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D.S. Dmitriev Saratov State Technical University

Ecological characteristics of the population little bustard ( Tetrax tetrax L., 1758) inhabiting the Saratov Zavolzhie . D.S. Dmitriev Saratov State Technical University.

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D.S. Dmitriev Saratov State Technical University

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  1. Ecological characteristics of the population little bustard (Tetraxtetrax L., 1758) inhabiting the Saratov Zavolzhie. D.S. Dmitriev Saratov State Technical University

  2. Little bustard (Tetraxtetrax L., 1758), is a large bird bustard family, the only member of the genus Tetrax. Nest in southern Europe , in Western and Central Asia, wintering occurs in the southern part of the range (Isakov , Flint 1987).

  3. On nesting bustard arrives in late March - early April. In late October, little bustards gather in large flocks reaching 200 individuals in November and migrate to wintering grounds.

  4. Objective To study the environmental characteristics of the population little bustard (Tetraxtetrax L., 1758) inhabiting the Saratov Zavolzh'ye.

  5. General characteristics The body size is not more than a hen. The body length of 42 to 45 cm wingspan not exceeding 90-110 cm, weight 500-900 g. body plumage is similar to the Great Bustard , but red tones in the plumage of a little muted. Top of sand -and-white plumage , as almost white below.

  6. General characteristics The main feature is the presence of males relatively symmetrical V-shaped white collar.

  7. General characteristics Females - inconspicuous, gray in color and is similar to the male in autumn plumage , but differs from it a bit smaller.

  8. General characteristics On nesting bustard arrives in late March - early April. In late October, little bustards gather in large flocks reaching 200 individuals in November and migrate to wintering grounds (Gorchakovskii, 2011).

  9. General characteristics Usually appears in the nest 3 - 5 eggs , occasionally there are 8 - 9 bright green with small yellowish dots (Aksakov 1987).

  10. General characteristics Bustard prefers open habitats with grain agriculture, mainly on fallow lands.

  11. General characteristics Most of the diets of little bustards are large beetles, ground beetles. In addition to ground beetles are found in the same Scarabaeus and barbel.

  12. Conservation status Over the past few decades have seen a strong decline in the number of species due to loss of habitat , as well as enhancing anthropogenic load on ecosystems , both in the wintering grounds and nesting sites , followed by displacement of habitat , as well as his break.

  13. Conservation status Species listed in the IUCN Red List (Tetraxtetrax Linnaeus, 1758) in Europe bustard has a status of vulnerable species and Near Threatened (IUCN, 2009).

  14. Conservation status Major threats and limiting factors are (Einoder L, Coughanowr C Whitehead J., B. Todd, 2001):   1. Irrigation dry crops 2 . Afforestation 3 . Daylight perennial crops 4 . Increasing the number of monocultures 5 . Improper use of pesticides

  15. Distribution and abundance in Russia In Russia bustard inhabit the Middle and Lower Volga , as well , there is evidence of his dwelling in the Orenburg region ( Barbazyuk , 2006) and the Urals region( Borisenko , 2003). Previously mentioned meeting in the Ulyanovsk region , but now it seems to be completely gone in this region.

  16. Distribution and abundance in Russia Little bustard - a typical representative of the avifauna cereals steppes in the Saratov region, a protected species, is presented in the Red List of the Saratov region.

  17. Planned research Planned number of the following studies to be conducted within the fieldwork at the biological station with RAoS in Dyakovka( Krasnokutsk district) : 1) Investigation of the structure of vegetation in nesting places 2 ) Assessment of prey nesting in places (the number of arthropods ) 3 ) Identification of the mating features 4) Evaluate the success of reproduction and limiting factors during the nesting 5 ) Identification of the timing of arrival and departure dates for the winter 6) Estimated number of little bustard in the study area.

  18. Results The planned study will be conducted during the spring and autumn from 2014 to 2016. As a result, be possible to suggest ways to save the little bustard in Saratov Zavolzh'ye.

  19. Thank you for listening

  20. References Beatriz ARROYO & Vicent BRETAGNOLLE FIELD IDENTIFICATION OF INDIVIDUAL LITTLE BUSTARD TETRAX TETRAXMALES USING PLUMAGE PATTERNS //Ardeola46(1), 1999, 53-60 FARIA N, SILVA J. P. HABITAT SELECTION OF THE LITTLE BUSTARD DURING THE BEGINNING OF AN AGRICULTURAL YEAR// Ardeola57(2), 2010, 363-373 Juan Traba Manuel B. MoralesEladio L. Garcı´a de la MorenaMarı´a-Paula DelgadoAnton Kristın.Ecol Res (2008) 23: 615–622 DOI 10.1007/s11284-007-0418-4, The Ecological Society of Japan 2007 Einoder L, Coughanowr C Whitehead J., B. Todd (Greening Australia SA)Action Plan for the conservation of Little Bustard (Tetraxtetrax) CONVENTION ON THE CONSERVATION OF EUROPEAN WILDLIFEAND NATURAL HABITATS// Strasbourg, 1st March 2001 T-PVS (2001) 5 IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2009.1: www.iucnredlist.org.(12.03.2014)

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