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Starters on a plate!

Starters on a plate!. 100 starters. For use with A Streetcar Named Desire on FLASHBACK FRIDAY!. e.wright@Collingwood.surrey.sch.uk. Click a button…get a starter or Home Learning task.

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Starters on a plate!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Starters on a plate! 100 starters. For use with A Streetcar Named Desire on FLASHBACK FRIDAY! e.wright@Collingwood.surrey.sch.uk

  2. Click a button…get a starter or Home Learning task

  3. Identify three key themes of the play?In groups come up with at least three moments in the play that explore these themes

  4. Watch me! Make notes in your exercise book on the content of the video!

  5. List as many adjectives as you can to describe the good side of Stanley and the bad side of him

  6. Write down 5 quotes that you think are the most important ones for Stanley.Write a PEEL paragraph about one of them

  7. Write down 5 quotes that you think are the most important ones for Stella.Write a PEEL paragraph about one of them

  8. How Williams presents the theme of violence in the play as a whole? Create a mind map of how you would address this question…

  9. Write down 5 quotes that you think are the most important ones for Blanche.Write a PEEL paragraph about one of them

  10. Write down 5 quotes that you think are the most important ones for Mitch.Write a PEEL paragraph about one of them

  11. [Blanche] looks at a slip of paper, then at the building, then again at the slip and again at the building. Her expression is one of shocked disbelief. Her appearance is incongruous to the setting. She is daintily dressed…Her delicate beauty must avoid a strong light. There is something about her uncertain manner, as well as her white clothes, that suggests a moth.STAGE DIRECTIONS Explode the quote!

  12. Summarise the purpose of scene 10 in 50 words

  13. In 50 words summarise what the purpose of scene 1 is.

  14. In 50 words summarise the what the purpose of scene 2 is.

  15. In 50 words summarise the purpose of scene 3.

  16. Watch me! Make notes in your exercise book on the content of the video!

  17. How Williams presents the theme of fantasy and reality in the play as a whole? Create a mind map of how you would address this question…

  18. What questions/misunderstandings do you have based on our work so far on A Streetcar Named Desire?Put them on a post it note and move around the room to find someone who can answer them for you!

  19. In 50 words summarise the purpose of scene 4.

  20. In 50 words summarise the purpose of scene 5

  21. Summarise in 50 words the purpose of scene 6 6

  22. Summarise in 50 words what the purpose of scene 7 is

  23. In 50 words summarise the purpose of scene 8

  24. Summarise in 50 words the purpose of scene 9

  25. BLANCHE: I was so exhausted by all I’d been through my – nerves broke. [nervously tapping cigarette,] I was on the verge of - lunacy almost! So Mr Graves…suggested I take leave of absence.”

  26. Explore the presentation of desire in A Streetcar Named Desire. You must relate your discussion to relevant contextual factors.

  27. “There’s something downright bestial about him!” “He acts like an animal, has an animal’s habits!...There’s even something – sub-human – something not quite to the stage of humanity yet! Yes, something ape-like about him, like one of those pictures I’ve seen in anthropological studies.” “Stanley Kowalski, survivor of the stone age!” “Don’t – don’t hang back with the brutes!”

  28. There are thousands of papers, stretching back over hundreds of years, affecting Belle Reve as, piece by piece, our improvident grandfathers and father and uncles and brothers exchanged the land for their epic fornications—to put it plainly! . . . The four-letter word deprived us of our plantation, till finally all that was left—and Stella can verify that!—was the house itself and about twenty acres of ground, including a graveyard, to which now all but Stella and I have retreated.

  29. Explore Williams’s presentation of illusion and reality in A Streetcar Named Desire. You must relate your discussion to relevant contextual factors.

  30. I am not a Polack. People from Poland are Poles, not Polacks. But what I am is a one hundred percent American, born and raised in the greatest country on earth and proud as hell of it, so don’t ever call me a Polack.

  31. It's really a pretty frightful situation. You see, there's no privacy here. There's just these portieres between the two rooms at night. He stalks through the rooms in his underwear at night. And I have to ask him to close the bathroom door. That sort of commonness isn't necessary. You probably wonder why I don't move out. Well, I'll tell you frankly. A teacher's salary is barely sufficient for her living expenses. I didn't save a penny last year and so I had to come here for the summer. That's why I have to put up with my sister's husband. And he has to put up with me, apparently so much against his wishes.... Surely he must have told you how much he hates me!

  32. Watch me! In your exercise books make notes on the content of the video!

  33. Summarise the purpose of scene 10

  34. How Williams presents the theme of women in the play as a whole? Create a mind map of how you would address this question…

  35. Plot on a continuum how the play develops. In a different colour pen, add the reasons why

  36. Write a newspaper article about what happens in the play

  37. Read the scene below and write one PEEL paragraph about the presentation of Stanley and Stella [Blanche is singing in the bathroom a saccharine popular ballad which is used contrapuntally with Stanley's speech.] STELLA [to Stanley]: Lower your voice! STANLEY: Some canary-bird, huh! STELLA: Now please tell me quietly what you think you've found out about my sister. STANLEY: Lie Number One: All this squeamishness she puts on! You should just know the line she's been feeding to Mitch--He thought she had never been more than kissed by a fellow! But Sister Blanche is no lily! Ha-ha! Some lily she is!

  38. Write down as many adjectives as possible about Mitch – try and think of some that others won’t pick

  39. Write down as many adjectives as possible about Blanche – try and think of some that others won’t pick

  40. Write down as many adjectives as possible about Stella – try and think of some that others won’t pick

  41. Watch me! Make notes in your exercise books as you watch the video!

  42. How Williams presents the theme of Sex in the play as a whole? Create a mind map of how you would address this question…

  43. Write down as many adjectives as possible about Mitch – try and think of some that others won’t pick

  44. Write down as many adjectives as possible about the setting – try and think of some that others won’t pick

  45. Write down as many adjectives as possible about the relationship between Stella and Stanley – try and think of some that others won’t pick

  46. Tennessee Williams

  47. Symbols and motifs Write the script for a vlogger on youtube about the following symbol or motif:

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