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Majed Nader Abdeljaber

Majed Nader Abdeljaber is one of the highly successful business professionals of today’s date & his success is evident through the large numbers of business ventures that he established in the US.

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Majed Nader Abdeljaber

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Majed Nader Abdeljaber

  2. Majed Nader Abdeljaber is one of the highly successful business professionals of today’s date. His professional success is evident through the large numbers of business ventures that he established in the US. Right from the American International Staffing to Nation Auto Group,

  3. American Immigration Law Center to Sahara Holding Company, there are lots of companies that he established. Each of these companies is operating successfully in their respective spheres and he is devoted in looking after the future growth and management of these companies. He is also actively involved with NGOs and other charitable works.

  4. An interesting factor is that all the establishments under the purview of this corporate magnate cater to diverse requirements. One establishment supplies beauty, cosmetic products, and another company present cars and automobile requisites. Recruiting agencies and organizations providing legal services are a part of his incredible portfolio. Notable Comprehensive Facets

  5. Thank You!

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