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WBC i and WBT i How Has It Evolved?. Dr. Arun Gupta, Regional Coordinator, IBFAN Asia. Basis: Two Key Global Tools. IBFAN Action..WBT i. South Asia Success led to Worldwide action. Action and Trends in South Asia. W orld Breastfeeding Trends Initiative( WBT i ), 82 Countries (2008-2009).
WBCi and WBTiHow Has It Evolved? Dr. Arun Gupta, Regional Coordinator, IBFAN Asia
World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative( WBTi), 82 Countries (2008-2009) WBTi National Assessment Completed WBTi Training done & National process on
Report of analysis of policy and programmes from 51 countries
What Experts say ? “WBTi is the first tool ever to quantify the level of protection, promotion and support for breastfeeding in a country. The higher the WBTi score the larger the increases in exclusive breastfeeding.” Chessa Lutter, PhD Senior Advisor, Food and Nutrition Pan American Health Organization/WHO
Higher WBTi scores predict increases in exclusive breastfeeding p=0.012; Adj R2= 62% Lutter and Morrow. Protection, Promotion and Support and Global Trends in Breastfeeding. Advances in Nutrition, 2013.
WBCiThe special session – Meeting with Development Partners – was organizes on 8th December 2012 during the WBC2012. World Bank/SAFANSI Supported this effort(DFID/AusAID) Output : Draft document, shared on web, comments invited
POLICY DIALOGUE ON SCALING BREASTFEEDING AND IYCF RATES –WHAT WILL IT COST? Participants: Governments, World Bank, UN, Academics, Professionals, Civil Society, International Baby Food Action Network(IBFAN),WABA.
World Breastfeeding Costing Initiative Development of policies and plans AND coordination BFHI Training of public health worker Community services and mother support Media promotion Maternity Protection Implementing the Code Monitoring and Research
What Governments said in SA? • Dr. Hedayetul Islam Director IPHN, and Line Director National Nutrition Services Institute of Public Health Nutrition, Dhaka Bangladesh“It is an innovative tool I have seen and so easy to operate …we can make use in doing budgeting of IYCF activities, thank you IBFAN” • Dr.Chandradasa ,National • Coordinator, National Nutrition Council, President's Secretariat, Sri Lanka said "It is so user friendly, I am going to give it to few of my colleagues in government right away and let you know in couple of months”
Values of the WBCi Tool Based on experience in South Asia, it helps implement the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding in its entirety. It will contribute significantly to the targets of the WHO’s Comprehensive Implementation Plan. It will help Member States on the “How to” part of implementation. The tool fits well into the principles of WHO’s One-Health Tool and helps its expansion.