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LATIN CHANTS. Begin Slideshow From Beginning Empiece Slideshow del principio Go to page 2: Point cursor on speaker and press play for Paster Noster Inicie página 2: Haga clic con el cursor en la bocina y clic en  para escuchar sonido

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LATIN CHANTS Begin Slideshow From BeginningEmpieceSlideshow del principio Go to page 2: Point cursor on speaker and press play for PasterNosterIniciepágina 2: Hagaclic con el cursor en la bocina y clic en  para escucharsonido Go to page 3: Point cursor on speaker and press play for Agnus DeiIniciepágina3: Hagaclic con el cursor en la bocina y clic en  para escucharsonido

  2. Pater Noster Pa-ter no-ster / qui es in cae-lis /San-cti-fi-cé-tur no-men tu-umAd-vé-ni-at re-gnumtu-umfi-at vo-lún-tastu-aSic-ut in cae-lo / et in ter-raPa-nem no-strum co-ti-di-á-numDa no-bishó-di-eet-di-mít-te no-bisdé-bi-ta no-strasic-ut et nosdí-mi-ti-musde-bi-tó-ri-bus no-striset ne nos in-dú-cas in ten-ta-ti-ó-nem Place cursor on speaker and then press play  to hear sound Hagaclic en estabocina, despues para escucharsonido

  3. Agnus Dei Place cursor on speaker and then press play  to hear sound A-gnus De-i qui tol-lis pec-cá-ta mun-di:mi-se-ré-re no-bisA-gnus De-i qui tol-lis pec-cá-ta mun-di:mi-se-ré-re no-bis A-gnus De-i qui tol-lis pec-cá-ta mun-di:do-na no-bis pa-cem Hagaclic en estabocina, despues para escucharsonido

  4. LATIN CHANTS Thank you for the beautiful voice recording for these Latin Chants! Please note that modifications to this PowerPoint are not authorized, or approved by Queen of Peace Catholic Church.

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