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CoachInc.com 2005 Changes

CoachInc.com 2005 Changes. Book Publishing. We have partnered with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. to publish three new books! John Wiley is the world’s largest publisher of psychology and business books. The Coach U Personal and Corporate Coach Training Handbook a/k/a the Core Essentials Program

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CoachInc.com 2005 Changes

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  1. CoachInc.com 2005 Changes

  2. Book Publishing • We have partnered with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. to publish three new books! John Wiley is the world’s largest publisher of psychology and business books. • The Coach U Personal and Corporate Coach Training Handbook • a/k/a the Core Essentials Program • The Coach U Personal Development Workbook and Guide • a/k/a Personal Foundation • Coach U’s Essential Coaching Tools: Your Complete Practice Resource • Coaching forms, assessment and other resources • Available in February-March 2005

  3. Unified Core Essentials • The best of the Core Essentials and Business Coaching Essentials programs have been combined…and enhanced • New students must complete core program before taking advanced courses • Existing students can now enroll in the other advanced program without repeating basic courses (advanced courses can be taken only after all basic coursework has been completed) • For info on new requirements, download the “Graduation and Certification Table” by PDF in the student area

  4. Progression Chart Coach U Corporate Coach U CU Q&A CCU Q&A Becoming A Coach Personal Foundation Professional Foundations Business Coaching Essentials Core Essentials Advanced Coaching Program Advanced Corporate Coaching Program

  5. Program Progression Table

  6. Core Essentials Details

  7. 100’s – Introduction (13 hrs) CoachInc.com – 1 hr New Coach Orientation – 4 hrs Guiding Principles – 4 hrs Context for Coaching – 4 hrs 200’s-300’s – Skills (32 hrs) Listening – 4 hrs Language -- 4 hrs Questioning – 4 hrs Strategizing – 4 hrs Messaging – 4 hrs Acknowledging – 4 hrs Core Skills Practice Lab – 8 hrs 400’s – Application (24 hrs) Situational Coaching – 4 hrs Establishing Yourself as a Coach – 8 hrs Application Practice Lab – 8 hrs Application Project Lab – 4 hrs 500’s – Foundations (8 hrs) Personal Foundation – 8 hrs Total Number of Hours = 77 New Core Essentials Courses

  8. 100’s – Introduction (13 hrs) p1 • CoachInc.com 101 – 1 hr • Led by admissions, contains admin info • New Coach Orientation – 4 hrs • Intro to curriculum, what is coaching, coaching benefits, ICF core competencies, qualities of a strong coach, business of coaching, hiring a mentor coach, who/what/how model • By fully participating in the material offered in this module, you will begin to understand the profession of coaching and evolve your own personal definition. You will gain an understanding of the coaching core competencies identified by the International Coach Federation and the steps involved in developing your coachees and providing continued structure for their growth. You will gain knowledge of the Coaching Ethics for Internal and External Coaches and learn how to apply these ethical principles in various coaching scenarios. • Guiding Principles – 4 hrs • Expanded to include corporate language, still focused on 9 consistencies in human behavior • By fully participating in the material offered in this module, you will gain an understanding of the Guiding Principles of Human Interaction. These represent the fundamental theories and principles about people in interaction, which coaches generally accept as true. You will recognize the existence of these principles in yourself and others whether in a personal or organizational setting. • Context for Coaching – 4 hrs • Ethics, coaching agreement, coaching vs. other professions distinctions, case studies • By participating in this module you will learn how to effectively craft a coaching relationship to connect strongly with your coachee. You will be able to clearly distinguish between coaching and other professions and become familiar with the coaching framework and several coaching models. These 4 courses are pre-reqs to continue; can take these in any order

