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Home Workout Remedies - Maharashtra Today

There are really only two ways I'm coming out of this pandemic: super-ripped or in dire need of a diet. coronavirus lockdown restrictions come and go and come back again, leaving many gyms closed across the country. Whether or not your gym or fitness studio is closed, the bottom line is that working out at home is still safer while the pandemic rages on. <br>Exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. <br>It is performed for various reasons, to aid growth and improve strength, preventing aging, developing muscles and the cardiovascular system, honing athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance, improving health] and also for enjoyment. Many individuals choose to exercise outdoors where they can congregate in groups, socialize, and enhance well-being. <br>In terms of health benefits, the amount of recommended exercise depends upon the goal, the type of exercise, and the age of the person. Even doing a small amount of exercise is healthier than doing none<br>

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Home Workout Remedies - Maharashtra Today

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  1. Home Workout Remedies - Maharashtra Today http://www.free-powerpoint-templates-design.com

  2. There are really only two ways I'm coming out of this pandemic: super- ripped or in dire need of a diet. coronavirus lockdown restrictions come and go and come back again, leaving many gyms closed across the country. Whether or not your gym or fitness studio is closed, the bottom line is that working out at home is still safer while the pandemic rages on.

  3. Agenda Style 01 No monthly gym fees required.. Can be inexpensive (basic equipment such as an exercise mat, dumbbells and a stability ball can be purchased cheaply). 02 . 03 Saves time by eliminating traveling to and from the gym.. Convenience — your training facility is always available whenever you feel like exercising 04

  4. Timeline Style Gymnasium equipment is constantly evolving so your local gym should be regularly updating the machines, whereas that may not be financially possible with a home gym.. Needs imagination to maintain interest in your training.. Initial outlay can be high if you’re planning to set up a gym in your own home. You need to ensure your form is correct without the supervision of a gym instructor, otherwise injuries may occur. It can become boring and de-motivating to continually train alone. At a public gym you’ll find:

  5. What home gym equipment do I need to train at home? If you’re still thinking of a home workout, what equipment do you need? ❖As with any activity, depending upon your available budget, you can create anything from a dedicated gymnasium facility to simply storing some dumbbells and other equipment and setting them up when needed. There is a huge variety of equipment on the market, the hardest part is deciding what not to buy. The following sections should help you decide what you can and cannot do without for your home gym.. https://www.facebook.com/maharash tratoday https://twitter.com/mtnew s_official https://www.instagram.com/maha rashtratoday/

  6. No number is a complete picture of your individual health. How you treat your body and mind are often better indicators of your overall health and well-being. However, we do live in a time where doctors and other experts need to use charts, data, and other measurements to create a standard definition of health. That’s why your doctor or healthcare provider will often chart your body mass index, or BMI, during routine physicals. While BMI and other measurements such as body fat percentage do serve a purpose, it’s also important to remember that moving your body and making purposeful choices about the foods you eat also contribute to your overall health. 37% . 49% .

  7. Staying in shape during the pandemic is totally doable, and this guide will show you how. Even if you have a small space, no equipment (hello body weight workouts!) or little time, there are many great options including exercises and workout program options focused on your upper body, lower body, core muscles, chest, back -- all the muscle groups, really. Plus there's high-intensity interval training, cardio, yoga poses and more. Seriously, no matter your fitness level, these exercises will get your heart rate up -- in many cases without you having to buy a single dumbbell or kettlebell. .

  8. Chests of all shapes and sizes can benefit from a lil’ strength and conditioning. It’s not just about looking like Wonder Woman or Aqua Man either — stronger pecs can make life easier, from unloading groceries to rearranging your living room furniture. If you’re down to boost your health and build some strength, you don’t need to hit the gym. Instead, give some of these moves a go in the comfort of your own home. You feel it each time you bend over or stand up. It's that groan-inspiring ache that shoots through your lower back and never seems to fully go away. Sometimes called lumbago or spondylosis, lower back pain is one of the most common forms of chronic pain among adults. Maybe you've been resting, hoping the back pain just needs time to heal. But most doctors now encourage lower back pain sufferers to get active and move their backs and related muscles as a better pain relief treatment. 04 03 01 When the gym’s not an option, don’t let lack of equipment or space deter you from getting a great leg workout. Keeping your leg muscles strong is key to getting from point A to point B and busting out those killer dance moves you’ve been showing off at Club Quarantine. Whether you have a complete home gym, a few weights to play with, or just a room and an exercise mat, you can program your own “Leg Day: Home Edition. Everybody dreams to have toned and slim thighs, but we know that targeted fat reduction is not possible. You cannot lose fat from your thighs alone without losing overall body weight. All you can do is tone your thighs and lower body area, so it appears slim and you can carry your favourite pair of shorts or skirt with confidence. 02

