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學生專題研究指導策略 ~啟發潛力、提升自學力~

學生專題研究指導策略 ~啟發潛力、提升自學力~. 地點:桃園縣仁和國小 日期: 100 年 8 月 26 日(五) 時間: 9:00~12:00. 計惠卿 jih@nhcue.edu.tw 國立新竹教育大學 數位學習科技研究所. Agenda. 引言 : 狀況一籮筐 What :學生專題之特色及成敗關鍵 How to :如何進行學生專題. 引言. 狀況百出, 難題一籮筐 …. 關於我的真實故事. 狀況 1. 計惠卿. So, 所以說嘛 …. 視而 不見 、見而 不認 ( 帳 ) 看後就 忘 、忘了對的、留住 錯 的 下次 … 依然故我、

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學生專題研究指導策略 ~啟發潛力、提升自學力~

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  1. 學生專題研究指導策略~啟發潛力、提升自學力~學生專題研究指導策略~啟發潛力、提升自學力~ 地點:桃園縣仁和國小 日期:100年8月26日(五) 時間: 9:00~12:00 計惠卿 jih@nhcue.edu.tw 國立新竹教育大學 數位學習科技研究所

  2. Agenda • 引言:狀況一籮筐 • What:學生專題之特色及成敗關鍵 • How to:如何進行學生專題

  3. 引言 狀況百出, 難題一籮筐…

  4. 關於我的真實故事 狀況 1 計惠卿

  5. So, 所以說嘛… • 視而不見、見而不認(帳) • 看後就忘、忘了對的、留住錯的 • 下次…依然故我、 • 樂此不疲、堅忍至極 人: 難“學習”啊 There is no ‘Teaching’ at all. 學習:不能用“教”的 Learningoccurs under some circumstance. 學習:只在適當狀況下發生 教? 有講沒有懂啦

  6. 學習:漫漫長路、一步一腳印 New knowledge Existing knowledge Multimedia Presentation Sensory Memory Working Memory Long-term Memory Semantic memory (what is) Procedural memory (how to) Episodic memory (script) Visual Processing static images dynamic graphics Eyes Visual Component Integration Printed Words Ears Auditory Component Phonetic Processing Spoken Words Retrieval practice exercises: Real or Authentic 眼到(視覺)、耳到(聽覺)、心到(記憶)、手到(操作) • graphics to support content e-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning. Ruth Colvin Clark and Richard E. Mayer. Jossey-Bass, 2003. 0-07879-6501-9

  7. 灌知識:無效! 比利時大學

  8. 中式 vs.西式教育 狀況 2 愛學習: 學子的責任 • 中式:全班讀一段經文 • 有“講”徵答:怎樣的基礎思想? • 西式:老師講兩個笑話 • 有“講”徵答:怎樣的基礎思想? 20 世紀 “定、靜、安、慮、得” Learner=專心的閱聽者 發揮心智投注(mental effort) 激發學習: 教師的責任 ? 21 世紀 Learner=人類(人非聖賢),很難專心 專心=引起注意(To gain attention動機之始) ? 21世紀的教師:20世紀的學習經驗 Change is a must !

  9. 所有智力的工作,都仰賴興趣。~皮亞傑Jean Piaget Motivation is the driving force which help causes us to achieve goals. 動機:激發你我達成目標的驅力

  10. Motivation動機:學習力之活水源頭 • Motivation is an internal state that activate, guides and sustains behavior. 動機是激發、引導和維持行為的一種內在狀態。 • Motivation concerns with the volition or will that students bring to a task, their level of interest and intrinsic motivation, the personally held goals that guide their behavior, and their belief about the causes of their success or failure. • 內在動機 As Intrinsic motivation deals with activities that act as their own rewards, • 外在動機 Extrinsic Motivation deals with motivations that are brought on by consequences or punishments.

