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Mobile. Commerce. Mobile commerce  or mostly known as mCommerce was originally coined in 1997 to mean " the delivery of electronic commerce capabilities directly into the consumer’s hand, anywhere, via wireless technology ”.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mobile Commerce.

  2. Mobile commerce or mostly known as mCommercewas originally coined in 1997 to mean "the delivery of electronic commerce capabilities directly into the consumer’s hand, anywhere, via wireless technology”.

  3. or “the use of wireless handheld devices such as cellular phones and laptops to conduct commercial transactions online includes the purchase and sale of a wide range of goods and services, online banking, bill payment, information delivery and so on”.

  4. Why Mobile Commerce?

  5. Source from | http://www.culturelabel.com

  6. How to Participate?

  7. Start using QR Code

  8. Create your Personal or Business QR Code.

  9. Distribute your Personal or Business QR Code.

  10. E-Catalogue is an innovative and effective technique to promote or advertise the product range of a company. It is a Digital Brochure of information on products or services offered by an organization. eCatalog

  11. Saves printing and distribution costs associated with print media. • Information can be accessible borderless anywhere. • Easy to distribute via Web, email, bluetooth, Wifi etc. eCatalog

  12. Outstanding for viral marketing as it can be distribute easily via internet or bluetooth. • Recipients can store, view, and interact with its content in smart phone, tablet or computer. • Read-only permanent and lasting information. eCatalog

  13. Website

  14. Get Malaysian Business Online Program. [GMBO]. SuruhanjayaKomunikasidanMultimedia Malaysia. Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission. hakcipta: faharulradzi jan2013

  15. Objektif. [ ] Membantugolonganpeniaga yang terlibatdalamPerniagaan Kecil danSederhana (PKS) di Malaysia mewujudkanlaman web mewakiliperniagaan. hakcipta: faharulradzi jan2013

  16. Sasaran. [ ] 50,000 PKS Terhadkepada; yang mempunyaipendaftaran ROB atau ROC sahaja. hakcipta: faharulradzi jan2013

  17. GeranBantuan. [ ] RM 1,000.00 hakcipta: faharulradzi jan2013

  18. SyaratPenyertaan. [ ] Warganegara Malaysia dengankeutamaankepadawanita yang berumurdiantara 18-65 tahun; Pendaftaran/LesenPerniagaan/Syarikat; Pendaftarannama domain (.my) atau (.com.my); Lamansesawang yang aktif; LangganankepadaperkhidmatantelekomunikasijalurlebaratauahliberdaftardenganPusat Internet 1Malaysia (PI1M); hakcipta: faharulradzi jan2013

  19. SyaratPenyertaan. [ ] 6. Mempunyaiakaun bank tempatanatasnamausahawan/ perniagaan/ syarikat yang digunakanuntukperniagaan. 7. Keutamaankepadausahawanmikro - jumlahpekerja (sepenuhmasa) tidakmelebihi 10 orangataupendapatantidakmelebihi RM 200,000 setahun. hakcipta: faharulradzi jan2013

  20. Kalauminatnakbuat, macammana? hakcipta: faharulradzi jan2013

  21. Upahkamitolongbuatkan. [ ] Upah: RM 599.00 + Domain RM 23.00 setahun (.com.my) Hosting: 1 tahun. Cara Bayaran: - Deposit RM 300.00 - Siapdandaftardengan SKMM RM 150.00 - Bakiakhirselepasterimageran RM149.00 hakcipta: faharulradzi jan2013

  22. UpahOrangTolongBuatkan. [ ] Kandungan: - About Us - Contact Us - Produk / Perkhidmatan (maksima 10 item). - Shopping Cart System. - Google Site Builder CMS Template. hakcipta: faharulradzi jan2013

  23. Proses. Get Your RM1,000 from SKMM Register with PI1M 30 days 2 day Publish website Create website Claim Rebate From SKMM 2 weeks hakcipta: faharulradzi jan2013

  24. Jadikan website sebagaipermulaanlangkahkejayaanandaditahun 2013 !Janganlepaskanpeluangini. hakcipta: faharulradzi jan2013

  25. Thank You faharulradzi +6011.1470.0110

  26. Thank You faharulradzi +6011.1470.0110

  27. QR for url

  28. QR for Business card/Contact

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