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Emergent Technologies Project - Ebook Wiki

Emergent Technologies Project - Ebook Wiki. Gillian Laughton. Plan. Draw together The information I have prepared for IRMAC/SIS on loan periods, purchase triggers and use of chapters. Material on E-Reserve The information Jenny Fafeita prepared on 1 st time use /downloads

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Emergent Technologies Project - Ebook Wiki

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Emergent Technologies Project - Ebook Wiki Gillian Laughton

  2. Plan • Draw together • The information I have prepared for IRMAC/SIS on loan periods, purchase triggers and use of chapters. Material on E-Reserve • The information Jenny Fafeita prepared on 1st time use /downloads • Links to ebook material with student focus – Jenny Murphy and friends • Links to material on copywrite aspects - Ingrid • Links to helps and FAQs. Contact information for IRCS Acquisitions • The information I have prepared but not circulated on options for subject analysis/breakdown of our ebook collections • Any thing else relevant/suitable – suggestions and contributions please

  3. Sample – University of Canterbury

  4. Live site • Example • https://wiki.canterbury.ac.nz/display/LIBRARY/Electronic+Books • Gillian’s site • https://vulibraryebookinformation.wikispaces.com/

  5. Questions • Audience • Academic Staff? • Students? – Being covered by others and I will link to that Write permission Library Staff only? Organization • By platform

  6. Evaluation plan • I will be preparing an evaluation (to be completed by end May) • Quantitative from usage stats and amount of comments/discussion • Qualitative from a series of questions to Library Staff in April.

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