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Cultural Origins and Cultural Change

Cultural Origins and Cultural Change. What are the origins of our culture? How does a country’s history shape its culture? Post WWII Europe. International Cooperation. Bretton Woods Summit - 1944 The IMF – 1946 The World Bank – 1944 GATT – 1947 IBRD – 1947 ECSC – 1951

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Cultural Origins and Cultural Change

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cultural Origins and Cultural Change • What are the origins of our culture? • How does a country’s history shape its culture? • Post WWII Europe

  2. International Cooperation • Bretton Woods Summit - 1944 • The IMF – 1946 • The World Bank – 1944 • GATT – 1947 • IBRD – 1947 • ECSC – 1951 • United Nations – 1945 (51 founding member states)

  3. Culture • Culture: learned and shared human patterns or models for living; day- to-day living patterns. These patterns and models pervade all aspects of human social interaction. Culture is mankind's primary adaptive mechanism. (Damen 1987)

  4. Culture • Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another. (Hofstede 1984) • Culture is defined as the shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective understanding that are learned through a process of socialization.

  5. Culture • Culture has been defined in a number of ways, but most simply, as the learned and shared behavior of a community of interacting human beings. (Useem 1963) • Culture is the sum of the values, rituals, beliefs, symbols, & thought processes that are learned and shared by a group of people. (Cateroa)

  6. Culture • Values • Rituals • Symbols • Thought Processes • Do all societies value the same things? • How important are rituals in daily life? • What symbols given importance in a society and why? • What are the cognitive patterns that impact decision making

  7. Culture and Consumption • What aspects of consumption are influenced by culture? • What culture/country consumes the most *Chocolate *Cut flowers *Wine *Cigarettes *Pasta *Fish

  8. Classifying Culture • GeertHofstede – original work began 1967, • Four original indices • PDI • IDV • MAS • UAI • Added later – LTO • How is your country classified? • www.geert-hofstede.com

  9. Summary for Tonight • International Marketers Must Understand: • Culture is pervasive • Culture is not static • Culture impacts every aspect of consumer behavior • Your culture is not superior • You must learn to overcome your SRC in order develop successful strategies across cultures

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