  9. 200’s – Skills (32 hrs) (p1) • Listening – 4 hrs • Listening as a coaching skill, contains Listening Chart as resource, using silence • By participating in this module, you will increase your understanding of the common elements of listening effectively to your coachees. You will be able use the various listening skills to know what to listen for, avoid listening pitfalls and use the skill that is most appropriate at any place in a coaching conversation. By participating in this module, you will be able to move freely and easily between the different types and focuses of listening. You will also learn to listen for clues that indicate where a person is on his/her path of development, whether the issues presented are best referred to another type of professional. • Language – 4 hrs • Powerful coaching language, clean language, metaphors, distinctions • By participating in this module you will be able to identify your and your coachee’s preferred language and learn to continually choose the language that, in the moment, best conveys meaning, inspires, challenges or clarifies. You will become aware of how your coachees use language to explain, defend, inform, describe and ask for what they want, need and value. In the process of learning about language and its forms and uses, you will expand your everyday skill to express yourself and be able to help others to do the same. • Questioning – 4 hrs • Construct of a question, types of questions, delivery elements • Powerful questioning is at the core of effective coaching. By participating in this module, you will learn to craft and deliver great coaching questions. You will learn how the type, timing and impact of a coach’s questioning differs from that of the typical way questions show up in most conversations, and how you can direct the flow of the coaching interaction for optimal benefit for the coachee.

  10. 200-300’s – Skills (32 hrs) (p2) • Strategizing – 4 hrs • Strategy model, adaptable to any coaching conversation, strategies within strategies • Strategizing is a comprehensive coaching practice. By participating in this module you will learn the tools to help your coachees develop effective strategies to accomplish their goals. This module will give you an understanding of the framework of strategizing, as well as practical tools and information about the discernment and attitude involved in being an effective strategist. • Messaging – 4 hrs • Advising, challenging, truth telling, huge requests • By participating in this module you will learn what to say and how to say it, so that your use of messaging is effective and valuable to the coachee. Messaging is a powerful coaching tool that opens the possibility for a shift to occur. You will become familiar with the mechanics of messaging, including the two main methods used at various times with a coaching interaction, as well as the limitations and pitfalls. • Acknowledging – 4 hrs • Empowering, disempowerment, endorsing, celebrating • By participating in this module you will learn how to effectively use the enabling tools of acknowledgement to help your coachees achieve their vision. You will understand the framework of acknowledging, including the methods and stages, and even the perils. You will be given practical tools and information about skills, discernment of, and attitudes regarding acknowledging, and you will know the pitfalls and promoters of effective acknowledging. • Core Skills Practice Lab – 8 hrs • Limited to 16 participants • Each participant has 20 minutes to coach, be coached and write a case study on an observed coaching session • Coach-the-coach occurs by faculty; feedback focuses on the development of the core coaching skills Must complete skill courses before labs; courses can be taken in any order in this section

  11. 400’s – Application (24) • Situational Coaching – 4 hrs • Client types; now includes Intellectuals, Leaders, Work Teams and Parents • By participating in this module you will gain a basic understanding of common personal or professional conditions experienced by a coachee. While coaching cannot be done based on a single formula or recipe, it is possible for a coach to use some of what is understood about various types of coachees to create a framework from which to develop a coaching plan. • Establishing Yourself as a Coach – 8 hrs • Lecture-based course delivering information setting up a workspace for coaching, marketing activities, coaching services package (welcome packages) coaching myths • This module is a program designed to prepare you, as a new coach, for your first three to 18 months toward becoming or establishing yourself as a coach. This guide should be used as a reference manual to support your ongoing learning. • Coaching has become such an essential part of personal and organizational performance that coaching practices are now found inside organizations as well as in multi-coach coaching groups, and individual coaching businesses. New Coach Basics is intended to apply to coaches in any one of these three situations, though some of the information may be more relevant to one type of coaching practice than another. • This module will lead you step-by-step through the items essential to establishing yourself as a coach, introduce you to the new coachee process, and teach you the hallmarks of achieving on-going coaching success. • Application Practice Lab – 8 hrs • Same as Core Skills Practicum; only 16 participants • Coaching Services Project Lab – 4 hrs • Objective is to complete coaching services package (welcome package) and worksheets by the end of 4 weeks; must submit project to faculty to receive credit for the course; only 16 participants • Must complete applications courses before labs; courses can be taken in any order in this section

