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管理學作業 manager’s dilemma HCL

管理學作業 manager’s dilemma HCL. 教授 : 任維 廉 學生 : 0013209 李佳約 0013223 顏重恩. 文 章 內 容.

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管理學作業 manager’s dilemma HCL

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  1. 管理學作業manager’s dilemmaHCL 教授 :任維廉 學生 :0013209 李佳約 0013223 顏重恩

  2. 文 章 內 容 • "employees first “ that's the most important and crucial cultural value that HCL Technologies CEO VineetNayar believes will take his company into the future. Although most managers think that customers should come first , Nayar's philosophy is that employee satisfaction needs to be the top priority. • As one on the largest companies in India, HCL sells various information technology product services, such as laptop , custom software development , and technology consulting. Luring and keeping top talent is one of the challenges HCL faces. And at its size, if doesn't have the atmosphere of a fun and quirky start-up. • part of that "employee first" is a no layoff policy, which was difficult to uphold during the pressures of the economic downturn. Like its competitors, HCL had excess employees and had suspended raises. But HCL kept its promise and didn't lay off any HCLite. As business has picked up, however, employees began looking at competitors' job offers. During the first quarter of 2010, HCL lost 22 percent of its workforce. Maybe it's time to monitor and track employee satisfaction.

  3. 1. identify and articulate business problems • HCL 的執行長 VineetNayar認為 “員工至上”是公司最重要的理念 • 而在經濟不景氣時公司沒有裁撤員工,但是當經濟起步時員工卻向競爭廠商投誠 • 2010年的第一季公司就損失了22% 的員工

  4. 2. gather and analyze information applicable • What’s VineetNayar’s “ Employeer first ” ? Who comes first? our shareholders, our employees, or our customers? Well, that's easy Employees come first If employees are treated right, they treat the outside world right, the outside world uses the company's product again, and that makes the shareholders happy. 

  5. What did Nayar do to persue “ Employees first” ? 1. 360-degree performance evaluation 2. post all employees evaluation 3. employee grievance committee 4. trouble tickets

  6. What’s trouble tickets ? • a resolution system where anyone can open a "ticket" with any department's "service desk," and management is expected to respond — and respond quickly. • Only the employee who opened the ticket can close it.

  7. Why the employees left ? • 1. 認知失調 >>> 員工選擇離開 ( 因為沒有裁員導致公司在經濟回溫時提供的條件沒有 其他公司來的好 ) • 2. 員工對於公司的忠誠度不足 ( 滿意與向心力不同,雖然很滿意公司但有更好的條件自然而然還是會跳槽 ) • 3. 電子業的生態就是如此 ( 哪邊錢多哪邊去 )

  8. 3. identify and apply an appropriate tool for solving problems • “Employees First” 並非由HCL 首先應用,在許多其他的企業也可以看到。 例如:Southwest Airline、Starbucks……等

  9. 星巴克的執行長 Howard schultz表示: "We built the Starbucks brand first with our people, not with consumers. Because we believed the best way to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers was to hire and train great people. We invested in employees.“ • 對於HCL Technology 當下所需要的或許是 invest their employee. 讓員工對公司有更多的認同與參與感,這樣就能留住好的人才而不至於跳槽到別的公司。

  10. 釣到魚 要分享才會開心 • 讓公司裡面的每個人都變股東。早期公司免利息借錢給你,來買公司股票。公司的power(力量)就在這裡。大家都是股東,沒有對立。 許文龍: 「賺錢一定會無閒(忙),尚好的是別人來替我無閒。我的方法,就是我賺一百元,分二十元給你。很多企業家會想,我用三十萬就可以請一個人,為什麼要分一百萬給你?我也會這樣想。不過,這隻船是大家一起做伙(合作)來的,資方、勞方對立,問題攏總會出來。」

  11. 結 論 • 對企業而言,員工至上的理念在於好的員工是有限而且稀少的資源。投資自己的員工使其對公司產生熱誠,是管理者必要的作為。至於要用什麼方式來投資則是見仁見智。 • 對於各個被評比為員工至上的公司絕大多數都不是科技產業,或許對科技產業的員工來說,工作是為了幸福,而幸福的衡量就是賺錢的多與寡,所以哪家公司開出的條件好就往哪跑。

  12. 參 考 資 料 • 天下雜誌 516期 許文龍專訪http://www.cw.com.tw/article/articleLogin.action?id=5047238&login=true&page=2 • 商業週刊 1143期http://www.businessweekly.com.tw/KArticle.aspx?id=38159&pnumber=2 • Tailand The Nationhttp://www.nationmultimedia.com/2011/08/22/business/Employees-First-A-policy-worth-pursuing-30163299.html • Hartfordbusinesshttp://www.nationmultimedia.com/2011/08/22/business/Employees-First-A-policy-worth-pursuing-30163299.html

  13. 補充資訊 以NAYAR 跟 HCL Technology 為關鍵字搜尋, 富比士雜誌今年 4/26的文章: http://forbesindia.com/article/real-issue/hcl-techs-problems-with-new-recruits/35109/1 從2011年開始印度 有不少畢業生獲得了 HCL Technology 的錄取, 但是到了 2012 年的年底他們還沒辦法到公司上班。 他們跟公司當初簽署的協定卻讓他們無法去找到新的工作, 所以他們到邦加羅爾去絕食抗議HCL 如同詐欺的行為。 之後文章比較了 HCL 跟其競爭者 TCL 跟INFOSYS 的財務狀況, 及一些目前印度科技公司為何不讓新錄取的員工們上班的原因, 甚至也提出了三間公司每年的裁員比率 ( HCL 對外公布為 13% 但文章作者調查認為應該是介於 24~25% 其他兩間公司公布的分別為 17% 與 30% )。

  14. The End 謝謝

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