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Enhancing School Readiness through Family Engagement Insights

Discover effective strategies for boosting school readiness through enhanced family engagement. Explore data collection techniques and guiding principles to strengthen parent involvement in early education. Learn from experts in the field.

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Enhancing School Readiness through Family Engagement Insights

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Presentation Transcript

  1. An Introduction to Boosting School Readiness through Effective Family Engagement Jane LeiteSue ParrottDiane Lowry

  2. Introductions • State your name, where you are from, and your title • Why are you interested in this topic? • What work have you or your program done regarding PFCE?

  3. Expectations • Consider the following— • What do we expect of our families? • What do they expect of us?

  4. The Framework • This is a mere introduction to the framework and resources that are available to you! • https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/tta-system/family/center/framework/interactive.html

  5. Family Outcomes • Find which of the seven outcomes you are most passionate about • Talk about the outcome in your group • Report back to the large group why you choose that one particular outcome

  6. Data • Measuring what matters from family engagement • At your tables, brainstorm what types of data you collect or want to collect related to school readiness

  7. Guiding principles of data collection • Four R Approach: Responsible Respectful Relevant Relationship-based • Four Data Activities

  8. Considerations for data collection • Useful steps to data collection—have a plan for what to collect and why you want that information • What questions do you ask to get the exact level of information you want and need? • What questions do you have regarding families?

  9. What else? • Will the data you collect help your process with the PIR? • Methods for collection: • Self-report tools • Parent-report and teacher-report tools • Observation tools

  10. Sharing data you collect • Data collection must have a purpose and reason for why it is collected, how it is analyzed and then used • What do you already have in place that you can use to gather information about families?

  11. Ultimately • Everything we collect and do supports parents in becoming their child’s first and best teacher!

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