  11. 目標至上 Learners’ Goals affect the way they engage with academic tasks • 精熟目標(能力目標) Mastery goals • Those who have mastery goals strive to increase their ability and knowledge.擁有精熟目標(期待學到的水平)者,會努力增加他們的能力和知識。 • Research has found that mastery goals are associated with many positive outcomes such as persistence in the face of failure, preference for challenging tasks, creativity and intrinsic motivation.積極的:堅毅地面對失敗、面對挑戰性的工作/任務、創造力、內因動機。 • 所以,任何學習任務(課程、教材)必備:精熟目標。 • 而且,給予驗證+補強的機會。 • 表現目標(成績目標)Those who have performancegoals strive for high grades and seek opportunities to demonstrate their abilities.為高分而努力,並尋求機會表現其能力。 • 所以,給予挑戰機會、表現的舞台。

  12. 表現避免 performance avoidance • 表現避免者 performance avoidance • Those who have performance avoidance goals are driven by fear of failure and avoid situations where their abilities are exposed.對失敗的恐懼、避免其真實能力被暴露的情形 • 消極的結果 Performance avoidance goals are associated with negative outcomes such as poor concentration while studying, disorganized studying, less self-regulation, unwillingness to seek help, shallow information processing and test anxiety.低落的注意力、紊亂無方的學習、較低的自制力、不願尋求協助、淺薄的信息處理、考試焦慮。 • 所以,要給予碁礎的、分段的、多次的表現演練機會,以累積自信心 • (對於堅持不學習者:徒呼負負!)

  13. 2010世界盃足球賽 狀況 3 2010年7月12日,西班牙-荷蘭的延長賽終場前4分鐘, 苦戰116分鐘, 西班牙攻下唯一進球…獲得冠軍!

  14. 冠軍Winner:西班牙歡呼雷動…彷彿沒有運動傷痛冠軍Winner:西班牙歡呼雷動…彷彿沒有運動傷痛 在這116分鐘裡,荷蘭隊、西班牙隊, 一樣的奔馳、拼場,一樣的肌肉酸痛、疲累不堪…

  15. Loser亞軍:荷蘭隊,悲淒! 贏球 vs. 輸球,讓兩隊的感受,差異兩極!

  16. 任何拼場:娛樂(打球)、工作、讀書… • 過程:一樣都不少 一樣艱辛、一樣漫長 一樣費力、一樣費神 • 結果:影響感受! • 樂於參與學習的歷程、 • 獲得學習的快樂果! • (快樂過程、安樂死) 不喜歡 失敗無力 的感覺! Enjoy 勝任愉快 的滋味! 我不甲意 輸的感覺!

  17. 知識經濟時代:擁有多元知識 狀況 4 知識經濟 Knowledge Economy Era 資訊時代 工業時代 農業時代

  18. 知識經濟(knowledge economy era) • 優質人力: • 推動產業、社會與國家向前邁進的動力 • 教育的焦點: • 國民競爭力之提升 • 智慧資本(Intellectual Capital)之孵育 • 強化基礎教育與高等教育的核心能力 • 資訊之軟技能(Information Literacy) • 科技之硬技能(ICT Literacy)

  19. 「21st-Century Skills」USA教育部 (2003) 核心能力 • 基礎學科能力 • 基礎學科 • 世界公民:經濟、環保…全球化 • 生活和職業技能 • 學習和創新技能 • 創造、創新、批判性思維、問題解決力 • 資訊、媒體和技術技能 領域 議題

  20. 學生應培養的 基本能力 • 我國中小學九年一貫國民教育課程綱要 • 運用科技與資訊 • 表達溝通與分享 • 尊重關懷與團隊合作 • 主動探究與研究 • 獨立思考與解決問題 • 欣賞表現與創新

