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Cracking the Code Phonics (2). Year 1 February 2012. Objectives. to consider children’s early experience of learning how to read to be introduced to phonics and phonological awareness to understand how children use phonics to read unknown words
Cracking the CodePhonics (2) Year 1 February 2012
Objectives • to consider children’s early experience of learning how to read • to be introduced to phonics and phonological awareness • to understand how children use phonics to read unknown words • to know a range of teaching strategies to help children develop understanding of phonics
Reflection on assignment • Think about your English assignment • Reflect on your own work • Can you identify what you feel you did well and/or where you can identify targets for development? • Might be: structure/reading/referencing/building an argument etc • Now share your reflections with the person next to you
Directed task • Last week you were asked to choose one of the phonics games to make • In your tables take turns to share your games • What are the key elements of phonics games? Make a list to share.
What is phonological awareness? The awareness of sounds within words Syllables Onset and rime Phonemes Refers only to speech i.e. you don’t need to be able to read
Phonemic awareness: Phonics Phonics is the ability to apply that phonemic knowledge to the alphabet. To be able to apply sounds to graphemes. Phonics is when a child can attach a drawing from the symbols in the alphabet to a sound – it is a code
The alphabetic principle There are 44 phonemes A phoneme can be represented by one or more letters (cat, that, hair, caught) The same phoneme can be represented/spelled in more than one way (Rain, may, lake) The same spelling may represent more than one phoneme (mean deaf)
Mr Thorne Does Phonics • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wGfNiweEkI • Synthetic phonics
Vowels and consonants Vowels are phonemes where air flows through the mouth unobstructed, e.g. the letters a, e, i, o, and u Consonants are phonemes marked by constriction or closure in the breath channel - letters other than a, e, i, o and u.
What are phonemes and graphemes A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a word e.g. p-i-n m-a-n c-o-t A grapheme is the written representation of a sound
Phoneme hearing exercises spin trip map shop net photo stick thin a) How many phonemes in: cat dog ship leg chin Pen Crop lap
What is synthetic phonics? Children are taught individual letters, or groups of letters and their sounds. They learn to blend (synthesise) letters together to form words They read unknown words by breaking them down in to phonemes (decoding). E.g. c-a-t
Digraphs-consonant A digraph is two letters together which make one sound. There are consonant digraphs e.g: sh, th, ch, ng, ph As a group can you make a list of ten words using consonant digraphs on your paper? What do you notice about the phonemes and graphemes?
Digraphs-vowel There are 5 vowels in the alphabet but more vowel sounds
ae • ee • ie • oe • ue • oo • ar • ur • or • au • er • ow
Trigraphs • A trigraph is a three letter grapheme where three letters represent one phoneme • Can you think of any words which have phonemes which need three letters? • Write them on your wipe board with a partner • Can you think of any words which have phonemes with 4 letters? In pairs
What is a split digraph? • A split diagraph has a letter that splits, i.e. comes between, the two letters in the diagraph. • For example what happens with words like • Gate • lake • made • site • time
How do children develop as readers? cueing strategies comprehension: literal and inferential phonemic awareness grapheme phoneme correspondence motivation enjoyment talking about books and reading choices experience of different genres phonic knowledge
Phonics in the classroom • Video:Pairs with Commentaryhttp://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1135863322001?bckey=AQ~~,AAAA2uzqQrE~,6OG0BmXJ4lKzBMkqExIOdZMiUoN9ybBw&bclid=0&bctid=1234625213001 • Mr Thorne Does Phonics – seeing it in the classroom
What does teaching look like?Letters and Sounds Phase 1 Prepares children for phonic work. Based on listening and discriminating between sounds. Phase 2 Single phonemes/graphemes are introduced. They understand that segmenting and blending are reversible processes. Read and spell simple CVC words. Phase 3 In this phase the digraphs are introduced but not the split digraphs.
What does teaching look like?Letters and Sounds Phase 4 • Here children are introduced to the adjacent consonants – e.g. ‘slip’ and ‘camp’. Phase 5 • Here they will learn that some spellings have alternative pronunciations e.g. cow and blow. And some sounds have alternative spellings e.g. ‘ jump’ and ‘hedge’. Phase 6 • A lot of teaching in this phase revolves around spelling e.g. prefixes ‘return’ and suffixes ‘sitting’. Also reading for meaning is emphasised.
Letters and Sounds-timescale for discrete teaching • Phase 2-six weeks • Phase 3-twelve weeks • Phase 4-four weeks • Phase 5 (throughout Year 1) 1-30 weeks • Phase 6 (through year 2) • The teaching is structured and fast paced. • There are excellent examples on the DVD • Please look at the Phase 2 timetable you have been given. Any comments?
Sequence of teaching in a discrete phonics session • Introduction • Objectives and criteria for success • Revisit and review • Teach • Practise • Apply • Assess against learning criteria
Letters and Sounds • Hear and say sounds in words in the order in which they occur • Link sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet • Use their phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words
How much have you learned? 1 • What is a vowel? • What is a consonant? • What is a phoneme • What is a grapheme • What is phoneme –grapheme correspondence? • How many phonemes are there? • How many letters are there?
How much have you learned? 2 • What is a vowel digraph? • What is a consonant digraph? • What is a split digraph? • What is phonemic segmentation (hint: spelling) and blending (hint: reading)? • What is synthetic phonics? (hint: it’s got something to do with sequence)
Guidance for W7 – Independent studyReinforcing phonics(Do not come to the seminar rooms) Task 1 Go to the Reading Collection section of the library adjacent to the normal fiction selection • Look through the phonics resources • Select one of the following resources and review it in 100 -200 words • Big Cat • Thrass • Read Write Inc • Jolly Phonics • Be prepared to share your review with other students in your group in Week 8 Task 2 Watch some Mr Thorne Does Phonics on You Tube or on the Times Educational Supplement Resource site (you may have to enrol) Task 3 Go to your reading pack and read the “What is Phonics and which type is most effective” article by Johnstone and Watson
Watch these in Week 7 • http://teachfind.com/node/85235?current_search=letters%20and%20sounds • Letters and Sound Phase 2 • http://teachfind.com/national-strategies/letters-and-sounds-principles-and-practice-high-quality-phonics-phase-one-teachi?current_search=letters%20and%20sounds%20principles%20of%20high%20quality%20phonics • Letters and Sounds Phase 1 • http://teachfind.com/national-strategies/letters-and-sounds-notes-guidance-practitioners-and-teachers?current_search=letters%20and%20sounds%20principles%20of%20high%20quality%20phonics%20notes%20and%20guidance%20for%20practitioners • Letters and Sounds: notes and guidance for practitioners and teachers
Analytic phonics Analytic phonics Children are taught to decode words they do not know by using words or word parts they do know. Using onset and rime is part of this system. If you can hear and spell c-at, then you can work out how to spell b-at. (analogy) It works only for words where the rime is spelt identically.