  9. If you've been searching high and low for the secret to getting a flat stomach and six-pack abs—but haven't had any luck—you're not alone. After years of doing a bazillion crunches during every workout, I finally learned that determination only gets you so far when the approach is wrong. Even an entire hour of crunches won't match the body benefits of a 10-minute plank workout. The plank is one of the best exercises for a strong stomach because it works all the muscles in your core, including the rectus abdominus (the "six-pack muscles" you can see), transverse abdominus (your deepest abs muscles), internal and external obliques (your sides), hips, and back Why not just focus on the six-pack muscles? Strengthening your entire core is crucial for providing support for your entire body during everyday movements, and can help reduce back pain and improve posture. Plus, plank exercises burn more calories than sit-ups or crunches because they recruit muscles in the legs, arms, and rear too. It's truly the ultimate total-body exercise! Switching up the type of plank exercise you're doing can help target all different muscles and keep challenging you (without forcing you to hold a static plank for minutes at a time). How it works: Start with the first four plank exercises, holding each one for 30 seconds (if possible, work up to 1-minute holds). Repeat the entire series 3 times total. When you feel comfortable with the first four planks, advance to incorporate the final two exercises, holding each one for 30-60 seconds. For a killer core workout, combine all six into one routine. .

  10. Benefits of stability ball Benefits of stability ball exercises exercises By tackling basic moves on an unstable surface, your muscles may get more bang for their buck. A 2007 study found that doing crunches on a stability ball could not only train the abs but also significantly increase muscle activity.Trusted Source A 2006 study showed that stability balls are also great for getting back into shape after an injury because they can reduce muscle and spinal strain for certain movements. .

  11. Benefits of push - ups 80K When you think about pushups, what comes to mind? Maybe it's that challenging bootcamp class you barely survived. Or the drill-sergeant-like soccer coach you had in high school who frequently barked "Drop and give me 20!" But despite the less- than-stellar feelings that pushups can evoke, they're actually good for us. There's a reason this total-body move is a staple in many workouts, from HIIT to yoga to pure strength training. Here, we set the record straight on pushups, explaining the legitimate health benefits you'll get from doing this move on the reg, how to actually do it correctly, tips for modifying the pushup to your fitness level, and more. Health benefits of push - ups. Improved upper-body strength 1 Improved core strength and stability 2 Improves posture 3 Supports strong bones 4

  12. Advantages Advantages of Treadmill Use for Exercise and Pain Relief of Treadmill Use for Exercise and Pain Relief One of the most popular types of home exercise equipment is the treadmill, which provides a straightforward, efficient aerobic workout. For many, treadmills are a good choice to begin a new exercise routine because walking is well tolerated by most individuals regardless of fitness level and for most back conditions. As strength and endurance are developed, the treadmill can be used for jogging and/or for interval training. 1 2 3 4 The treadmill has a predictable surface that is much easier to negotiate than sidewalks, curbs or trails and the risk of tripping is reduced . The treadmill is a relatively easy piece of exercise equipment to use . Running on a treadmill generally burns calories faster than most other forms of in- home exercise, such as biking Some treadmills have special features such as step counters and heart rate monitors so fitness progress can be tracked

  13. Fitness is not about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to be..

  14. Weight Training Weight Training . Building and maintaining muscle is necessary for all of us, especially as we age. And the earlier we start, the better. This can reduce the risk of fractures from osteoporosis. It also improves balance and boosts energy levels. Building stronger muscles isn’t just about vanity, either. According to the Mayo Clinic, strength training not only helps with weight control, but also stops bone loss and can even build new bone.. A significant amount of evidence exists to support the overall health benefits of strength training. And there’s been some quite convincing research on the subject recently: According to the American Council on Exercise, most adults lose nearly a half pound of muscle per year starting around age 30, mostly because they aren’t as active as they were when they were younger.

