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The Buddha Beads Bracelet, which is also known as prayer beads bracelet has been carried by generations in a variety of religious traditions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Christianity. malabeads.com presents a document that will help you to understand the importance of the Buddha Beads Bracelet for your meditation practices.
Ithasbeeninuseforagesinreligionslike THEBUDDHA BEADS BRACELET Buddhism, Hinduism, SikhismandJainism, whichlooksliketheCatholicrosary. Traditionally, ithas108knottedbeadsmadeof naturalmateriallikeasRudrakshaseeds, Bodhi seeds, gemstonesorsandalwood, justto mentionfew. knownasprayerbeadsbracelet Someuseothernumbersbuttherearevarious explanationsasregardsthe108beadsonthe bracelet.
Thenumberhasa specialreligion significanceinBuddhist andHindutraditions andsomeofthebasisof thenumberinclude: 12ZODIACHOUSES X 9PLANETS 108 27CONSTELLATIONS X 4PADAS (PARTS) 108 UPANISHADSOR THESCRIPTURES OFTHEVEDAS 108
The basic use of this Buddha beads bracelet, also called malas, is used to track prayers or mantra recitation during meditation. So when we recite or recount number 108, what we are doing is to actually remember the universe. it is very easy to lose track of the mantra being said because different thoughts can easily creep into one's mind while meditating but with the help of these prayer beads, you can easily get out such thoughts from your mind and regain your focus so as to concentrate on your essence of meditating.
HOWTOUSEBRACELETASAMEDITATION YoumightwanttoaskhowweusetheBuddha beadsbraceletformeditation, thefirstthing youneedtodoistolookforacomfortable placewhereyoucansittall, thenwithyour righthand, holdthebraceletdrapedbetween yourmiddleandindexfingersandholdthe malabetweenyourmiddlefingerandthumb. Afterthis, youselectyourmantraandthisshould cometoyounaturallybasedonyourfeelingsand needsatthatpointintime. Itisassimpleas "Iam love," "Iamstrong," "Iamsupported" andsoon. Thenyoucanstartrollingthebeadswithyour fingersstartingfromthegurubeadtillyougetto itagain, whilerecitingyourmantra.
Benefitsof prayer beads bracelet wearing it on the neck or wrist decorating the prayer mats It is useful to regain one’s self-awareness, healing and few other benefits available on different resources online. It can help you to remember that you need to meditate because there is tendency it escapes your mind and whenever you are meditating, using the prayer beads can help you to keep a perfect timing.
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