abstracts can be made RFB
  197. Discovery Notice Sample
  198. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Add a Discovery Property Create a Discovery Abstract Print Discovery Notice
  199. Automatic Assessment
  200. Processing Returned Listings User may process the listings as described by the Abstract Maintenance slides Once the abstracts are properly processed, their status is “Ready For Billing” If the abstracts are for some reason, unable to be billed their status is marked “Not Billable”
  201. Automatic Assessment In NCPTS, Automatic Assessment is a batch process that processes unreturned listings based on preconfigured business rules. The business rules will determine what fees are added Correspondence is automatically generated based on templates.
  202. AutomaticAssessment Workflow User must remove listing receive date and listing flag for abstracts with “Rejected” Status to make them eligible for Automatic Assessment.
  203. Appraisal
  204. Remember the Property Tab of Abstracts? The appraised and assessed values of individual properties are recorded and maintained in this area of the abstract. Exemptions associated with particular properties are also maintained here.
  205. Appraisal Determining the value of each property at its “true value in money.” The Appraisal values of properties are present on the Property tab of the abstract in the Appraisal Value column.
  206. Using the Override Value Change the originally appraised value when new information is obtained that alters the determination of the appraised value.
  207. Using the Override Value (cont.) Can be entered as a Dollar Amount or Percent Good of the Appraisal Value. If a value is entered, the system will display a “V” icon, and automatically fill in a percentage amount too. If a Percentage is entered, the system will display a “P” icon, and automatically fill in a Value amount too.
  208. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Add Override Value to a Property
  209. Automated Valuation Data For certain types of properties, valuation data may already be loaded from the data source (e.g. watercraft data from Vessels Inc. or manufactured home value data from TEC) Valuation will occur manually or through tabular data if valuation data is not automatically loaded
  210. Using Valuation Tables and Schedules Personal property is typically valued manually or, depending on type, through the use of standard industry or government valuation tables: TEC for mfd homes Vessels Inc. for watercraft DOR for depreciable business property Work Less! Use schedules of values for more automatic, consistent application of values.
  211. Personal Property Schedule of Values Can specify a set of criteria to automatically value a property. Ex. A manufactured home of size ___ and ___ with a model year 1967 or older will have value X. Can be maintained and run in a batch process to value properties that meet the criteria automatically
  212. Maintaining Schedule of Value Schedule of Values can be created/maintained manually. Remember to Refresh to display the property type.
  213. Using Value Look Up The Value Look Up button can be used to manually apply schedule of values to property types or from 3rd party tables (TEC, etc.) directly in the Property Tab.
  214. Depreciable Business Personal Property Business properties are valued based on depreciation schedules. The system maintains groups, schedules, and categories typically based on DOR guidelines. Groups and Schedules are selected on creation of the BPP. Property Details of a Business Personal Property
  215. Creating/Editing Groups Groups are used to categorize BPP on an abstract and have associated sets of depreciation schedules. The user may create customized groups. Click Edit Group # and Description will make the selected group’s field editable.
  216. Deleting Groups Deleting a group is as simple as selecting the Group and clicking the “x”
  217. Maintaining Groups and Schedules Click View Schedule & Categories to add/remove/edit schedules and categories
  218. LR CAMA Load Process Valuation of real property done through LR CAMA system and then subsequently loaded into Billing and Collections using the LR External Interface Once the Real Property data syncs with Billing and Collections, the abstracts are automatically made RFB.