  15. Safe and effective strength training Safe and effective strength training Never skip a warm-up Don’t hold your breath Don’t let momentum do the work Mix it up To keep making gains, you must vary your routine every six to eight weeks. For instance, increase the amount of weight you lift (increase by no more than 10 percent at a time), increase the number of repetitions, and reduce the rest time between sets.. It’s tempting to go straight from the locker room to the bench press, but you’ll be able to lift more if you warm up your muscles with five minutes of aerobic exercise. Also, go easy on your first set of each strength-training exercise.. People often forget to breathe when they lift. You need as much oxygen as possible when lifting. Holding your breath or taking breaths that are too shallow can increase your blood pressure and zap your energy. Breathe through your mouth rather than your nose.. When you lift weights too fast, you develop momentum, which can make the exercise too easy on your muscles. People are especially lax on the return phase of a lift: they’ll often hoist the dumbbells up slowly and then let them come crashing down.

  16. There is a huge variety of equipment on the market, the hardest part is deciding what not to buy. The following sections should help you decide what you can and cannot do without for your home gym. What home gym equipment do I need to train at home? If you’re still thinking of a home workout, what equipment do you need? As with any activity, depending upon your available budget, you can create anything from a dedicated gymnasium facility to simply storing some dumbbells and other equipment and setting them up when needed.

  17. Physical fitness is not only one of the m ost important keys to a healthy body, it i s the basis of dynamic and creative intell ectual activity.

  18. Ideal body fat percentage for women Ideal body fat percentage for women Acce ptabl e Fitne ss Essen tial fat Obesi ty Athle tes 21- 24 % 25- 31% 10- 13% 25-31% >32 % 14- 20% Since a BMI calculation is based solely on your height and weight, being female or male doesn’t factor into how that number is calculated. That said, there are differences between men and women when it comes to body fat percentage ranges. Body fat percentages for women fall under a few different categories. Some charts will divide the percentages by categories, such as athletes and acceptable ranges, while others divide the ranges by age. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) has a body fat chart that’s more like the adult BMI chart because it doesn’t factor in age and breaks it up in the following categories:

  19. The Growth of Home The Growth of Home Fitness Apps Fitness Apps 94 % 48 % 157 % 6 Home fitness apps have been shaping our lives—and our glutes—long before COVID-19, but their popularity has truly surged in the last few months. Which regions are driving this growth? And is home fitness here to stay, or will it fade away when the pandemic is over? This graphic uses data from MoEngage to highlight the growth in home fitness apps across five different regions, representing 1.5 billion mobile app users. Note that the report uses data from Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store, so China was not included. 5 4 3 2 1 0 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 India America Rest of the world

  20. pelaton Normally $13 a month, Peloton is offering a free, 30-day trial of its polished workout app. The fitness app -- which doesn't require a purchase of Peloton's bike or treadmill -- includes easy-to-follow and high- quality videos, including yoga, strength, meditation, cardio and bootcamp classes. There are also audio-only classes for outdoor runs, if that's still an option for you. Les Mills If you've ever had a gym membership at a place like 24 Hour Fitness, you've probably heard of Body Pump. The class, which is managed by Les Mills, is just one of more than a dozen different types of classes, including boxing, dance and yoga. All these classes are available on demand through a 30-day free trial and many classes are equipment-free. After the trial, the monthly membership is $14.99 a month or $11.99 a month with a three-month commitment . Blogilates Cassey Ho, the fitness guru behind the hugely popular Blogilates YouTube channel and website, continues to offer a massive library of pilates-style toning classes. In response to the outbreak, she also created a 14-day quarantine workout plan, a great option for those looking to add structure to their at-home workout schedules. CorePower Yoga Like many yoga studios, CorePower shut down its locations due to the outbreak and pivoted to online workouts only. (Some locations have reopened with safety measures.) New classes are added weekly, including sculpt (those ones hurt!), yoga and meditation. Nike Training Club Nike Training Club . I spent an entire year exercising with Nike Training Club and got in great shape with very little equipment. The app -- which is always free -- has a wide variety of home workouts to choose from, including programs that help you set an ongoing workout schedule. The key here is that workouts can be filtered based on whether or not you have access to a gym or equipment, so you can easily find bodyweight-only exercises.

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