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Dr. Zeshan Ali Dr. Azhar Din. Health of Muslim Communities – Charity Project. In Islam when someone dies there are three things you can take with you all else is left behind: A charity that you involve yourself in Knowledge you gain and pass on
Dr. Zeshan Ali Dr. Azhar Din
Health of Muslim Communities – Charity Project • In Islam when someone dies there are three things you can take with you all else is left behind: • A charity that you involve yourself in • Knowledge you gain and pass on • Bringing up children in a manner that they go onto to do good works
Health of Muslim Communities – Charity Project • Started with an idea that came from Al-Bilal Mosque, Prestwich • The current people; • Maulana Mahmood - Imam • Dr Azhar Din – Hospital Doctor • Dr Zishan Ali – GP • Dr S.Zia – Female GP • Mr. Atta Hanfi – Health Director
Health of Muslim Communities – Charity Project • Step 1: Start with talk on diet and health • Step 2 – Identify what disease areas community want help with • Focus on major disease areas that affect Muslim communities – heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, renal failure and obesity
Health of Muslim Communities – Charity Project • Pakistani communities • Diabetes 3-6 times more common, more likely to suffer complications • Coronary heart disease 2-3 times more common. • Child mortality for women born in Pakistan • double the national rate • Explanations never include religious discrimination as a factor
Our Objectives • Health education • Health awareness • Health promotion
Please verify all that is being said in this presentation with your GP
Outline • What is health? • Importance of healthy diet and exercise • How to incorporate exercise into daily life • Chronic diseases – outline and relation to diet and lifestyle • Summary
What is health? • A state of complete physical, psychological and social well being and not just merely the absence of disease ( WHO-1948)
Base main meals on starchy foods • Starchy foods include potatoes, cereals, pasta, rice and bread. Rule of 1/3. Wholemeal varieties have more fibre, and can make you feel full longer. • Eat lots of fruit and veg-5/day • Eat more fish-2 portions/week of which one oily (salmon, mackerel, trout ) • Cut down on saturated fat and sugar • Eat less salt-Adults + children> 11yr no more than 6g of salt/day. <11yr children even less
Drink plenty of water-6 to 8 glasses (or other fluids) a day. Weather is warm or active drink more • Stop/reduce smoking • Don’t skip breakfast
How much should we exercise? • 30 min a day, 5 days/ week • Does not have to be gym • Build around your lifestyle and age, job, new parent, young child, mother, elderly.
Job • Cycle or walk part, if not all, of your journey to work. Get off one bus, metro or tube stop before your final destination • Stand while talking on the telephone. • Walk over to someone's desk at work rather than speaking to them by phone. • Take the stairs instead of the lift. Or get out of the lift a few floors early then use the stairs.
Go for a walk during your lunch break. Try to find different walks, and alternate during week • Use lunch break to exercise. Your office may have a gym, or nearby swimming pool or squash courts.
Mother /Fathers day off • Walk your children to and from school. This will also help your kids to develop a pattern of physical activity. • Exercise with your child. Take them to the swimming pool or play in the garden or park. • Housework – depends at what pace you do it. vacuuming, mopping, changing beds, cleaning windows, scrubbing bath+oven.
New parents • Going for fast walk/ run-take the baby with you. (Baby wraps /baby backpacks/ Jogging strollers )
Elderly • Be active around the house. Cooking, housework, walking while you're on the phone can help to keep you mobile. • Gardening-pushing, bending, squatting, carrying, digging, picking things up will use different muscle groups, and improve your balance and co-ordination • Go out for a short walk. Start with 5-10 minutes, then gradually do 30 minutes, increasing the pace from leisurely to brisk. • Community-based activities in your area.
Young child • Children should aim for at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. • Regular physical activity- sports, such as running/swimming/dancing/football/cricket • Walk or cycle short distances, rather than driving. • Plan walks in the park. • Use stairs instead of lifts. • Get children to help you with the housework. • Try to be a good role model: if you're physically active, your child is more likely to follow. • Childhood obesity!!!
