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Gaggio Outdoor Patio Umbrella

Gaggio produce parasols with perfectly self-balanced weights, overall sizes and mechanism. The user-friendly character of a product always ensures its reliability.

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Gaggio Outdoor Patio Umbrella

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  1. GAGGIO OUTDOOR GAGGIO OUTDOOR PARASOL PARASOL Gaggio, Since 1960 have been designing and manufacturing parasols exclusively for professional use. Gaggio produce parasols with perfectly self-balanced weights, overall sizes and mechanism.

  2. The user-friendly character of a product always ensures its reliability.When we design an opening system, we choose to use the lowest number of winches, steel cables and any other accessory subject to wear or potential failure.

  3. THE MATERIALS: • The choice of materials to introduce in the production cycle represents one of the crown achievements of our company. The manufacture fabrics, the operating mechanisms, the quality of nuts and bolts mark the success of a professional product. For this reason, we have been collaborating for years with partners who produce high quality materials for the nautical sector and ensure utmost durability and resistance against atmospheric agents.

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