  21. 國民教育十大基本能力 與競爭力 密切關係

  22. 美國之教育科技白皮書 NETP 2010:National Educational Technology Plan • A 21st Century Model of Learning Powered by Technology • Engaging and empowering learning experiences for all learners • U.S. Department of Education on March 5, 2010 (Draft) • 學習 Learning(What and How People Need to Learn) • 評量 Assessment(Using Data to Drive Continuous Improvement) • 教學 Teaching(21st Century Resources for Professional Educators) • 基礎設施 Infrastructure(Always-on Learning Resources) • 學習生產力 Productivity(成本效益評估Rethinking Basic Assumptions) http://www.ed.gov/technology/netp-2010

  23. 歐洲五國資訊教育報告 Computer-supported collaborative learning in primary, secondary and vocational education (2000) • 研究對象:歐洲五國 • (Belgium, Finland, Greece, Italy, and The Netherlands)。25 teachers,20 schools,600 students from 10-24 yrs. • Key Conclusions 關鍵報告 • 知識的紮根Requires focuses on “knowledge building” rather than “knowledge reproduction” as the main learning activity. • 參與式學習、學生為主 To believe in and trust a learning style that involves active, self-regulated, constructive and contextualised learning by groups of students more or less independently. • 並非適用於每一位師生Not every student or teacher is used to this way of learning and for many it was not easy to learn together with other students. • 難以融入現有教學現場 In addition, it is not easy to integrate this new educational philosophy with existing philosophies in schools. Robert-Jan Simons, Centre for ICT in education, Utrecht University, Netherlands http://www.pjb.co.uk/npl/bp31.htm

  24. 歐洲五國資訊教育報告:關鍵報告 (續) • 即使參與實驗,難以落實教學現場 Although other research has shown that co-operative learning is effective, if students have common goals and interests combined with individual accountability, in reality, it hardly occurs within existing school practice. • 即使師生對於新科技(跨校/跨國合作)都有濃厚興趣,難以融入現有課程綱要Teachers and students do like to work through computer supported collaborative learning, however it is not easy to integrate new didactical practices into existing curricula. Also, international exchanges seem to have a positive effect on the motivation of both students and teachers. • 教師的難處在於:缺乏好用數位學習資源、更欠缺時間與支援去自製教材Teachers do not have the time for support or preparation of assignments and questions for use within a computer supported collaborative learning. Nor, are there enough didactical materials, or examples of good practice to help them fulfil their new roles.

  25. 歐洲五國資訊教育報告:關鍵報告 (續) • 數位學習資源融入自然、數學、語文的課堂,最有助益!而數位教材的認知互動機會與解說深度,影響教材品質最深。It was found that there were significant advantages in using computer-supported collaborative learning in mathematics and languages, and in process-oriented measures like the quality of question raised and depth of explanation. • 教材之與課程綱要的連結度決定可用度,獲致師生喜愛的多媒體效果並未提供教學的價值The suitability of the software is also critical to computer-supported collaborative learning. However, the project found that although multimedia elements make network applications attractive, there is no evidence that they have pedagogical value without carefully planned instructional strategies and adequately educated teachers.

  26. 歐洲五國資訊教育報告:關鍵報告 (續) • 第一線的教師們並未看好電腦在教學的應用,這也突顯資訊科技在教學上的不成熟狀態Unlike the scientific communities, practising teachers do not consider highly the role of computer-supported collaborative learning within future learning environments. This is partly due to its novelty, but also highlights that the theoretical and practical principles of computer-supported collaborative learning are too immature to be adopted as practical educational reforms. • 學生喜愛以電腦進行合作學習There was relatively consistent evidence of students showing more interest in collaborative learning. • 學生喜愛網路專題活動Students worked in a more self-regulating way, directing their own projects. • 學生能藉以發展資訊素養能力Students developed skills for using information technology and basic knowledge acquisition. They learned to access extended sources of information and motivation increased.

