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Member Rash Can Come from Dry Weather

The dry weather that comes with winter can cause the skin to become dry and flaky. In some men, this will increase the likelihood of an annoying and unsightly member rash.

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Member Rash Can Come from Dry Weather

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  1. Member Rash Can Come from Dry Weather By John Dugan

  2. Winter is in full swing, so it’s time for hot cocoa and roaring fires. Many couples find that snuggling up together to keep warm increases their friskiness quotient, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, sometimes winter and the dry weather that tends to accompany it can bring about some not-so-welcome member rash situations. So if this annoying (and frankly unattractive) male organ care issue comes about, what does a man need to know? www.man1health.com

  3. Dry weather Not every locale has dry weather in winter, but in many places colder weather typically is less humid than in warmer weather. Why should this be? There is a scientific explanation for it, involving the fact that higher temperatures encourage water molecules in the air to become water vapor - but basically, cold air just has a much harder time holding as much moisture as warm air. This isn’t just a problem when outdoors, either. The air inside a house is also likely to be drier during cold winter months, and many heating systems actually decrease the humidity inside even further. www.man1health.com

  4. Dry skin When there’s dry weather, skin also becomes dry. This is a matter of common sense; while much of skin moisture comes from the oils and liquids the body itself creates, the moisture is supplemented by humidity in the air. When the humidity is too low, the air actually draws out some of the moisture on the skin, rather than adding to it. But the dry weather also prevents the skin from making as much moisture as it should. When it’s cold outside, the body naturally loses heat to the atmosphere. That loss of heat tends to refocus blood away from the skin and more toward internal organs. As this happens, the pores on the skin close up, so that less heat can escape. The moisturizing agents in the body can’t get out so easily onto the skin where they are needed. www.man1health.com

  5. And that’s not all. Many people like to escape from the bitter cold by soaking in a nice, hot tub. This can feel nice and soothing, but it can have a negative effect. Water that is too hot actually depletes the skin of its natural oils; so does using soaps that are too harsh. www.man1health.com

  6. Member rash Even though the member is (usually) hidden away beneath two layers of protective clothing and therefore not directly exposed to dry weather, it still can easily be affected, even if not to the extent that exposed skin is. All the dry air tends to lead to member rash conditions. This is especially true for people who have a tendency to suffer from eczema. The excessively dry weather can be an easy trigger, and people who tend to get eczema on the manhood should be wary. Even if a full-fledged member rash doesn’t develop, often a man may find his member skin is dry and flaky – which is a look very few men can really rock. www.man1health.com

  7. There are several things a guy can do to help prevent or treat member rash due to dry weather. Stay hydrated is very important; even though people tend to sweat less in the winter, the body still loses moisture and needs replenishment. Keep sugar consumption moderate, as too much sugar further decreases skin resilience.

  8. Especially important in avoiding member rash in dry weather is to keep the manhood skin well moisturized. This can easily be accomplished via the daily application of a high quality male organ health crème(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil,which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Moisturization goals will be best attained if the crème has a combination of both a high-end emollient and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). In addition, a crème with a potent antioxidant such as alpha lipoic acid can reduce skin damage and member rash likelihood by fighting excess free radicals.

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