  219. LR External Interface LR External Interface CAMA Billing and Collections Data is prepared in an extract file for loading into B&C module
  220. Real Property Notices At end of each year, a special batch job: Identifies changes in ownership of real property Produces a change in the ownership notice At end of the 1st quarter, a special batch job Identifies changes in value of real property Produces a change in value notice
  221. Now It’s Your Turn Exercise Advanced – Create an Individual Personal Property Abstract
  222. Assessment Factors
  223. Assessment Determining the taxable value of the property. Appraised Value Exempt Value Assessed Value
  224. Assessment Factors Three types of assessment factors that affect the total assessed value field Tax Relief (Exclusions) Exemptions Deferment Exempt Value
  225. Tax Relief/ Exclusions
  226. Tax Relief/Exclusions Applies in whole or in part according to an owner’s age, disability, veteran, and income status. Homestead Exclusion Circuit Breaker Property tax Veteran Exclusion Will generally require a DOB for the owner.
  227. Homestead Exclusion A least, 65 years of age or totally and permanently disabled Income should not be more than the income eligibility limit Should be a NC resident The exclusion amount is the greater of $20,000 or 50% of the appraised value of the residence. (Configurable)
  228. Circuit Breaker Must be North Carolina resident. 65 years old or totally and permanently disabled. Occupied property as permanent residence for 5 year or more. Their income should not be more than 150% of home exclusion income limit. Taxpayers need to apply by June 1st, if they wish to choose Circuit Breaker over Homestead exclusion.
  229. Property Tax VeteranExclusion The first $38,000 in assessed value of housing together with the land, owned and used as a residence by a disabled veteran is excluded from taxes. The value cannot be greater than $38,000 or the system will display and error
  230. Using the Tax Relief Worksheet Tax Relief can be applied from the Internal Worksheet screen.
  231. Now It’s Your Turn Exercise Apply Tax Relief with Internal Worksheet
  232. Exemptions
  233. Exemptions Applies to a variety of different property types that meet the statute’s definition Includes property owned by the state, non-profit organizations, and qualified religious, charitable and educational institutions.
  234. Exemptions for Personal Properties For Individual and Business Personal Property, there are no partial exemptions. Entire value is exempt
  235. Exemptions for Real Properties Partial exemptions can be applied to Real Property. Exempt Value field located in the Property Details of a Real Type property.
  236. Now It’s Your Turn Exercise Apply Exemptions to IPP/BPP Apply Exemptions to Real Property
  237. Deferments
  238. Deferment Applies to eligible farm, horticultural, forestry, and historic properties When these properties lose their classification, tax and interest are collected on the current and three years prior of deferred value (Rollback).
  239. Builder’s Inventory Deferment A builder may defer the portion of taxes imposed on real property attribute to improvements resulting from the construction of a residence on the property. The deferred taxes are due and payable when the property loses its eligibility for deferral because of occurrence of disqualifying event.
  240. Creating / Removing Deferments
  241. Deferment to Pre-Billed Abstract If a property abstract has not been billed and qualifies for tax deferment, you can enter the amount of the eligible deferment on the property abstract
  242. Applying Land Deferments In the Property Details of a Real Property (REI abstract): Enter Land Deferred Value/Code
  243. Applying Historical Deferments In the Property Details of a Real Property (REI abstract): Enter Historical Deferred Value/Code Select Deferred Code
  244. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Apply Land Deferments Apply Historical/Builder’s Inventory Deferments
  245. Editing Deferment on Previous Year Abstract If a property abstract was billed in a previous year and the deferment value should be changed, you can create an adjustment and enter the correct amount of the eligible deferment on the property abstract
  246. Now It’s Your Turn Exercise Edit Deferments for Previous Year
  247. Removing Deferment – Prebilled Abstract If a property has a pre-billed status, you can remove the deferment from the abstract and submit the abstract
  248. Now It’s Your Turn Exercise Remove Deferments from Pre-billed Abstract
  249. Removing Deferment – Billed Abstract If a property abstract has been billed and is no longer eligible for tax deferment, you will need to rollback the deferment on the owner’s bill From the bill search screen, select a bill status type of DEFERRED and enter other relevant search criteria
  250. Removing Deferment – Billed Abstract The Deferred Rollback button will allow you to enter in appropriate information to remove all or a portion of the deferment Use the Calculation Worksheet to accurately define your Rollback Value
  251. Now It’s Your Turn Exercise Remove Deferments from Billed Abstract
  252. Knowledge Check
  253. Assessment Factors Game Questions Appraised Value 2. Tax Relief can be applied from the ________ _______ screen Internal Worksheet Exempt Value Assessed Value
  254. Assessment Factors Game Questions 3. Currently if you apply an exemption on a property attached to a ______ or ________ abstract, the property will be 100% exempt. IPP; BPP 4. How would you remove a deferment on an abstract in a pre-billed status? Go to the abstract, remove the value of the deferment, click the submit button to save changes.