  27. 歐洲五國資訊教育報告:Key Recommendations 建議事項 • 還需發展教學現場實用的實施策略There is a need for theoretically well-grounded development of computer-supported collaborative learning practises and tools that are embedded in a practical educational context. • 科技應服務教學需求、滿足教師的日常教學資源Any technology needs to be adaptable to the instructional needs of teachers and to the daily realities of classroom life. • 提供行政資源Financial support is needed for: - • 足夠的教師培訓Adequate teacher training. • 教師備課資源Teachers to design assignments and questions. • 合用的軟體與硬體設備Computers and software. • 教學策略的顧問輔導Pedagogical support. Robert-Jan Simons, Centre for ICT in education, Utrecht University, The Netherlands http://www.pjb.co.uk/npl/bp31.htm

  28. 突破的作為 自學力: The Hole In The Wall牆上的洞 (India) 牆上洞裡面的電腦,讓孩童好奇探究、摸索,找出電腦操作方法(從操控滑鼠、上網Google找課本相關資料)、應用電腦學新知(英語聽說多媒體課程的互動練習、甚至是十歲學子解讀“生物科技與DNA之大學程度硬裏子文章”), 自力學習的學生,在過了很久的一年半後,還能記得住,因為學童經過一步一腳印的找答案,學習歷程深刻、記憶也深刻,獲得的也就難忘! http://e-learning-101.blogspot.com/2011/07/sugata-mitra-uk.html

  29. 國小教育:學習力 • 十二年的研究: 印度、南非、義大利、美國 • 小學生; 給我資源、引導我自學,我能找答案 • 閱讀力Reading comprehension: • 能看得懂文字所傳遞的內容,才能吸收知識。 • 資訊蒐集力Information search and retrieval: • (不是Copy-and-Paste複製貼上的不動大腦活動)能查詢取得有用的資訊,具備既有的已知基礎是必要的,否則連篩選、彙整都不能。 http://e-learning-101.blogspot.com/2011/07/sugata-mitra-uk.html

  30. 資訊能力的迅速更新 狀況 5 • 先進國家在近十五年內, • 針對中小學「資訊素養能力」內涵 • 歷經數次更新, • 更新速度之快(平均五年更新一次)、 • 更新幅度之大(每次的更新都屬於大跳躍式的變革) • 二十世紀所未見的!

  31. 1997 技能導向 「善用資訊科技工具」 基本操作與摡念 社會、倫理與人道 生產力的工具 溝通的工具 研究的工具 問題解決與決策工具 2008 思維導向 「創新與問題解決」 創新和創意思考 溝通和合作分享 研究及資訊運用 批判思考及問題解決 數位公民 科技概念和工具操作 變革:學生教育科技能力指標National Educational Technology Standards for Students(NETS for Students) International Society for Technology in Education,ISTE

  32. 變革:資訊能力測驗(Educational Testing Service,USA) • 五年、三次變革 (自2004年11月~) • 「ICT Literacy Assessment」資訊通訊科技素養測驗 • 「iSkill」資訊能力認證 • 「iCritical Thinking」資訊批判思考能力認證 硬技能 ICT設備 軟技能 思考力

  33. 學科內容 Content Topics: 人文Humanities 社會Social Sciences 博務Practical Affairs 文化Popular Culture 自然科學Natural Sciences 科技應用Technology Topics 網路應用Web Use – E-mail, Instant Messaging, Bulletin Board Postings, Browser Use, Search Engines 資料庫管理Database Management – Data Searches, File Management 套裝軟體Software – Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Presentations, Graphics measures your students’ ability to navigate, critically evaluate and make sense of the wealth of information the only ICT literacy test that assesses critical thinking in the digital environment helps you identify where further curriculum development is needed so students have the ICT literacy skills they need to succeed ETS iCritical Thinking(ICT Literacy Assessment  iSkills)

