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Hacer Ahora Miercoles , el 23 de febrero. Complete each sentence by conjugating each verb correctly. Yo _______ el español . ( estudiar ) Nosotros _________ muchas clases . ( tomar ) Los estudiantes ________ la mano . ( Levantar )
HacerAhoraMiercoles, el 23 de febrero Complete each sentence by conjugating each verb correctly. • Yo _______ el español. (estudiar) • Nosotros _________ muchasclases. (tomar) • Los estudiantes ________ la mano. (Levantar) • El profesor __________ a laspreguntas. (responder) • Mi familia y yo _______ en Baltimore. (vivir)
Objetivos 1. Recognize and identify vocabulary related to travel, vacation destinations, and means of transportation in Spanish in order to determine if various statements made about these new terms are true or false. 2. Review the articles in Spanish and be able to explain how they determine the gender and plurality of a noun 3. Review how to express time in Spanish in order to create an itinerary for an ideal vacation.
Entrevistasrápidas • Ask your partner 2 of the following questions in Spanish. • Your partner will then choose 2 different questions to ask you. • You do NOT need to write down your questions or responses, but be prepare to share out. ?Cómo estás hoy? ?Cuál es tu estación favorita? ¿Cómo hace el tiempo hoy? ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? ¿Cuáles actividades te gusta hacer durante el verano? ¿Cuáles actividades te gusta hacer durante el invierno?
Diagnóstica: Unidad 2, “De vacaciones” In your folder, answer each of the following questions. You do NOT need to copy the questions. If you are not sure, please take your best guess. 1. List 3 Spanish speaking countries and their capitals. 2. Write one activity in Spanish that you can do during the summer. 3. Write one activity in Spanish that you can do during the winter. 4. Write the meaning of the following sentences in English (If you aren’t sure about the entire sentence, just write the parts you do know): A) Adriana va a la playa paranadar en el mar y lleva un traje de baño. B) Enrique esquia en lasmontañasdonde hay nieve. 5. Create a conjugation chart for the verb “llegar.” Write what this verb means in English if you know. 6. Create a conjugation chart for the verb “salir.” Write what this verb means in English if you know. 7. Create a conjugation chart for the verb “preferir.” Write what this verb means in English if you know.
Los amigos van a la playa. Pasanel fin de semana en la playa. Tomanel sol. Elena tomafotos con sucámara digital.
Los amigos aluilan(rentan) un barquito. Carlos esquiaen el agua.
Hay una cancha de voleibol en la playa. Un jugadorlanzael balón. Otrojugador del equipocontrariolo devuelve.
Tomanel telesilla. Toman el telesillaparasubir la montaña.
Hugo tiene miedo. No quiere bajar la pista avanzada. Prefiere las pistas para principiantes.
Practica con vocabulario: Pizarrones • Listen to the statements Srta. says. Then determine if it is “verdad” o “falso” and write this on your whiteboard. • You may also be asked what season or place certain activities can be done. When asked these questions, write the correct season or location on your whiteboard.
Un horario de unavacación ideal • You will work either individually or in pairs to create an itnerary or schedule for one day of an ideal vacation. • Your itinerary must include: - Title: Location of your vacation - Times for each activity: Your itinerary must show the times and names of each activity you will do that day - You must include at least seven different activities (although you can include more if you would like!). You may use vocabulary we have learned in class today as well as any appropriate vocabulary from Spanish I - If you have extra time, illustrate each of your activities.
Objetivos 1. Recognize and identify vocabulary related to travel, vacation destinations, and means of transportation in Spanish in order to determine if various statements made about these new terms are true or false. 2. Review the articles in Spanish and be able to explain how they determine the gender and plurality of a noun 3. Review how to express time in Spanish in order to create an itinerary for an ideal vacation.
Tarea • “Vocabulario” worksheet: use notes from today in order to complete. • Start making flashcards for la prueba AHORA and avoid that “WHAT? WE HAVE A QUIZ?” moment on Friday
EvaluacionesDiarias Give yourself ONE point for each criteria you met during class. ____ OT1 (On Time) ____ IW (Completed Individual Work) ____ GW (Made meaningful contributions to group work) ____ SS (Spoke Spanish before resorting to English) ____ OT2 (Stayed on Task) Total: _____/5
Boleto de salida Based on this picture, write three sentences in Spanish describing what this family will likely do on their vacation.