  255. Assessment Factors Game Questions 5. How would you remove a deferment on an abstract that has been billed? Find deferred bill, click create rollback button, enter rollback information, save changes to bill.
  256. Creating Adjustments
  257. Adjustments Workflow
  258. Adjustments Needed for changes to abstracts after billing May arise from appeal decisions, or from corrections identified through other means. Most common adjustments will be a reduction of assessed value. Abstracts must have a status of “Billed” Adjustments are only created if they affect a change in Bill.
  259. Adjustments(cont.) Adjustments fall in five different categories: Change in value Change in ownership Change in situs Change in property use (taxability) Routine Maintenance
  260. Creating an Adjustment On a billed abstract: If there is an Override Value, then change the override value instead. Change to a lower value.
  261. Adjustment Reason Once an adjustment value change has been submitted an Adjustment Reason must be provided.
  262. Adjustments Pending Queue
  263. AdjustmentsStatuses The status of an adjustment can be viewed under the Adjustment Tab of the primary abstract.
  264. Adjustment Approval A supervisor or user with appropriate access rights must review and approve/reject all adjustments Adjustment cannot be approved if: Bill is released in full There is active legal action against the bill There is unpaid collection fee or expense on bill
  265. AdjustmentApproval (cont.) All adjustments that involve refunds may require approval from the governing body (Board of Commissioners) NCPTS allows for Adjustment Reports to be easily generated for the Governing Body to approve
  266. Now It’s Your Turn Exercises Create Adjustment – Change in Value Create Adjustment Situs - Address Adjustment Approve/Reject Adjustment
  267. Reports
  268. Reports NCPTS reports can be accessed from a separate URL. While there are many reports available, we will focus on these commonly used for now: Assessed Value Report Exemption Report Released Value Report Adjustments Report
  269. Assessed Value Report A summary report of appraised and assessed property values. How this report could be used: To determine how much value is ready for billing. To isolate value of discoveries. To determine how much value has a particular abstract flag (ex. how much total value has had ownership transfers) To get value breakdowns by RMV and REPP (Real Estate/Personal Property) Etc…
  270. Assessed Value Report
  271. Exemption Report A detailed report that exhibits for each abstract a breakdown down of: The total property exemption value for the abstract (ex. Brownfield, Military, Religious, etc.) The total deferment value for the abstract (either Land or Historical Deferments) The total Tax Relief value for the abstract (Elderly or Veterans) The Tax Relief attributes such as year granted, last audited, and primary taxpayer income.
  272. Released Value Report Shows change in abstract value and change in taxable levy associated with the abstracts’ bills that occur after billing. Imagine you have one abstract (ex abstract number 0123456789-2010-2010-0000) that was billed at a value of $1000 and a tax levy of $30. Then after billing a value adjustment is made to reduce the abstract value by $300 which spurs a levy release of $10. This report would show: Abstract # OrigVal. Orig Levy Release Val Rel. Levy Revise Val Revise Levy 0123456789-2010-2010-0000 $1000 $30 $300 $10 $700 $20
  273. Adjustments Report A detailed report that shows the changes made to abstracts’ attributes during the adjustment process. This report allows a user to see what changed, who did the adjustment, etc over a date range.
  274. Property Assessment Summary Ready For Billing
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