  34. 定義Define Know how to articulate a need for and determine where to locate information Create a research topic to fit a particular information need or complete a concept map 接觸 Access Search and collect information from the Internet and databases Read and refine a search to locate resources 評鑑 Evaluate Assess the relevancy, veracity and completeness of information for a specific purpose Select the best database to use and determine the sufficiency of information on a website for a particular need 管理 Manage Develop and use a comprehensive organizational scheme Document relationships using an organizational chart and sort e-mails into appropriate folders 整合Integrate Synthesize, summarize, compare and draw conclusions from information from multiple sources Compare and contrast information from web pages or a spreadsheet and synthesize information from instant messages into a word processing document 創造Create Generate information by adapting and critically analyzing current data Create a graph that supports a point of view. Select text and graphics to communicate the point of view 溝通Communicate Convey information persuasively to various audiences using the right medium Be able to adapt presentation slides and revise an e-mail iCritical Thinking http://www.ets.org/

  35. BIG6資訊大六能力 1. 定義問題 2. 搜尋策略 3. 找出資訊 4. 活用資訊 5. 彙整資訊 6. 評估資訊 Be sure you understand the problem. Task DefinitionIdentify sources of information. Information SeekingGather relevant information. Location & AccessSelect a solution. Use of InformationIntegrate the ideas into a product. SynthesiseXamine the result. Evaluation www.big6.com/kids

  36. 國際之資訊能力的演變 • 能夠操作電腦軟硬體 (工具) ICT •  能夠精熟資訊運用 (方法) Information • 支援思維運作歷程 Thinking • 學好既有知識 (existing/old knowledge) 同時立即運用所學,加以創新 • 創新掛帥:First priority • 從小開始、面面俱到:小一到大二!

  37. 止於 至善 核心能力 (Ends):聽說讀寫創新應用 資訊能力 (Means):輸出輸入支援創新 Innovation & Learning with computer 藉著ICT科技:同時學知識並創新應用 Learning with/ from computer 藉著ICT科技:支援學習歷程與成果 Learning about computer 熟悉ICT科技:軟硬體的操作使用

  38. 2000 操作:資訊科技 規劃設計:學習環境和學習經驗 教導:學習與課程 評量與評鑑 專業工作的實務 社會、倫裡 、法律和人類關懷 2008 提攜:促進和激勵學習和創新 研發:數位的學習經驗和評量 身教:示範數位的工作和學習 身教:示範數位公民身份和責任 成長:專業發展和領導風氣 NETS- Teacher 教師

  39. 國際之學生能力檢測 National Assessment of Educational Progress, NAEP(USA國家教育進展評量) Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, TIMSS(國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查) Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, PIRLS(促進國際閱讀素養研究) The Programme for International Student Assessment , PISA(PISA國際評量計畫 ) 狀況 6

  40. 臺灣四年級學生閱讀素養PIRLS 2006 • 台灣學生閱讀成績整體平均535分、排名22 • (參與45個國家地區,國際平均值500分) • 直接理解歷程的表現(541分):好 • 詮釋理解歷程的表現(530分) PIRLS促進國際閱讀素養研究(Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) 華葳,中央大學學習與教學研究所,2009年03月09日

  41. 說明文 南極洲 尋找食物 太空漫步 小海鸚鵡之夜 故事體 一個不可思議的夜晚 小陶土 海豚救難記 倒立的老鼠 PIRLS範文…

  42. 閱讀力、競爭力 • 小學三年級,閱讀能力較差的學生75%:上中學時,仍然比較落後 閱讀能力差 教育出問題(學習任何知識的基礎) 競爭力大危機 美國國家教育數據中心National Center for Education Statistics

  43. 閱讀:吸收外界資訊 • 小一二三:學著讀Learning to Read • Grade 1, 2, 3 • 學習閱讀 • 小四五六:讀著學Reading to Learn • Grade 4, 5, 6 • 透過閱讀去學習各領域知識