The importance of being healthy • Boosts physical well being-look younger and more active in later life, live longer, reduces risk of chronic diseases • Boosts psychological well being- Mood better, reduces depression and stress • Boosts social well being- Improves social contacts, reduces isolation
Chronic diseases • Diabetes Mellitus • Obesity • Heart disease • Hypertension • Heartburn and stomach ulcers • Depression
Diabetes • Blood sugar Hba1c>6.5 (not needed to fast) • Lack of insulin or body not responding to insulin • Many causes!!- poor diet high in sugar and fat • Symptoms- Thirst, TATT, passing urine all the time, recurrent skin infections, weight loss • Tx-Dietary control first line. If no good medication next step • Complications: Weight gain, High cholesterol,Eye problems, Kidney damage, Blood vessel damage, Nerve damage, Sexual problems, Joint damage, Depression
Obesity • BMI> 25 • Many causes!!- poor diet and lack of exercise • Tx: Diet and lifestyle first line-meds and surgery if no better • Complications: High BP, High cholesterol, Heart disease, OA, Fatty liver, Diabetes,Heartburn,Stomach ulcers,Gallstones, Depression • Obesity costs to nhs £6.3 billion/yr by 2015
Heart disease • Blockage or narrowing of arteries • Many causes!!- poor diet and lack of exercise causes fat deposits to build up in wall of arteries • Symptoms- Chest pain, headache, dizziness • Tx-Diet and lifestyle first line-meds and surgery if no better • Complications-Angina, High BP, Heart attack, Stroke
High blood pressure • BP >140/90 after 24h BP monitoring • Many causes!!- poor diet including high salt and lack of exercise causes fat deposits to build up in wall of arteries and extra blood vessels increasing blood pressure • Symptoms-Usually none but can get headaches,dizziness, visual problems, chest pain, blood in urine, arm/leg pains • Complications-Stroke, Eye damage, Heart disease, Circulation problems, Kidney damage, Diabetes, High cholesterol
Heartburn and stomach ulcers • Acid reflux in food pipe and stomach • Many causes!!- Poor diet and lifestyle increases acid production • Symptoms-heartburn, vomiting, stomach pain • Tx-lifestyle+diet- meds and surgery if no better • Complications- Food pipe damage, Stomach and bowel diseases
Depression • Low mood • Hormone imbalance in brain- Less of feel good hormone produced • Many causes!!!- Lack of exercise or suffering with complications of chronic disease produce less ‘feel good’ hormone+ Certain foods eat and drink have same effect • Tx-more exercise+better diet- meds if no better- counselling- spiritual/social help • Complications-Psychological problems, chronic disease gets worse,more pain
Summary • Health is not just physical, psychological and social • Diet and lifestyle and exercise are important • You do not have to go to a gym or make special time to exercise-incorporate it into your daily life • Poor health and fitness increases risk of chronic diseases
Please verify all that is being said in this presentation with your GP
References • http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/fitness • Food standards agency
What is Islamic evidence ? • ‘Eat and drink, but not excessively’ Surah 7 v31 • ‘O you who believe betray not Allah and his messenger nor betray knowingly your amanat (things entrusted to you) Surah 8 v27 • Miqdad RA relates the Prophet SAW said- ‘A person does not fill a container worse than his stomach. A few morsels is sufficient which will keep his back straight,but if there is genuine need for food than 1/3 of stomach for food,1/3 for drink and 1/3 empty ’ at-Tirmidhi
Prophet SAW emphasised eating a balance of hot and cold foods Aishah RA reported that the prophet SAW would eat watermelon (cold) with ripe dates (hot).
Importance of eating hot foods in cold weather and cold foods in hot weather • Hot foods - Chillies, nuts, dates, spices, raisins, ginger, garlic, honey, tea, vinegar, onions, dried fruits, coriander • Cold foods - Milk, most fruits, salads, most vegetables, yoghurt, cheese, lentils, rice
The importance of exercise-The prophet SAW had a habit of walking to places , often for long distances. Umar RA narrated that the prophet SAW would walk (and sometimes ride) to Quba from Madina approx 3 miles every Saturday post Hijrah (al Bukhari) • Aisha RA reports that the Prophet SAW raced with me and i beat him...Thereafter I raced him again after a period of time and he beat me and said ‘this win avenges that defeat’ (ibn kathir). At this age he was healthy enough to race and beat someone less than half his age
Sahl ib’d Saad RA reports that we saw Prophet SAW digging in the trenches during the battle of Ahzab. ( Al Bukhari) The battle of Ahzab happened when he was about 58 yrs old • Prophet SAW taught although regular exercise is vital, the body should not be overexhausted to dangerous limits. • Prophet SAW said to Uthman RA ‘Your family have right over you and your body has a right over you. Stand in prayer (for part of the night) and also sleep (ie rest for part of the night), fast on some days and do not fast ( ie rest on other days) (ibn Hibban)
12 FAVORITE FOODS OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) and their advantages • 1. Barley ( جو jau):Good in fever, while use in a soup form.2. Dates ( کھجور ):The Prophet (SAW) said that a house without dates has no food. It should also be eaten at the time of childbirth.3. Figs ( انجير ): It is a fruit from paradise and a cure for piles.4. Grapes ( انگور ):The Prophet (SAW) was very fond of grapes – it purifies the blood, provides vigour and health, strengthens the kidneys and clears the bowels.
5. Honey ( شہد ):Considered the best remedy for diarrhoea when mixed in hot water. It is the food of foods, drink of drinks and drug of drugs. It is used for creating appetite, strengthening the stomach, eliminating phlegm; as a meat preservative, hair conditioner, eye soother and mouthwash. It is extremely beneficial in the morning in warm water. • 6. Melon ( تربوز - خربوزا - سردا ):The Prophet (SAW) said: ‘None of your women who are pregnant and eat of water melon will fail to produce off spring that is good in countenance and good in character.’
7. Milk:The Prophet (SAW) said that milk wipes away heat from the heart just as the finger wipes away sweat from the brow. It strengthens the back, improves the brain, renews vision and drives away forgetfulness.8. Mushroom ( کھمبي ):The Prophet (SAW) said that mushroom is a good cure for the eyes • 9. Olive Oil ( زيتون )Excellent treatment for skin and hair, keeps you young, and treats inflammation of the stomach.10. Pomegranate ( انار ):The Prophet (SAW) said it cleanses your heart and evil illnesses for 40 days.
11. Vinegar ( سرکہ ):A food Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to eat with olive oil. [That's now a fashion in elite Italian Restaurants]12. Water ( پاني ):The Prophet (SAW) said the best drink in this world is water, when you are thirsty drink it by sips and not gulps, gulping produces sickness of the liver
References • Medicine of the Prophet SAW-Fisabillilah productions • www.islamicmedicine.org • www.imef.org • www.healthymuslim.com • www.millenium-islam.com • www.mediconcern.org.uk
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