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My Learning Portfolio

My Learning Portfolio. By Maddison Cali. Multiple Intelligences: Term 1. Week 2. EPA FOOTPRINT CALCULATOR. . I am happy with the result of my footprint and that it isn't to high. My food definitely needs improving it is pretty high!

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My Learning Portfolio

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My Learning Portfolio By Maddison Cali

  2. Multiple Intelligences: Term 1. Week 2

  3. EPA FOOTPRINT CALCULATOR. • . I am happy with the result of my footprint and that it isn't to high. My food definitely needs improving it is pretty high! My goal will be to try and eat more vegetables and less food with packaging.

  4. WEEK 3 BUDD:E An important rule is to never give out personal information on the internet.

  5. My Reading Recording : Term 1,Week 5 I think I did well with my expression. I also think I could improve to read more quickly.

  6. Energy facts • There are two types of energy renewable and non renewable they are both energies but non renewable can run out and renewable energy doesn’t run out. • Some types of renewable energy are Solar, Coal, Geothermal, hydro power and thermal. • Energy can come from sun, wind, water and even underground. • Geothermal is an energy that is used for heating. • Solar panels are environmentally friendly and a cheaper way for energy.

  7. Term 1 Reflection • This term we had an amazing excursion at Science works that allowed us to see further than tomorrow and deep in the future. We could create cars and even have priceless times in the teleporter and music room. How could I forget fish market it gave us a chance to have our own business and helped us learn new techniques. In inquiry we had our Social Justice Projects which were exciting, my topic was homelessness. We also had to do our energy audits which taught us how to save energy and what is the maximum light you should have. Cookie coal mining was extremely fun but educational and messy too we learnt that if you Break something it can’t be repaired. An amazing show we got to watch was called “Life after people” it was informative and freaky as well because all the buildings that fell. On top of all that we also had energisers which were fun to make us feel relaxed. In writing we wrote a persuasive and information reports they were fun and helped us have more writing techniques. My goal is to learn long division a bit better so I am really confident.

  8. My term 1 goal I achieved my term 1 goal by doing things to catch up when finished other work. My next goal could be to say something friendly to someone new each day.

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