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Sport North Federation Strategic Business Plan. 2004 - 2009. Mission Statement. “Sport North represents the Territorial Sport Organizations of the Northwest Territories. We are dedicated to the development of sport at every level of participation in the Northwest Territories.”.
Sport North FederationStrategic Business Plan 2004 - 2009
Mission Statement “Sport North represents the Territorial Sport Organizations of the Northwest Territories. We are dedicated to the development of sport at every level of participation in the Northwest Territories.”
Values; In our relationship with our stakeholders: • We respond to the needs of our clients. • We consult with stakeholders and endeavour to reach common understandings. • We are open and transparent in the process of allocation of resources. • We listen and communicate openly. • We accept full accountability for our decisions and actions.
Values; In working with each other and in maximising our performance: • We strive for excellence through cooperation and teamwork. • We make the most of every opportunity to be innovative and to be leaders in our field. • We listen and communicate openly. • We accept full accountability for our decisions and actions. • We value the well-being and diversity of our staff.
Vision Statement “Sport North Federation will be the recognized leader in sport development and will ensure that opportunities in sport, based on fair play, are accessible to all residents of the NWT.”
Goals • Sport North Federation is financially self-sufficient. • Sport North Federation operates efficiently and effectively, maximizing program spending and minimizing administrative effort. • Sport North Federation has an ample, strong, committed, and trained volunteer base throughout the Northwest Territories. • Sport North Federation has strong brand equity among athletes, volunteers and the general public, as the sport council for the NWT.
Goals Continued: • Sport North Federation brings sport to all populations, regardless of age, gender, physical ability etc. in the Northwest Territories. • Sport North Federation supports both the development of a broad base of recreational athletes and a strong core of elite, competitive athletes. • Sport North Federation has demonstrated, and promotes the link between participation in sport, and mental and physical wellness.
NWT Sport and Recreation System Territorial Sport Organizations Coaching and Officiating development Athlete Development Sport delivery Competitions Aurora College Professional development workshops Recreation Leaders Program NWT Recreation & Parks Association Program & Service Delivery Professional Development Trans Canada Trail Awards Program Active Living Aquatics Sport North Federation Financial assistance to Territorial Sport Organizations & Affiliates Regional Recreation Association administrative services NCCP Theory & Technical Coordination and Delivery Awards, Scholarship, Multi Sport Camp Programs Pan Territorial Strategy programs and initiatives Regional Sport Development Program Canadian Volunteer Initiative Host Multi-sport Games coordination KidSport™ Regional Recreation Associations Regional Coordination of Programs Program Planning & Delivery Regional Funding Programs Leadership Development Community Sport and Recreation System Promote Program Delivery Coordinate and plan Recreation Committee Volunteers – Recruit, retain, recognize, and train Aboriginal Sport Circle of the Western Arctic Community Support Program Youth Initiatives and Role Models North American Indigenous Games Dept of Municipal & Community Affairs Policy Development Traditional Knowledge Research and Planning Human Resource Development Intergovernmental Affairs and Initiatives NWT Sport and Recreation System Development Potential Partners RCMP Scouts and Guides Department of Justice Service Clubs and Organizations Department of Health and Social Services Department of Education, Culture and Employment NWT Sport and Recreation System
External Factors and Influences • Consensus and Aboriginal self-government; • Deloitte Touche report, department reshuffle; • Economic boom in the NWT; • Social/health and cultural issues confronting the Territory; • Technology expansion in the NWT; • Lack of Risk management surrounding sport events; • New Governance structure - NWT Sport and Recreation Council; • Volunteerism in the NWT on the decline.
Internal factors and Influences Financial • Sport North’s lottery agreement with the GNWT; • The Sport and Recreation Council allocation of Lottery resources in the next agreement; • Securing the necessary funds to fund the new administrative centre and major initiatives. Marketing • Label of a fat cat, large community based organization; • Lack of appreciation for volunteers in the NWT; • High profile organization still not fully recognized in many NWT smaller communities; • Communication and relationships between the organization and its stakeholders Operations • Need for performance measurement; • New administrative centre; • Internal review; Human Resources • Lack of training in meeting changes within the organization; • # of employees to address the various functional areas effectively; • Reallocation of staff; • Lack an organizational culture.
Methodology • Develop and initiate a research plan; • Secondary research – review existing publications; • Stakeholder web surveys compiled and collected; • Focus Group sessions; • Internal data gathering and review: - Historical financial information - Existing programs and services - Staffing requirements • Data processing and analysis
ANTICIPATED OUTCOMES & BENEFITS • Signalling the plans and directions of the Federation to its stakeholders; • Identifying areas in need of particular attention to ensure continued success; • Guiding internal management and operational planning activities including: -priority setting, -resource allocation, -performance monitoring processes, -and an accountability framework; and • Setting key goals against which the Federation will report to its members and its stakeholders
CRITICAL ISSUES • Brand recognition • Demands on Volunteers • Enhancing stakeholder relationships • Political Acuity • Human Resource issues • Operational management • Finance Plan • Information Technology
Goal: Sport North Federation is financially self-sufficient. Action Items: Implement LAB Strategies Create Financial Plan Territorial Fundraising Initiatives Cash Management Outsourcing Corporate Sector KidSport Permanent Fund Create a NWT Sport Foundation Sport North Federation Strategic Goal #1
Goal: Sport North Federation operates efficiently and effectively, maximizing program spending and minimizing administrative effort Action Items: Enhance Relationships with stakeholders Enhance communications with stakeholders Create a Human Resource Plan; Performance Management Knowledge management Competitive Compensation Resolve Sport & Recreation Council issue Sport North Federation Strategic Goal #2:
Goal: Sport North Federation has an ample, strong, committed, and trained volunteer base throughout the Northwest Territories. Action Items: Increase number of volunteers in the NWT; -# of coaches -performance incentives to TSOs Ongoing recognition and training of volunteers; Research Projects, CVI. Sport North Federation Strategic Goal #3:
Goal: Sport North Federation has strong brand equity among athletes, volunteers and the general public, as the sport council for the NWT. Action Items: Create Marketing Plan Brand recognition Management Information System Media relationships Communications Plan Increase Political Acuity Sport North Federation Strategic Goal #4:
Goal: Sport North Federation brings sport to all populations, regardless of age, gender, physical ability etc. in the Northwest Territories. Action Items: Increase # of KidSport applicants Increase Games Participation Create special events Sport North Federation Strategic Goal #5:
Goal: Sport North Federation supports both the development of a broad base of recreational athletes and a strong core of elite, competitive athletes. Action Items: Create Territorial Games Program Political support Lobby for funding Review existing games Increase # of recreational athletes by community Increase competitiveness of Team NWT Sport North Federation Strategic Goal #6:
Goal: Sport North Federation has demonstrated, and promotes the link between participation in sport, and mental and physical wellness. Action Items: Statistically link sport to wellness Conduct research Utilize M.I.S. Public Statements Formalize Partnerships Sport North Federation Strategic Goal #7: