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God’s Side in the Controversy Is Helped or Hurt to the Extent His Character Is Reflected in the Lives of His People

God’s Side in the Controversy Is Helped or Hurt to the Extent His Character Is Reflected in the Lives of His People. Read Matthew 26:69-75 and Acts 4:1-22 Why do you think Peter was so weak in one instance—and so strong a few weeks later?

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God’s Side in the Controversy Is Helped or Hurt to the Extent His Character Is Reflected in the Lives of His People

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Presentation Transcript

  1. God’s Side in the Controversy Is Helped or Hurt to the Extent His Character Is Reflected in the Lives of His People

  2. Read Matthew 26:69-75 • and Acts 4:1-22 • Why do you think Peter was so weak in one instance—and so strong a few weeks later? • What light does Acts 4:13 shed on the change in Peter’s behavior? • What lessons can we learn from Peter’s experience that will help us stand firm for Jesus when tempted by Satan? God’s Side in the Controversy Is Helped or Hurt to the Extent His Character Is Reflected in the Lives of His People

  3. Compare 1 Corinthians 10:12 • and Isaiah 41:10 • Did Peter need to hear both texts? • At the same time? Or at different times in his experience? • Do we sometimes need to hear a particular Bible text and a different one at other times? God’s Side in the Controversy Is Helped or Hurt to the Extent His Character Is Reflected in the Lives of His People

  4. Can we carry out everything • that God requires of • us—in his strength? God’s Side in the Controversy Is Helped or Hurt to the Extent His Character Is Reflected in the Lives of His People

  5. What does it mean to • represent God’s character • and His law to • a fallen world? God’s Side in the Controversy Is Helped or Hurt to the Extent His Character Is Reflected in the Lives of His People

  6. How can God’s church • today fulfill the purpose • God wanted Old Testament • Israel to accomplish? God’s Side in the Controversy Is Helped or Hurt to the Extent His Character Is Reflected in the Lives of His People

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