  44. 閱讀理解力:各領域知識的學習基石 • 閱讀歷程: • 認字 • 高品質的字詞彙表徵(lexical representation) • 又快又準地提取:字詞彙的相關知識(形、音、義、文法位格) • 理解 • 高層次認知歷程:剖析語法句型、推論、統整 • 尋找及回憶(Locate & Recall) • 整合及解釋(Integrate & Interpret) • 批判及評鑑(Critique & Evaluate) • Perfetti, C. (2007). Reading ability: Lexical quality to comprehension. Scientific Studies of Reading, 11 (4), 357-383. • Cain, K., Oakhill, J. V., Barnes, M. A., & Bryant, P. E. (2001). Comprehension skill, inference making ability and their relation to knowledge. Memory and Cognition, 29 , 850-859. • NAEP (National Assessment ofEducation Progress, USA) 2009

  45. PISA國際閱讀力評比 • Retrieve information 擷取資訊 • From a broad understanding 廣義理解 • Reflect on and evaluate content of text 文章的內容 • Reflect on and evaluate form of text 文章的形式 • Develop an Interpretation 自我闡述/解釋 • Access and retrieve 接收與提取 • Integrate and interpret 整合與詮釋 • Reflect and evaluate 反思與評估 • Use content primarily from within the text使用文章資訊 • Draw primarily upon outside knowledge 引用外在知識 PISA (the Programme for International Student Assessment) 學生能力國際評量計劃 OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

  46. PISA閱讀力評比:閱讀素養評鑑項目 • 擷取資訊(線索): • 能否從所閱讀的文字資料中,找到所需的資訊。 • 解讀資訊(意涵): • 閱讀後能否正確解讀資訊的意涵。 • 反思和判斷評估: • 能否將所讀內容與自己原有的知識、想法和經驗相連結,綜合評估後,提出自己的觀點。 PISA 2009 Assessment Framework OECD經濟合作會議 http://www.oecd.org/edu/pisa/2009

  47. NAEP閱讀測驗 • 辨識文字understand written text, • 解讀文意develop and interpret meaning, and • 依據狀況及目的,妥適應用文體 use meaning as appropriate to the type of text, purpose, and situation. NAEP Reading assessment G4, G8, G12 http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/reading/whatmeasure.asp

  48. InformationalTexts資訊的 exposition說明文 argumentation & persuasive text議論文 procedural text程序文 documents紀錄文件 LiteraryTexts文學的 fiction小說類 literary nonfiction非小說類 poetry詩歌類 NAEP:兩種文體 NAEP reading assessment http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/reading/whatmeasure.asp

  49. 知己知彼 百戰百勝 文章標題 Teacher明知故錯、Learner主動質疑 讀一讀: 大聲讀三遍,反覆品讀 全班一起唸出來 畫一畫:畫+說 圖繪(具像Concrete)出文章意境(抽象Abstract) 個別繪圖 i.e.郁郁蔥蔥 看一看、說一說: 分組活動 畫、批、注、討論 把全文濃縮成一句話、把全句濃縮成一個字 心得:提出一句呼籲的話語 談一談、寫一寫:PBL 角色扮演=記者招待會PBL… 課後作業:寫詩歌、編小品、繪圖稿、譜歌曲、寫調查報告… 語文導讀法(靳家彥, China特級教師) 狀況 7 劉海濤、豆海湛 (2009/10)。小學語文:名師魅力課堂激趣藝術。西南師範大學出版社。(名師工程系列叢書)

  50. 無趣 將要上課,意態闌珊 人來了、腦袋沒醒 眼睛睜著、視線沒對焦 看的、聽的、想的,通通分離 字、詞、句、段、篇各自為政,不相往來 通通靠硬記(篇章旨趣、起承轉合、用詞譴句、修辭標點、延伸思考),課堂很無力、更不會活用,感覺:上課無用論。 有趣 人還沒來,帶著期待:Yes, I can make it. 帶著清醒腦袋來上課 教材訊息:吸引Eye-Ball 看的+寫的:同步使用,認知鏈結牢靠、線索明確 看的+寫的+說的+畫的:多種方式來表情達意,不做各課的文盲 “字、詞、句、段、篇”混搭看透,融入應用情境、伶俐辨別小差異 激趣的藝術:為讀寫課堂加點調味料

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