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PeerIndex. “Understand Your Social Capital”. PeerIndex. London based Company founded in 2009 Winner of the European Tech Startup Awards 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PeerIndex “Understand Your Social Capital”

  2. PeerIndex • London based Company founded in 2009 • Winner of the European Tech Startup Awards 2011 • Influence Measurement Tool: Calculates the influence of the user in the social web based on his/her activity on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Quora and up to three blogs • http://www.peerindex.com/

  3. PeerIndex Score • Normalized score based on a scale of 1 to 100 • Analyzes not only the activity but also the quality of the content • Based on 3 Components:- Authority Score- Audience Score- Activity Score

  4. 3 Components Authority Score • How relevant is your activity to the community • How much do others rely on your recommendations and opinion • Rises whenever others like, comment,… your activity -> beeing popular does not indicate authority Audience Score • Measures size of your audience compared to the audience of others • Not people who “follow” you but people who are receptive to your actions Activity Score • Measures how much you do that is related to the topic communities you are part of • Calculated relative to your communities

  5. Topic Fingerprint • Shows what categories of content someone talks a lot, or a little about. • Divided into 8 benchmark topics:

  6. Top Topics • Blue bar indicates percentage above or below global average (100) that someone has shared an article with that topic • Green flag shows your resonance on that topic -> how frequently you say things other people find interesting • Shows what topics someone talks about/the topics associated to the URLs someone shares regularly.

  7. Top Sources • Shows the sources of the URLs that you’ve shared regularly • Shown by the number of mentions

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