  12. 500’s – Application (8 hrs) • Personal Foundation – 8 hrs • Level One • New • Tolerations, Complete the Past, 10 Daily Habits, Simplify your Life • Old • Tolerations, Complete the Past, 10 Daily Habits, Present Perfect

  13. Advanced Programs Advanced Coaching Program (ACP) Advanced Corporate Coaching Program (ACCP)

  14. New Advanced Programs • CoachInc.com offers one Core Essentials Program (CEP) & one Core Essentials Fast Track Program (CEFTP) • CoachInc.com offers two Advanced Programs (new) • Coach U’s Advanced Coaching Program (ACP) • Corporate Coach U’s Advanced Corporate Coaching Program (ACCP) • Undeclared Advanced Program (UAP) - New students can select advanced program during or after Core Essentials • 175 hours required for graduation now • Core Essentials courses (or equivalent) must be completed in order to register for teleclasses in the Advanced programs.

  15. Progression Chart for Existing Students CU Q&A CCU Q&A Becoming A Coach Becoming A Corporate Coach Personal Foundation Professional Foundations Business Coaching Essentials Core Essentials Advanced Coaching Program Advanced Corporate Coaching Program

  16. How redesign will support EXISTING students • Current students can now “Cross-Over” and/or “Add-On” without repeating basic courses • Cross-Overs • Current BCEers can enroll into the ACP • Current CEPers can enroll into the ACCP • Add-Ons • Current CCPers can also enroll in the ACP • Current CTPers can also enroll in the ACCP • Existing students will continue to benefit from CoachInc.com’s reputation and commitment to improving programs and raising training standards • Support more students in graduating and become certified by the ICF

  17. Progression Chart for New Students CU Q&A CCU Q&A Becoming A Coach Becoming A Corporate Coach Personal Foundation Professional Foundations Must graduate CEP before taking advanced courses • Can enroll (w/discount) directly into ACP, ACCP or UAP Core Essentials Advanced Corporate Coaching Program (ACCP) Advanced Coaching Program (ACP) Undeclared Advanced Program(UAP)

  18. 2005 Advanced Program Plans (mid-late 2005) • We are working on streamlining Coach U’s Advanced Coaching Program (ACP) • Merge redundant courses together • Add some new courses • We are working on expanding the Corporate Coach U’s Advanced Corporate Coaching Program (ACCP) • To include practice labs, leadership courses, group coaching and a course on current corporate coaching trends • Offer some current CTP courses to the new ACCP program

  19. Graduation & Certification Download the “GradCertTable.PDF” in student area

  20. New & Renamed Designations • CoachInc.com ( Coach U & Corporate Coach U) • Graduate: Core Essentials Graduate (CEG) • Cert Graduate: Core Essentials Certified Graduate (CECG) • Coach U • Graduate: Coach U Graduate (CUG) • Cert Graduate: Coach U Certified Graduate (CUCG) • Corporate Coach U • Graduate: Corporate Coach U Graduate (CCUG) • Cert Graduate: Corporate Coach U Certified Graduate (CCUCG) • For further info, please visit the “Graduation & Certification” areas in the student area or download the “GradCertTable.pdf” document.

