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NAVCA. Anne Jackson Director of Strategy Children, Young People and Families DfES. Universal Healthcare. Universal Education. Social Services. Connex-ions. Social Worker. Connex-ions PA. Youth offending team. SENCO & Ed Psycho-logist. APIR. = worker. = agency. = assessment.
NAVCA Anne Jackson Director of Strategy Children, Young People and Families DfES
Universal Healthcare Universal Education Social Services Connex-ions Social Worker Connex-ionsPA Youthoffendingteam SENCO & Ed Psycho-logist APIR = worker = agency = assessment How it was: different agencies, multiple assessments, one child YOT CAMHS EWS LEA special educational needs PCT Children’s Fund Youth Service Edwelfareofficer Childpsycho-logist Youthworkers Healthvisitor Children in need At risk register Statement of SEN Conductdisorder Risks to parents ASSET
Every Child Matters promised Opportunities for all and narrowing the gap Systemic change to • Build services around the child, young person and family • Support parents and carers • Promote prevention and early intervention and to integrate • Universal and targeted services • Services 0-19 • Be Healthy • Stay Safe • Enjoy and Achieve • Make a positive contribution • Achieve economic well-being
Every Child Matters needed VCS engagement – nationally and locally Systemic change to • Build services around the child, young person and family • Support parents and carers • Promote prevention and early intervention and to integrate • Universal and targeted services • Services 0-19 ECM ambitions were underpinned by the strategy for VCS engagement • Specific undertakings to create a framework for VCS involvement • Children’s trusts, offering more opportunity for design as well as delivery • New services funded with new money • Getting to the hard to reach groups
10 year vision for the sector- customer perspective All children and young people are able to achieve the 5 outcomes All services are delivered in an efficient, effective and responsive way The customer has real choice and is involved in decision making The customer feels helped and supported, knows how to access help without stigma
18 Months on: how does it look from the customer’s perspective? The ECM programme is on track and in some cases ahead • Services are increasingly integrated around the child and young person: • 937 Children’s Centres • 3400 Schools providing access to core offer of extended services • Better opportunities and support for young people • More support for parents and carers, and a better understanding of their contribution • Outcomes improving - but are not enough and gaps are persisting
18 Months on: how does it look from the VCS perspective? Every Child Matters has enabled some new and positive examples of VCS engagement, that are being collated and shared but… • Effective engagement of VCS local change programmes is a challenge in terms of: • Capacity • Joint planning and commissioning • Strategic engagement • Effective representation
VCS engagement in Joint Planning and Commissioning is key… Look at outcomes for children and young people Look at particular groups of children and young people Monitor and review services and process Process for joint planning & commissioning Plan for workforce and market development Develop needs assessment with user & staff views Commission – including use of pooled resources Identify resources and set priorities Decide how to commission services efficiently Plan pattern of services and focus on prevention
Issues to address Recent reports by PwC into 5 children’s services highlighted some specific issues: • Lack of level playing field; • How to cost in-house services; • Separate commissioning and provider functions; • How to encourage new providers; • Skills for commissioners • Levels of commissioning – regional, local or neighbourhood, by schools, GP practices and budget holding lead professionals
Some possible responses • Promote and positively encourage contestable markets – e.g. through legislation and guidance • Help develop professionalism among commissioners of services and work through appropriate levels of commissioning • Encourage a clear and credible split between commissioner and provider arms • Encourage collaboration and partnership, in design of services and in delivery contracts • Promote the best practice highlighted in the Compact: e.g. longer term contracts which may attract new players to the market and build greater stability for existing providers
Some specific challenges we can work on together Capacity, Effective representation, Strategic engagement Actions: • Children, Young People and Families Grant Programme • £3m DfES Capacity Building Programme (NCB-led consortium) • Market development strategy – guidance etc • DfES Third Sector Forum • DfES Third Sector Strategy and Action Plan • Guidance and case studies on ECM website
The wider government context • Futurebuilders • Office of the Third Sector • Treasury/CSR Review of the role of the Third Sector • Government Third Sector Action Plan
10 year vision for the sector- VCS perspective VCS are fully engaged in helping children and young people to achieve the 5 outcomes All bids for contracts are assessed impartially on their ability to deliver quality outcomes in an efficient, effective and responsive way The provider is fully involved in designing services and decision making through partnership and collaboration The provider’s services are paid for on a fully costed basis A new provider can enter the market without artificial constraints A provider is given full and honest feedback if the services are decommissioned
www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/ strategy/planningandcommissioning/