  21. Advanced Certification Option

  22. Advanced Certification Options (available mid-late 2005) (These programs are not required to receive CoachInc.com certification.) • Purpose • The objective of the Advanced Certification Option is to assist and facilitate movement toward Coach Certification by both Coach U/Corporate Coach U and the ICF. To provide a support system in building your practice, focusing on the ICF coaching competencies and satisfying some of the coach certification requirements. • Six-Month Program Overview • Minimum of 6 students/maximum of 8 students may participate in each; groups will not begin until 6 people are ready • 6-month program, payable in advance, for six-month commitment • Facilitated 90-minute sessions every other week by CoachInc.com PMC’s (ICF PCC or MCC) • 12 facilitated sessions • 8 project sessions • Cluster members must bring either 3 coachees or one coachee to 3 live sessions for coaching

  23. Adv Certification Option, Part 2 (available mid-late 2005) (These programs are not required to receive CoachInc.com certification.) • Program Eligibility • Must be a Core Essentials Graduate of Core Essentials Certified Graduate at time of application – No Exceptions! • Must be currently enrolled into the ACP or ACCP program. • Have successfully passed 16 hours of advanced labs • Have completed PF Level 2 and PF Level 3 or Professional Foundations (16 hours total) • 20 other advanced training hours • Have been individually coached for a minimum of 3 months by a CoachInc.com PMC, Coach Inc.com ICF PCC or MCC. • Have coached at least 10 clients, for a minimum of 150 paid hours. • Must have a minimum of 3 active clients

  24. Adv Certification Option, Part 3 (available mid-late 2005) • Benefits • Accountability • Community – will be with same group for 6 months • Experience group coaching as a participant first-hand • Observe live coaching sessions with actual coachee & coach • Will receive feedback from facilitator and peer coaches • Great value for investment • Outcomes • Satisfactorily complete 3 out of 6 required supervised coaching sessions • Feedback and audit of certification requirements as appropriate; includes actual certification nuts & bolts and overview of certification process. • Successfully complete 2 coachee case studies; learn how to analyze and develop case studies • One letter of recommendation • 6-months of mentor coaching hours

  25. Tuition & Pricing Schedules Wiley Books Retail Pricing Table Adv Program Options

  26. Book Pricing • The Coach U Personal and Corporate Coach Training Handbook • A/k/a – The Core Essentials Program • Cloth/Hard cover; estimated to be 400 pages • Retail: $150 USD • Students receive 20% discount: $120 USD • The Coach U Personal Development Workbook and Guide • A/k/a – Personal Foundation • Lay Flat Soft cover; estimated to be 208 pages • Retail: $75 USD • Students receive 20% discount: $60 USD • Coach U’s Essential Coaching Tools: Your Complete Practice Resource • A/k/a – Forms, Programs & Coach/Coachee Information • Lay Flat Soft Cover + CD (PDF’s & changeable Word docs); est to be 500 pages • Retail: $50 USD • Students receive 20% discount: $40 USD • All Three Textbooks • Retail: $275 USD • Students receive 20% discount: $220 USD

  27. Retail Pricing Table – on/after 2/15/05

  28. Advanced Program Options • Students who enroll into the ACP & ACCP initially and current students who upgrade into the ACP or ACCP on/after 2/15/05 may choose the following options: • Mentor Coaching Program Option ($250-$350/month) • For regular mentor coaching, students will retain and pay their Professional Mentor Coach directly. • Budget $750-$900USD for the first three months of mentor coaching. • Lifetime Learning Member (LLM) Option (Retail: $750) • Students can upgrade to become a Lifetime Learning Member to have access to the standard amenities AND to continue to take program courses after program completion or three-year time limit. • Advanced Certification Option (Retail: $1200) • ACP Advanced Certification Option • ACCP Advanced Certification Option • These programs are not required to receive CoachInc.com certification • Find A Coach Options (Retail: $375/year) • Annual membership • Will be exploring quarterly memberships in 2005 • * Costs $375/year

  29. About Existing Students & Programs

  30. Current CE, CEFTP, CTP, BCE, BCEFTP and CCP Students The home page of the student area has documents that you can review and print. These documents have been customized for you and your program, depending on when you enrolled. Please review these documents as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. • Questions re upgrades or add-ons • Admissions: admissions@coachinc.com • General questions and concerns • Help Desk: help@coachinc.com Or • Director of Student Services: michelle@coachinc.com or • Questions re certification • Certification and Mentor Coach Coordinator: winston@coachinc.com

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